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Comments 10

mdlaw September 25 2010, 17:08:55 UTC
good points all.... :) m


teand September 25 2010, 19:24:55 UTC
Never underestimate the guyliner. *g*


destina September 25 2010, 17:44:42 UTC
The snatching up of the djinn was the interesting thing, to me, and how they appeared to be hiding it from Sam. I hmmm'd a lot over that. Or maybe they were hiding it from Dean. It's hard to say whether Sam's in the fold of whatever they are up to. That's the only plot point that has me going thus far.

Dear Death:

Didn't you used to be eternal?

Hahahaha! I had the thought that maybe Death had a hand in these resurrections. Dean did keep his end of the bargain, after all, and popped Death free from his leash.


teand September 25 2010, 19:29:34 UTC
I think they're hiding it from both Sam and Dean and that being kept as outsider is what'll help bring them back together. In the "we really can only count on each other" sense.

Fandom needs to make a locked file of "this is what we think will happen" and then tick off every point we got right at the end of the season.

I suspect by now Death's rolling hir eyes and saying, "Oh great, you again. Why don't I just put in a revolving door and make things easier for you?" every time a Winchester or relative shows up. :)


heartlessbytchh September 27 2010, 17:46:03 UTC

>>>I suspect by now Death's rolling hir eyes and saying, "Oh great, you again. Why don't I just put in a revolving door and make things easier for you?" every time a Winchester or relative shows up. :) <<<

Th snark is snarkalicious. Thanks lol lol


nighean_isis September 26 2010, 09:57:33 UTC
Can I just say I've *missed* your letter/comment/reviews? 'Cause I have. They (and you) ROCK!

And I agree with every word.

Now. Is it Friday yet? 'Cause I want to see how TPTB start climbing out of the hole they've just dug for the Boys.

eta: fix typo


teand September 29 2010, 14:05:18 UTC
Given what they've given us so far, this is going to have to be a very emotionally plotty season. I'm just as glad we're not getting, yeah, yeah, they make up, moving on.

As long as they do make up, of course. *g*


heartlessbytchh September 27 2010, 17:48:57 UTC
>>>And the generation who gets that cuttag is passing... <<<
Bite your tongue! We may be older than you be we ain't dead yet.lol

>>>I'm sorry. Was I shouting?<<<
Not at all. Tell us how you really feel.;P

Thanks for the laughs.:)



teand September 29 2010, 14:06:26 UTC
This show makes me shout at the scream like no other show I've ever watched!

And you're welcome. :)


heartlessbytchh September 29 2010, 14:54:15 UTC
Me too. And laugh pretty hard too. I hate "Twilight" so much. So when Dean ganked a vamp and said "Eat it! Twilght" I almost stroked out laughing.
The first time I watched "Devil's Trap" I screamed "NO!!!!!!!" Dean style when the Bull Hauler hit the Impala.

So you're not alone at screaming at the show when they do that kind of stuff.


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