Jun 29, 2009 07:16
Things have been so busy in our household over the last few weeks. We ripped out the back yard and re-sodded, and painted everything in sight (outside at least). That combined with the early rounds of BBQ season, birthday parties and the like has made for the feeling of never stopping. There are times when I don't realize how tired I am until I fall asleep on the couch while snuggling my princess, only to have her wake me up! (yikes!!!!)
This weekend, we bought a new car. (yay!) We've had a 1996 Taurus as our second car for about 5 years now and decided that with the baby coming, and with the interest rates being great, it was time to take the plunge. We've been looking around for a while (really, by we I mean Mike, I just go and test drive the ones I like). We bought an '09 Lancer. Not necessarily my first choice on style (it has a fin, and I hate fins!) but it was definitely Mikes. Value-wise it was definitely the best choice. It comes with the most options (I would say at least double whatever else we tested out) and the best warranty. I'm sure the people at the dealership thought I was crazy as I'm fitting in car seats and making sure that both little ones will be safe and comfortable. Alex loved it, and wanted mommy to go "superfast".....well, we had to test it out anyway, so I did floor it once!
Sleep is a challenge right now - I remember these days from the pregnancy with Alex. My second wind comes at about 10 after Alex is (most recently) finally tucked into bed, so all of a sudden I'm wide awake. It wouldn't be so bad if Mike didn't get home at 7:30 or later every night so at my most exhausted I'm a solo parent. And.....this child is laying on my bladder so I'm up peeing constantly. And I'm battling a bit of a chest cold which means that I'm tossing and turning all night and so even the rest that I'm getting isn't all that quality.
My dad's birthday is coming up on Friday, and I've yet to buy him a present. I never have any idea what to buy him. I'll be headed out at lunch time today to pick something up, and will be brainstorming while working this morning. They're coming up on Wednesday to drop off Caelen so we're all going to have lunch or dinner together.....it's Trina's choice for timing and location. Truthfully, we'll probably end up at Boston Pizza which we always go to when it's her choice, but it's easier to let her plan than to try and coordinate.
We're headed to Red Deer next weekend to help mom & dad with one of the 4-plexes. They'd mentioned that they were going to be renovating one in July when we saw them out in Elnora, so Mike and I had talked and we agreed to go down and give them a hand one weekend. When they came up this weekend to pick up Caelen and Nick they stopped by to see Alex and they'd mentioned that they were going to start so Mike and I said that we'd come down. They seemed quite surprised that we'd already planned to do so - my parents do so much to help us out and I think it's just fair and proper that we go down to help.
One more weekend of busy and then we're going camping!