Dinas Mawddwy Everyday Pleasures

Oct 30, 2010 14:26

Title: Tales of Dinas Mawddwy - Everyday Pleasures
cazmalfoy, and
Characters: Jack, Ianto, Gwen, Rhys,Rhiannon Davies; mentions Alice, Steven, and Joe Carter, Johnny, Mica, and David Davies, Tosh, Owen, Andy, Tommy Brockless, Emma Cowell and various OCs.
Pairings Jack/Ianto; Gwen/Rhys; Rhiannon/Johnny; Alice/Joe; slight Owen/Tosh;
Rating: Pg-13
Length: 9, 463 Words; 3 Chapters
Prompt Torchwood_Fest Halloween Challenge #13 Jack throws a Halloween party for the team.
Disclaimer:Torchwood and its associated characters and events are property of the BBC and Russell T. Davies. That alone is proof why some people cannot have nice things.
Summary: After a tragic loss and an unexpected natural disaster, volcanologist Jack Harkness and his young son, Gray, settled in the small Welsh Village of Dinas Mawddwy. Jack married Ianto Jones, the town's former mayor, Torchwood Cafe owner and father of two, Ifan and Rhosyn. Together with the new mayor, Rhys Williams, and his wife, Constable Gwen Copper, they work to restore Dinas Mawddwy to the way it was before the mountains around it came alive. When Jack suggests reviving an old tradition, he doesn't understand why Ianto is opposed or why he can't manage to get anything about family life right no matter how hard he tries.
A/N: This is a complete AU. There are no aliens. Jack is not immortal or a time traveller. The events surrounding how Jack became part of the Dinas Mawddwy community and the eruption of Foel Benddin will be told in another story. Dinas Mawddwy is real and there is geological evidence of past volcanic activity in the mountains of Western Wales.

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.

This entry was originally posted at http://teachwriteslash.dreamwidth.org/284476.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

tales of dinas mawddwy, fic, everyday pleasures, torchwood, halloween challenge, torchwood_fest, jack/ianto

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