Check out this tool! I can't believe he's serious!
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1. Keep the metros open all night. (Why do i always have to pay 20$ for a fucking cab after clubbing?! Shouldn't the metros be open for drunk people who don't wanna drive. Cuz you know, a lot of people DO drive drunk because they don't wanna pay for damn cabs.)
2. Make cell phones illegal. (god I'm fed up with people talking/playing on their cell phones all day. Why do i have to hang out with people that are 'half there' because they're talking to me, but playing with their cell at the same time.)
3. Ban useless film remakes. (Example: Friday the 13th)
4. Have a law that would make all promotion equal. (What I mean, is that the reason people like shitty things these days, is because the people who do shitty things have the money to promote it. Example: I find it ridiculous that I can't post my little poster on a wall full of huge Eric Lapointe posters. I mean, why are you hogging a whole fucking wall? it's the SAME poster over and over again. Can't you leave a little place for other bands/artists that need it?!)
5. Make prostitution legal. (Yeah I said it! What gives you the right to tell people what they can't or can't do with their fucking body? If they wanna sell it, why not? If they like it, good for them. And what makes me laugh is that most of the politicians and religious nuts who bash this practice pay for whores! And theirs more than you think.)
6. Telemarketers are all fired. (not original, I know, but I DO feel that people should stop working at these places. They're evil. And yes, I worked at one before, but I chose the right path: I quit.)
7. The government will cut ties with the bankers. (Let's start over, and do this right! The central bankers just wanna ruin countries, so they can control us.)
8. All religions are forbidden. (religion, next to money, is the only other reason why wars are fought and that people die. Religion is also time consuming, which is annoying.)
9. Animals are forbidden to be owned by humans. (yes, most of us have animals. I have a rabbit. But I feel that it shouldn't be legal. Who are we to MAKE animals stay in our apartment. they should have a choice. Any way you look at it, it's slavery. But just because animals are dumb and we like cute stuff, we let it slide.)
10. Crazy people shouldn't be psychologists.