[Arrival] Not exactly what she was expecting - OTA

Oct 30, 2010 00:44

On the journey from New York to Washington, Haylie had a lot on her mind. Like how they found her in the first place. Or why the hell the people who seemed to hate mutants wanted to recruit her to the military. But, then again, she was a walking weapon. So... scratch that second part. Once the car pulled into the base, however, she was shaken from ( Read more... )

[content] arrival, chris 'bolt' bradley, captain ethan sykes, ✝ lt katrina 'delta' christoffel, haylie 'spitfire' collins, st john 'pyro' allerdyce, ✝ nicky creed

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createdevidence October 30 2010, 06:48:54 UTC
Nicky was hanging around outside letting Razi do what he needed to do. He spotted the woman coming in and watched closely. The guards weren't being too friendly but he wasn't surprised. This place wasn't friendly toward the mutants really. The feral boy made his way toward her the dog sticking close to his side.

"You're new,"Nicky looked at her cautiously. He didn't want trouble with the guards but he didn't want anything to happen to her.


notouchpolicy October 30 2010, 19:39:33 UTC
Haylie's glare faded as she turned around and looked down. What the hell was a kid doing here? Now she was really getting paranoid.

"Kinda obvious, don't you think?" She replied slowly, giving the kid the once-over and arching a brow, confused. "Aren't you a little young to be livin' here?"


createdevidence November 1 2010, 00:04:48 UTC
He frowned a bit of course it was obvious. Nicky shook his head he was just trying to be polite and start a conversation. "No, I've been with the team longer than many of the people here."

He patted Razi's head rubbing between his oversized ears. "Have you met any of the others yet?"

Nicky wondered if he was the first she'd met. It was interesting seeing the reactions the other members of the team could cause.


notouchpolicy November 1 2010, 06:10:47 UTC
Haylie would apologize to the boy later for sounding rude, but she was in an unfamiliar place with soldiers invading her personal space. And she was rather paranoid about this arrangement. Those things made her rather cranky. Not to mention the fact that she was rather... abrasive at first meeting.

"You'd be the first, kid." Glancing down at the dog, she tilted her head and offered her hand for the animal to sniff.


createdevidence November 1 2010, 21:31:05 UTC
"Well I'm Nicky. Come on I'll help you find where you need to go,"Nicky nodded watching as Razi sniffed her hand. The dog wiggled happily before prancing back toward the buildings. Nicky just wanted to move away from the guards. He wasn't sure if the new guards knew what he'd done before. He would have offered to shake her hand but didn't want to flash his claws around at this moment.


notouchpolicy November 2 2010, 03:51:56 UTC
Razi got a small smile from Haylie as she watched him run off. Looking back down at the kid, she nodded and held up a gloved hand as a sign for the guards to leave her be. "Alright, boys, looks like Nicky's gonna take it from here."

Motioning for Nicky to lead the way, she cast a final glare at the soldiers. "Name's Haylie."


createdevidence November 2 2010, 07:02:37 UTC
"Nice to meet you Haylie. You should be careful around the guards though. They don't like us much,"he looked up at her seriously. Nicky knew far too well the kind of trouble getting into it with the guards could cause. Though he didn't mention the time he'd spent in the brig to Haylie. No need to get her worried about nothing.


notouchpolicy November 9 2010, 02:26:30 UTC
"I kinda gathered that." She quipped dryly and started walking toward whatever building was in her line of sight, expecting the kid and his dog to steer her in the right direction. But she was fairly content with wandering aimlessly too.


createdevidence November 15 2010, 03:17:37 UTC
Nicky led the way toward where she needed to be. He and Razi were content to play tour guide at least for now. He glanced at her curiously wonder what she could do. He wasn't going to ask though. People's powers were their own business.


notouchpolicy November 19 2010, 03:30:52 UTC
As they made their way to her building, she caught the curious glances and after reaching the place she stopped. Haylie didn't mind the kid, so she decided to answer his question.

"I create shockwaves and explosions."


createdevidence November 21 2010, 02:45:39 UTC
"That's kind of cool,"he looked over at her and nodded. Nicky wondered what it might be like having a power like that. He didn't mind his powers of course. He liked the way he was at least most of the time. He pulled the door open to the building. "This way."


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