A wee bit of an update..

Dec 12, 2010 21:08

Just had one of those Blizzard things..

Well, it sucked, but I'm glad there's snow.
Gotta admit, all day I've been wanting to sing the Ice Flow Song :P


I've been doing a lot in between studying for finals (which is this week! /high five I made it through my first semester of college!)

So finals is this week, I'll be done on Tuesday so there's something nice..
From then onto the 27th, I will be completely free to sim as much as I please, so expect some updates! After the 27th I will be going to CT to whack my boyfriend over the head and drag him back to WI with me. visit my boyfriend, meet his brother and sister and pack all his things so he can move back here with me..

Meanwhile, (I totally wasn't lying when I said I was simming in between studying) I've taken all of my sims out of my old neighborhood so I can give them a new home in New Berlin... sims such as Esia, Jon, Gabrielle, Zia... you know, the ones I really digged. I only have like 3 or 4 families in New Berlin right now (aside for Chris and Winter, they don't count :P) and those little families are getting awfully lonely.
Zia tried to get her little friend Daniel to move in with her so he could come with, but for some odd reason he was like "LOLWUT FUCK YOU" and she moved all by herself.

I-I... I'm sorry folks, I'm not bearing too much of the picture spam...
Here's two of my new sims, I was kinda playing them today. My game is really borked right now and it keeps giving me that dreaded "This application will now terminate" warning.
Anyway, they're under the cut.

Johnny Martin

Jeremy Hyde

Errr, that's all for today. Thanks for putting up with me guys!

- Teacup

!sims, !sims: update, !'hood: new berlin

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