Oct 09, 2011 20:28
You know that feature on Facebook where it suggests that you friend someone because you share a lot of common friends? All the people it keeps suggesting for me are people I went to high school with. I wasn't friends with them then (which is probably why we aren't Facebook friends now) but I'm always so curious to know if they see my name on their front page and what they think when they see it.
Maybe this is a part of adulthood but . . . Moving away from Michigan, setting up camp in Charlotte . . . For the first time I feel seriously disassociated from my past. Like . . . seriously disassociated. I may talk to friends from my non-Charlotte era occasionally. But it's like a one off where . . . you're my friend but you aren't. Because what do we really know about each other at this point? (This doesn't mean that I don't like them. On the contrary, I do, or I wouldn't have even minimal contact with them but the fact remains that that kind of a friendship is kind of flimsy.)
Isn't that strange? Strange to realize that your past is just that. The past. And it's totally okay to disassociate from it a bit.
It helps that I have made friends here. Thankfully. I like most of my co-workers and look forward to getting to know the more. (Hello conference in Raleigh next week!) I'm totally not miserable here (ridiculous work environment notwithstanding) and that's cool.
And if my past friends are no longer my friend friends, that's probably a good thing, too. Gotta keep moving onward and upward and forward.
Also? I just watched a guy smash a bunch of flaming concrete blocks. Good on ya, CBS.
psuedo-philosophical tangent