NaNoWrimo Day 5

Nov 05, 2010 21:12

Surprise trip to Savannah. Not the fun kind, but going to catch some of the Savannah film fest so done for tonight.
Day 1: 3099
Day 2: 3611
Day 3: 3338
Day 4: 1653
Day 5: 1520
Day 6:
Day 7:
Day 8:
Day 9:
Day 10:
Day 11:
Day 12:
Day 13:
Day 14:
Day 15:
Day 16:
Day 17:
Day 18:
Day 19:
Day 20:
Day 21:
Day 22:
Day 23:
Day 24:
Day 25:
Day 26:
Day 27:
Day 28:
Day 29:
Day 30:

Total for Month: 13,221
Average per day: 2644
Goal per day: 2000
Above or below goal:+3221

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