Feb 22, 2009 07:52

For once, I'm watching the Oscars (tomorrow at 8pm) after seeing pretty much all the movies that are being nominated. I have my picks!

The oscar nominees for:

'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'
'The Dark Knight'
'Iron Man'

Who will probably win: 'The Dark Knight'
Who I want to win: 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'
Why: I know the Dark Knight is beloved, but the effects for Benjamin Button are darn amazing! How they made the characters age (or look younger) was really great, and the scenery is quite good too.

'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'
'The Dark Knight'
'The Duchess'
'Revolutionary Road'

Who will probably win: 'The Dark Knight'
Who I want to win: 'Changeling'
Why: 'Changeling' looks VERY authentic and has a cool style.

'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'
'The Dark Knight'
'Hellboy II: The Golden Army'

Who will probably win: 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'
Who I want to win: 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'
Why: The best old age makeup I have ever seen in a film.

'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'
'The Dark Knight'
'The Reader'
'Slumdog Millionaire'

Who will probably win: 'Slumdog Millionaire'
Who I want to win: 'Slumdog Millionaire'
Why: The movie is just so well shot. And they totally used the locations to full effect.

'Down to Earth' ('WALL-E')
'Jai Ho' ('Slumdog Millionaire')
'O Saya' ('Slumdog Millionaire')

Who will probably win: 'Jai Ho' ('Slumdog Millionaire')
Who I want to win: 'O Saya' ('Slumdog Millionaire')
Why: Even though I find that the 'Slumdog Millionaire' soundtrack is great, I hate that stupid 'Jai Ho' song. It's sounds so tacky! I have to go with 'O Saya', which is cooler and starts the movie off great.

'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'
'Slumdog Millionaire'

Who will probably win: 'Slumdog Millionaire'
Who I want to win: 'Slumdog Millionaire'
Why: 'Slumdog Millionaire' just has a great soundtrack. It's fairly original and when you see the movie the music makes itself be noticed.

'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'
'Frost/ Nixon'
'The Reader'
'Slumdog Millionaire'

Who will probably win: 'Slumdog Millionaire'
Who I want to win: It's a tie between 'Doubt' and 'Frost/Nixon'. Both movies have fantastic scripts. The best of the bunch.

'Frozen River'
'Happy Go Lucky'
'In Bruges'

Who will probably win: 'Milk'
Who I want to win: 'Frozen River'
Why: I gotta say that the best writing out of all these movies is in the movie 'In Bruges'. But it also has the worst. Never have I seen a film that started off so good, but end so terrible. It's like they changed directors for the last half hour. So the best screenplay is 'Frozen River' because it's more perfect overall.

Amy Adams ('Doubt')
Penelope Cruz ('Vicky Cristina Barcelona')
Viola Davis ('Doubt')
Taraji P. Henson ('The Curious Case of Benjamin Button')
Marisa Tomei ('The Wrestler')

Who will probably win: Viola Davis ('Doubt')
Who I want to win: It's a tie between Viola Davis ('Doubt') and Marisa Tomei ('The Wrestler'). I love Marisa in The Wrestler (which is my favorite movie of the year). She did a character that I personally saw in ex-girlfriends or friends in. It was powerful and touching. And it made me understand where her character (and people like her) were coming from. But with that said, I do feel that Viola Davis is perfect and very effective as well.

Josh Brolin ('Milk')
Robert Downey Jr. ('Tropic Thunder')
Philip Seymour Hoffman ('Doubt')
Heath Ledger ('The Dark Knight')
Michael Shannon ('Revolutionary Road')

Who will win: Heath Ledger ('The Dark Knight')
Who I want to win: Philip Seymour Hoffman ('Doubt')
Why: It was close, but Philip is fantastic in 'Doubt'. I almost went for Robert Downey Jr. ('Tropic Thunder') who is really funny in it, but for REAL acting, I gotta go with Phil.

Anne Hathaway ('Rachel Getting Married')
Angelina Jolie ('Changeling')
Melissa Leo ('Frozen River')
Meryl Streep ('Doubt')
Kate Winslet ('The Reader')

Who will win: Kate Winslet
Who I want to win: Melissa Leo ('Frozen River')
Why: Melissa is a breathe of fresh air. She plays her part so perfectly. Hell, I know people like that from my home town! She was so cunning with her performance. But Meryl Streep is also quite amazing in 'Doubt', and the only reason i don't make this a tie, is because Meryl has won (and will win) so often.

Richard Jenkins ('The Visitor')
Frank Langella ('Frost/Nixon')
Sean Penn ('Milk')
Brad Pitt ('The Curious Case of Benjamin Button')
Mickey Rourke ('The Wrestler')

Who will win: Mickey Rourke ('The Wrestler')
Who I want to win: Mickey Rourke ('The Wrestler')
Why: Mickey is one of my favorite actors and he was a force of nature in 'The Wrestler'. Not since an Al Pacino performance have I been so amazed at what I saw on the screen. IF he doesn't win, I would like either Sean Penn or Frank Langella to win. They both did wonderful job.

Danny Boyle ('Slumdog Millionaire')
Stephen Daldry ('The Reader')
David Fincher ('The Curious Case of Benjamin Button')
Ron Howard ('Frost/Nixon')
Gus Van Sant ('Milk')

Who will win: Danny Boyle ('Slumdog Millionaire')
Who I want to win: Danny Boyle ('Slumdog Millionaire')
Why: Slumdog is far and away the best directed movie of the bunch. Period. But I thought Frost/Nixon (finally a Ron Howard movie I like!) and 'Milk' (finally a Gus Van Sant movie I like!) did a good job. 'The Reader' was same old same old and 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' looked great, but was really slow and tedious.

'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'
'The Reader'
'Slumdog Millionaire'

Who will win: 'Slumdog Millionaire'
Who I want to win: 'Slumdog Millionaire'
Why: I don't think Slumdog is the best picture I've ever seen. In fact, I don't want to ever see it again, (it's a little too clever for it's own good and there's a lot of things that are very far fetched) but I DO think it's the best movie of the bunch in terms of originality and excitement. It sucks you in and never let's go. 'The Reader' is probably the movie which is closer to my style and my personal tastes. 'Milk' is all around great and honorable. And it's the first Gus Van Sant movie to not be pretentious. 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' shouldn't even be in this category. It's not even a good movie. 'Frost/Nixon' is probably the most interesting story of the bunch. Probably the only one of these who really got me 'interested'. But like I said earlier, I think 'The Wrestler' is the best movie of the year. Go see it, if you haven't already!
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