[Arrival] Not exactly what she was expecting - OTA

Oct 30, 2010 00:44

On the journey from New York to Washington, Haylie had a lot on her mind. Like how they found her in the first place. Or why the hell the people who seemed to hate mutants wanted to recruit her to the military. But, then again, she was a walking weapon. So... scratch that second part. Once the car pulled into the base, however, she was shaken from ( Read more... )

[content] arrival, chris 'bolt' bradley, captain ethan sykes, ✝ lt katrina 'delta' christoffel, haylie 'spitfire' collins, st john 'pyro' allerdyce, ✝ nicky creed

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Comments 42

createdevidence October 30 2010, 06:48:54 UTC
Nicky was hanging around outside letting Razi do what he needed to do. He spotted the woman coming in and watched closely. The guards weren't being too friendly but he wasn't surprised. This place wasn't friendly toward the mutants really. The feral boy made his way toward her the dog sticking close to his side.

"You're new,"Nicky looked at her cautiously. He didn't want trouble with the guards but he didn't want anything to happen to her.


notouchpolicy October 30 2010, 19:39:33 UTC
Haylie's glare faded as she turned around and looked down. What the hell was a kid doing here? Now she was really getting paranoid.

"Kinda obvious, don't you think?" She replied slowly, giving the kid the once-over and arching a brow, confused. "Aren't you a little young to be livin' here?"


createdevidence November 1 2010, 00:04:48 UTC
He frowned a bit of course it was obvious. Nicky shook his head he was just trying to be polite and start a conversation. "No, I've been with the team longer than many of the people here."

He patted Razi's head rubbing between his oversized ears. "Have you met any of the others yet?"

Nicky wondered if he was the first she'd met. It was interesting seeing the reactions the other members of the team could cause.


notouchpolicy November 1 2010, 06:10:47 UTC
Haylie would apologize to the boy later for sounding rude, but she was in an unfamiliar place with soldiers invading her personal space. And she was rather paranoid about this arrangement. Those things made her rather cranky. Not to mention the fact that she was rather... abrasive at first meeting.

"You'd be the first, kid." Glancing down at the dog, she tilted her head and offered her hand for the animal to sniff.


captaine_sykes October 31 2010, 00:01:34 UTC
Crossing over to the recently arrived vehicle Ethan was not the least bit surprised to see the soldiers designated for the escort were attempting to flirt with the newest arrival. They were not the ones he had requested to be sent by the General but instead some lower grade regular military boys.

"Stand down soldiers and return to your base immediately." Pulling rank Ethan took little pleasure in seeing them all scatter, after they'd saluted their superior and uttered quick apologies with a sir, yes sir thrown in.

Waiting till they'd gone Ethan addressed Collins. "I am Captain Sykes, military personnel incharge of this camp. You must be Collins. If you'd like to follow me I'll take you to your accomodation quarters and give you a tour."

As ever Ethan was polite, texan drawl tugging at his words but very much to the point.


notouchpolicy October 31 2010, 02:03:46 UTC
Haylie observed the interactions before her curiously until Sykes addressed her. Her response to his politeness was a mixture of surprise and suspicion, and it showed on her face as she cocked a brow.

"Which are you, Captain?" She asked, her stunningly green eyes meeting his directly. She wasn't intentionally trying to appear standoffish; it just tended to happen with her. Haylie blamed it on being a New Yorker.


captaine_sykes October 31 2010, 10:11:43 UTC
Despite the question, which didn't so much as surprise Ethan but infuriate him a little, he kept an impassive expression. "If you are enquiring as to whether I am a mutant or merely a soldier Collins you'll be satified to know that every member of this team, with the exception of General Stone and Major Stryker, is a mutant. The soldiers serving this section of Fort Wenachee however are merely human but have been handpicked by me."

With a cursory glance towards where the soldiers from earlier had gone. "Apart from them. I did not choose them."

Hopefully that would keep her satisfied.


notouchpolicy November 1 2010, 06:18:59 UTC
Chewing on her lip absently, she slung her black gym bag over her shoulder and followed Sykes' line of sight to the soldiers from earlier. Her nose wrinkled slightly in disgust. "That's comfortin' to hear. I was about five seconds away from showin' them why they don't wanna get up in my personal space."

Pausing to consider how that sounded, she looked back at the Captain. She held up a gloved hand before he could speak. "I don't need powers to do that, either."


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notouchpolicy November 2 2010, 03:59:55 UTC
Well, this was an interesting way to start off her time at Fort Wenachee. Haylie watched the entire scene go down in amusement and curiosity, before glancing back at the woman ahead of her.

"Little excessive, don't y'think?"


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notouchpolicy November 9 2010, 02:31:52 UTC
Soldiers. They were so damn uptight. Haylie ignored the look Katrina shot her way and folded her arms across her chest.

"Seein' as I just got here and this place is huge? I haven't the slightest damn clue." Ah, sarcasm. It was a beautiful thing.


codenamepyro November 1 2010, 09:56:47 UTC
For the most part, Pyro didn't bother getting involved with things. He just sat and watched. For the most part, that was boring but the only alternative was actually interacting and that meant socialising and Pyro fucking hated that.

So, being bored was the lesser of two evils.

Watching some new chick be 'escorted' onto base was almost the highlight of the day. And that told him that holy shit, he needed to get a life. Stat. As it was, just watching was fine -it wasn't like he was hiding in bushes or anything, leaning against a wall was more than fine for seeing what was going on.

He couldn't help but chuckle when the female lost her cool with the guards and mouthed off though.


notouchpolicy November 2 2010, 04:07:20 UTC
Hands on her hips, Haylie got in the face of the soldier that had been trying to cop a feel for the last five minutes and just stared him down. If looks could kill? She wouldn't need her powers. "Alright, I get you're military gophers and you're supposed to escort me, but if I feel your hand anywhere near my ass again? You won't be sittin' again for a long time."

The last thing she wanted to do was play the "mutant" card, but she could only be pushed so far. And with all the energy building up in her body, right now was a bad time to be upsetting her.


codenamepyro November 2 2010, 08:31:02 UTC
"Yeah, that's not gonna work." Pyro just shrugged slightly as the guards looked his way and glared a little before returning to their stoic attention stance. "They're more likely to cop another feel and then you get brigged for knocking their heads together or whatever."

The first few weeks of Pyro's stay at the lovely camp had been spent in and out of the brig before he really just got bored with it all. "Best thing to threaten them with is ratting to Sykes that they were trying to get their freak on, while on duty."

See, Pyro could be helpful, he could be considerate -he was still bored out his mind.


notouchpolicy November 9 2010, 02:36:07 UTC
Brow arching at the... somewhat helpful mutant that decided to offer up some advice, Haylie considered his words carefully before turning back to the soldiers. "Alright. Next one to try anythin' is gettin' a visit from Sykes. Any questions?"

The soldiers' uncomfortable response to the threat was enough to cause Haylie to grin. "I think I can take it from here. You're dismissed. I suggest y'start attendin' sexual harassment seminars while you're at it." She waved off the soldiers with her gloved hands and glanced over her shoulder at Pyro. "Thanks."


lightbulbtrix November 2 2010, 06:50:37 UTC
Having already gotten one arrival in the form of Spencer that week, Bradley wasn't all that surprised when another turned up. They always did seem to turn up one right after the other. He'd never figured out why they didn't all just ride together. Just another one of the many things about the military he would never understand.

He approached the woman looking friendly enough, but also with a nice healthy dose of caution. Not all who showed up at this camp were sweetness and light and the impression of the military guards escorting her only added to the warning bells set to go off in Bradley's head at a moment's notice.

"Everything all right over here?" He asked, directing his question towards Haylie.


notouchpolicy November 9 2010, 02:40:18 UTC
The question came about mid-glare, causing Haylie to straighten and spin on her heel. Bradley wasn't the only cautious one here, and Haylie's natural knack for paranoia caused her to glare at him too. Until she noticed that he seemed... friendly. Well, as much as one could be in this place, anyway.

"Oh, sure. I was just politely askin' these idiots to back the hell off." Sarcasm. Another trademark trait Haylie boasted.


lightbulbtrix November 10 2010, 10:00:29 UTC
Bradley didn't blame the woman for looking wary. In a place like this, a person had to take all the precautions they could, especially with all the trigger-happy soldiers running around.

He addressed the soldiers. "Fellas, why don't you leave the nice lady alone? Unless you'd like to be without use of any of any electronic for the next week and a half." Sure, compared to the rest of the team, his powers were a joke, but he could still make life fairly uncomfortable for anyone who liked the modern comforts of things like electricity or telephones.

When they backed off, not without much grumbling, he turned to Haylie. "I'd apologize for your first impression of the camp, but unfortunately, there's worse than the likes of them around here."


notouchpolicy November 12 2010, 07:10:27 UTC
Observing curiously, she couldn't help the victorious smile that played across her lips once the soldiers took off. Adjusting her pack on her shoulder, Haylie shifted her weight and slowly offered a gloved hand.

"Name's Haylie. Thank you for that. Nice to see chivalry ain't completely dead."


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