So I finally finished all of my exams and I got home safely..
I'm kinda upset because I would've gotten the dean's list but my so called Sculpture instructor bases all of his grades on his opinion of me rather than my dedication to his class and the study, so I got a B- instead of an A... Really, who gets a B- in art? I was so furious. He gave me literally a day before finals to work on the "final project" and outright told me it was terrible. "It looks like it's just wood and some metal sticking out of it"
No, really?
If you look at a lot of (very famous) pieces so close-mindedly, you can say the same thing about them. Oh, it's JUST clay, or it's JUST paint on a canvas. He even told me my ceramic bust was bad. Mind you he forced the class to do realism and that's not the kind of art I like, so yeah, I made a ghastly looking face that was a human face but I made it look as surreal as I possibly, and ears just didn't fit on the piece. I even tried, he looked strange with them on. So I left him ear-less. He marked me down for THAT. What if my guy pulled a double Van Gogh and cut off both his ears? What if I wanted a back story to my bust? And honestly, my bust was damn good and he knows it. I was getting compliments from everybody about how I made his expression just perfect.
My dormmate experienced the same issue with her drawing instructor-- She gave the class their own sketchbooks and told them to draw whatever they wanted in it. No specifications.... And come when she went to have a conference with her and get her final grade, she was told her entire sketchbook was too "cartoony" and she got a D on it. Because "cartoony" means you don't put effort apparently. Even though I saw her for hours on end in our common area working on this thing..
If this is a reflection on the art program, I am going to seek my degree elsewhere. I will not tolerate instructors who stunt and criticize creativity.
Enough of my rambling. I swear. Onto New Berlin.. Actually, onto Esia... She recently got a new pet hamster and she's been having WAY too much fun with him.
His name is Muffin. Esia is so cute but sometimes is a little dull-witted. Sometimes I fear she may squeeze the poor thing to death!
Esia: "There's no escape little Muffin!"
Awee! It's just as cute as it was in Hamtaro.
It's so cute, it's like he's trying to get as far away from her as possible.. but there's no way out little Muffin D:
As for the rest of my old sims, I got Gypsy and Nathaniel nearly settled into their apartment, though in all fairness I've been focusing a lot on a few of my newer sims. I got all their basic needs in their apartment but I did absolutely no designing at all. It's kind of lonely and depressing in there!