Mar 12, 2009 14:20

I've been so busy and drained lately, that it takes all of my power to do another LJ entry of my job. For those who are following this, my apologizes.

All the names have been changed, to keep people's private lives private.
Here's the archive in case you've just 'tune in':

PART 10:
PART 11:

MARCH 2008
My boss asked Mike and I to meet him in his office. He seemed very serious. I sat down on my usual chair in the corner, while Mike sat next to his desk.

BOSS: Our office is moving to another location. The landlord is being a jerk, so we're leaving. I'm having a new office built as we speak.

Mike and I were pleasantly surprised. (we hated the current office. It was ugly.)

BOSS: Another thing, I'm rehiring Nesty to help us with the post production.

Nesty was a guy in his early 20's that used to work for the company before I got hired. I basically replaced him. He just worked here for a few week, but quit after he got an offer to be a pornstar in Vancouver.
I always had the impression that my boss resented him for quitting so soon, but I guess he wanted to rehire him because he knew Nesty had connections in Vancouver that could really help us in the long run.
Unfortunately, I objected in hiring him.

ME: But we hardly have enough work for the two of us. I don't want somebody to come in here and steal my work while I do fuck all day.

BOSS: Jason, we're gonna have more and more work as the months go by. We're getting tones of contracts.

ME: But why not hiring him when we NEED him? For the first time in it's existance, the company is doing alright financially and you wanna throw your money away on a guy we probably don't need?

MIKE: Let's just try him, J. He won't effect your work.

It was clear I was in the minority, so I just accepted it. What else was I gonna do?

The following week, we started packing all our office supplies. Nesty came along to help. Right from the get-go I didn't like him. He seemed like a slacker to me. A guy who didn't want to work. He also seemed like a guy who was full of shit. An ass-kisser, kissing to get what he wants.
It took us almost a full week to fully move into the other office. It was situated under a strip club, in a fully renovated basement. The third floor of the building was a swingers club. So, basically, this was a VERY sexualized building. hehe.
The new office looked fantastic. We had a wide screen tv with a PS3. We each had our own offices. It really felt we were moving up in the world.

APRIL 2008
Since our secretary quit (she was too ditzy to do the work), my boss hired another one. She was an illegal immigrant from Mexico. Her name was Calindy. But for the first time, we had a competent secretary!
Around this time, I started being friends with our marketing guy, which I'll name 'Randy'. He was this wanna-be jet-set dude who spent way too much money than he earned.
I remember him explaining that he lived in a big expensive apartment near the canal and had a speed boat. I found it strange, since I was clearly making more money than he was. 'I guess he had a lot of savings', I thought.
One day he showed up at work with a huge black eye. He said he fell down the stairs, but it looked more like he was the receiving end of a punch he owed money to.
On his days off, he would organize raves and stuff. He knew a lot of promoters, which got me thinking 'he should be my band's agent'. When I asked him, he agreed. Cool!

MAY 2008
As we got more and more comfortable in the new office, everyone seemed to be gelling well together. This is how the dynamic of our company worked:
Our company did two things: buy and resell porn from other companies and make our own porn.
Buying and reselling porn went sort of like this:
Step #1: Randy would try to get deals with companies from around the world. The deals would usually be something like 'we send you a batch of DVDs, then you send a batch of yours. We each pick the movies we want from the other to use at our own convenience.' So if we would deal with a euro company like Magma, we would watch their DVDs and make sure it was good. We would also see that the actors didn't speak any foreign languages, so that we could sell them in english and french markets.
Step #2: I would view the picked movie again, but more attentively. Taking out any violence (like, slaps, spanks and choking) I would also shorten the movie if it was too long.
Step #3: The next step is a promo/trailer for the movie. I would usually take care of this aspect. (an aspect I hated)
Step #4: After I was done with a film, I would give it to Nesty to play with the audio. Mostly setting volumes and taking out foreign languages (if there was any).
Step #5: When Nesty was done, he would give Mike the movie. Mike would then export the new version of the film on DVD and send it to tv stations.
Step #6: A week later, we get a confirmation from the tv station either saying that the movie was 'accepted' or that we still needed to edit more things. (sometimes we can forget to take out a slap or a choking)
Step #7: Then we would send a master copy to the tv station for them to air it. A few weeks later, it airs.
Step #8: After the movie plays for a month or so, we get a check from the tv station. Then our boss pays us.

Basically, we do these 8 steps over and over again. Most of the time we'd do at least 10 movies in a month.
Sometimes our company would make our own movies. This would be the process for that:
Step #1: Book the pornstars, photographer, make up artist and the place we'll be filming.
Step #2: Film the movie. (this usually takes 2 days)
Step #3: Bring the footage back to the office. And start editing it. (I usually do this)
Step #4: Then I export the audio to Nesty.
Step #5: After Nesty is finished with the audio, Mike makes a DVD.
Step #6: Our boss views the DVD and criticizes it.
Step #7: I make the promo/trailer.
Step #8: We then send it to tv stations.

The following steps are pretty much the same with every movie: we wait for the tv stations to accept it. It airs. We get paid.

JUNE 2008
My boss decided to send Randy to Las Vegas to shmooze at the AVN awards. The boss and Randy were having some problems: Randy seemed to not be getting as many contracts as my boss wanted.
But with that said, the company was getting tones of connections and contracts. We never had as much money.
My boss finally had enough faith in me and Mike to let us film some pornos on our own. No more Johnny Rottens and Ellies! Yay!
Since my first movie, Montreal's Hotel Lust, was a hit, my boss wanted us to do a sequel.
A week later, we started shooting at the swinger club that we worked under. The first scene was with this couple from Quebec. they were very nice and the scene went pretty smoothly. The next scene was with two professional pornstars, so that went really well. The third and final scene was with a newbie goth couple. Fortunately, they seemed not that nervous. Their scene was just a blow job and went pretty smoothly.

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