Maybe this was a bad idea after all-Arrival, OTA

Nov 23, 2010 16:25

Liv had spent one and a half days passed out and woke up tied to a hospital bed just to be approached by some suit monkeys threatening her with jail if she didn’t sign up to join some super mutant team. Now normally she would have balked at the idea of joining any kind of military operation, in spite of it once being her dream to do just that. She had gotten used to being on her own and nobody telling her what to do and she liked it that way. But some silly part of her had thought that joining that team would be the lesser evil.

Now she had had the entire journey to reflect on that. Instead of being locked up in a regular jail and fleeing from the advances of women with lovely nicknames she would now be locked up inside a military base, face other freaks with silly nicknames and… well, at least there would be men. She had to make the best out of her situation. Which would be hard because she wasn’t partial to uniforms, getting up early or… she didn’t even know what exactly went on here, a pounding headache had been torturing her and she had focused on trying to get rid of it instead of listening to the monkeys.

The doors of the van slid open and one of her guards was friendly enough to help her outside by dragging her along. She was still handcuffed and they were all covered from head to toe. Apparently nobody had bothered to inform them that her mutation worked through clothes, but she wouldn’t tell anyone if they didn’t ask her. Her personal friend, who had called her a mutie bitch before, took out the keys to free her hands and once he was done she made sure his stomach turned. While he was revisiting breakfast she looked over the compound, taking in the very charming surroundings.

She needed to make friends with someone who knew where to get booze. Fast.

[content] arrival, sgt mackenzie richards, olivia hughes

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