May 02, 2012 19:27
1) Friday Night Lights needs to stop with the student/adult sexual tension. Like . . . seriously. Maybe I'm hypersensitive because I work around teenagers all day but . . . It's just super gross.
2) But I do love FNL's opening titles. It makes me nostalgic for being a cheerleader in high school in a small Texan town. And I never was a cheerleader in highschool in a small Texan town! (Just in case you didn't know.)
3) Tomorrow my seniors give their senior presentations. If they fail, they're (technically) not supposed to graduate. I am going to be so happy when they are done because they have never been so damn needy.
4) Arizona has her own storyline on Grey's Anatomy tomorrow and I have a feeling it's not going to end happily, but I'm so excited for her to have a storyline! There hasn't really been an Arizona episode since season six (though some may argue that the whole pregnancy arc last season was pretty Arizona-centric . . . I'm just not one of them).
5) I had a pretty decadent Friday. So much beer, a little other-kind-of-substance, the likes of which I'll remain vague on in case this journal is, like, on the internet for everyone to see, and a half verbalized coming out. There was also a trip to a sketchy Walmart. AND SO MUCH BEER.
6) I like that Walmart isn't recognized by spellcheck. I also like that spellcheck isn't recognized by spellcheck.
7) I love Tim Riggins.
8) I went white water rafting with a friend yesterday and our boat tipped. I tried valiantly to suction my ass to the boat but, alas, it didn't work out. River water up the nose was a real treat. It was great fun, though.
9) It was ridiculous hot today. It was 98 degrees in my car when I went to drive it home. (Give me just one night! Una nocha!) I need to stop wearing sweaters and long sleeved shirts.
10) I'm going to dream all about senior presentations tonight and the students I think will probably fail. I think, to ease the pain, I may just go online and watch Calzona clips.
friday night lights,
i'm a teacher too!,
lists ftw!,
so gay!,