It gets bettter - our children must know that!

Oct 15, 2010 13:33

If you have not seen the video below, please watch it if you can. If suicide or bullying is a trigger for you, this is not a video you should see.

For everyone who can, watch the whole thing. When this man talks about what he'd like to tell his 13 year old self, he's admitting how close he came to not being here to love his partner, his parents, his family, and his friends. He's admitting to those he loves for the first time how close he came to death.

Read his story here then watch it below.

image Click to view

Our children are dying ... not just the bullied but the bullies. Every time one child torments another, part of our humanity dies. It's not just LGBT teens - though the numbers are disproportionally huge. It is any child or teenager even percieved to be LGBT or just different.

We - and by that I mean parents, children, grandparents, siblings, aunts and uncles, educators, citizens - everyone - MUST stop this.

If you are still in school, stand up. Be empowered.

If you survived bullying as I did, shout at every child you can "It is not right. It must stop, but it gets better. You have to survive for it to get better. You have to live."

For more information on what you can do, visit:

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it gets better, personal

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