RP Log - Beach Party Planning

May 23, 2009 20:43

Who: Neil and Sakura
When: a week ago
Where: cafe
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: Neil and Sakura discuss ideas for the beach party

Neil headed into the cafe with Haro. He and Sakura were finally going to meet so they could talk about the plans for the beach party. He headed in, the little robot looking around.

The girl was already waiting at a table, and when she saw him, Sakura smiled brightly and waved.

Neil spotted and waved back with his free hand. He walked over and sat down at the table she was sitting at. He set Haro down on the floor and smiled. "Hello."

"Hi! It's been a while, hasn't it?" In front of her was a notepad and pencil, ready to be filled with notes. Several of the pages were already written on in a strange language, as she had also helped plan some of Usagi's slumber party.

Neil nodded. "It has. How have you been?" Haro rolled over to Sakura and looked up at her.

The smile never left her face, even when she saw Neil's eyepatch for the first time. "Things are good. What happened to your eye?" Sakura looked down at Haro. "Hi to you too, Haro."

Haro flapped. "Hello Sakura! Hello Sakura!" Neil blinked. That's right, she hadn't seen him with his eyepatch on. "Oh, this is an injury from before I arrived on the island. I was protecting a teammate from attack and the enemy's attack went through my mobile suit. I was healed when I got here so I can somewhat see, but it still gives me headaches if I go too long without wearing it."

Sakura nodded. "Syaoran can't see out of his right eye either, I wonder if he gets headaches too?" She mused quietly for a moment. "Anyway! Let's get down to planning!"

Neil chuckled. "Sounds good. What ideas did you have?"

"Well, Fay's offered to do some of the cooking and we should get alcohol for adults and juice for the kids. We can get some umbrellas and chairs and set them up on the beach and play some music. I'm just not sure of when we should do this." Sakura said, looking down at some of her notes.

"I had the idea that maybe people could bring some kind of food that they like for everyone to try. Kind of a potluck picnic. We may want other things to drink, maybe water and soda as well. Pluto told me that in three weeks the water would probably be warm enough. That was... two weeks ago, I think."

"That's a good idea! Because Fai specializes in sweets mostly. We could get one of those things that keeps drinks cold...a co-co-cooler, that's the word. So, we're looking at the end of the month beginning of next month for the beach party. We can store all of the things we'll need in your old room until then." She scribbled more in the foreign language as they spoke. Looking up, Sakura questioned. "Do you think school will still be going on then? I'm not really familiar with going to school to start with."

"Hmm... I'm not really familiar with that, but I would imagine the school would have a summer break."

Looking down at a small calender she had found somewhere on the island. "Then maybe to be safe, we should put on the weekend."

Neil nodded. "That sounds good too. That way we know more people will be able to attend."

A smile. "We can set it for the first weekend in June, which will be Saturday the sixth!" Sakura loved this planning stuff, or maybe it was simply because she liked making friends.

Neil nodded. "That sounds like a good day for this. That will also give us time to get the word out so more people will come."

"Maybe we'll have even more people by then and get to meet lots of new people at the party! I also heard that Usagi's birthday is in June, maybe we can get her friends to bring gifts!"

Neil chuckled. "Maybe. It should be fun."

Looking down at her list, Sakura frowned for a moment. "I should probably ask Hotaru who are closest to her, for that. So, anything else for the beach party?"

"Hmm..." Neil thought for a moment then said, "Volleyball?"

"Volleyball? What's that?" Sakura questioned, tilting her head in interest.

"It's a game where there is a net dividing the playing field and the object is that each team has hit a ball across the net and keep the ball in the area."

She smiled brightly. "Wow! That sounds like fun! What other kind of games do you know? Maybe we can ask what other people play and put them all down on paper and pull a few to play."

Neil nodded. "That sounds good. We can see what others would like to play as well."

"Maybe we can have a raffle and people could win prizes. What do people win in raffles?" More scribbling.

"Toys or things of amusement usually. CD player maybe?"

"Toys are probably good for younger winners," she tried to picture Kurogane with a toy, attempting not to laugh. "A CD player, those things that play music would be a nice prize."

Neil nodded. "Well, we have time to think about prizes."

She nodded as well. "We can always look through all of the stores for ideas too."

"Yeah, that might be good."

"So, games, drinks, food, a raffle, music and beach supplies. Anything else?" Sakura looked over her list.

Neil thought for a moment. "I can't think of anything else at the moment."

Nodding, she took a drink of her tea. "Well, we've still got plenty of time just in case we do."

Neil nodded. "That we do." He bent over and picked up Haro, who flapped happily at being picked up.

"I'm going to send out invitations!" She beamed happily.

Neil smiled. "Okay. I can start looking at stores for prizes."

Raising her fist in enthusiasm. "I'll look for prizes for the kids, you can do adults!"

Neil chuckled. "Sounds good."

Sakura smiled. "Yep. So how are things with Pluto-san?"

"Things are going well," Neil said with a smile. "I just had to make up for being an idiot, but she accepted my apology."

"Oh, did you two have a fight?" Sakura asked curiously.

"No, I stole my friend's coffee and one thing lead to another and it woke her up. My friend is not a morning person without his coffee and it was five in the morning." He set Haro back down again.

The girl giggled. "That sounds so funny. You must really get along with your friend."

Neil chuckled. "Yeah. He was my teammate, but I consider him a brother. Usually we get along really well."

"Did you guys do things together? Like any traveling?" She leaned forward, smiling widely.

"Kind of. We fought together. There is still war in our world. He just got along better with me than with either of our other two teammates."

Nodding, Sakura picked up Haro, placing him on the table. "I've traveled a lot. Worlds of all kinds. With my friends, who are very nice, even if Kurogane may seem a little mean, he's protected us many times." Sakura petted Haro.

Neil smiled. "It's good to have friends you can count on."

Haro didn't react, which in this case was a way of showing he was happy. Flapping meant that she might stop.

Continuing to pet Haro, Sakura smiled at the little machine. "You kind of remind me of one of my traveling companions. I hope they come here soon."

"Haro Lockon's companion! Haro Lockon's companion!" Haro said happily.

Neil chuckled. "Yes, you are." He looked back at Sakura. "I hope your friend arrives soon."

"There are two more, Syaoran and Mokona! Together all five of us are traveling through worlds to collect my feathers." She poked what would be Haro's tummy...if he had one.

Haro flapped when she did that.

Neil couldn't help, but chuckle. "Hopefully they all show up here."

Jade green eyes looked up towards the volcano. "You wouldn't happen to know what's up there, would you?"

Neil glanced over. "No, I have no idea."

Sakura sighed. "It's calling me. What ever is up there, it's calling me."

Neil blinked. "Huh... that's interesting."

Looking back at Neil, she smiled. "I hear things. Voices of lonely souls as I've been told. I think there might be something or someone up there."

"Hmm... that's interesting." That might explain a few things.

"I've been warned against going up there alone already. People told me it's dangerous." Sakura went back to petting Haro.

Neil nodded. "It probably is. The forest doesn't seem like it would safe since one of the men here picked up two wolves from that area."

"Well, Syaoran and the others always say I seem to have extremely good luck. One of the people we once came across said that I had the luck of the gods, however, I wouldn't put it to the test by going up there." Sakura smiled down at Haro.

Haro flapped happily.

"That's probably for the best," Neil remarked. "If you really want to check it out sometime, ask someone to go with you who can make sure nothing happens."

"I'm sure I can get Fai and Kurogane to go with me. Especially if my feather is up there." Picking up Haro, she hugged him tightly.

Neil chuckled. "Okay."

"Haro has friend! Haro has friend!" the little robot said.

"That's right! If Mokona ever shows up then I'm sure you'll get along great with her!" Sakura beamed.

Haro flapped. "Want to meet Monoka! Want to meet Monoka!"

Neil chuckled. "You'll just have to wait for her to show up then."

"She's absolutely delightful! I'm sure the two of you will be great friends, Haro."

Haro flapped happily. "Okay! Okay!"

"Well, I should get going. I've been making dinner so that Usagi doesn't blow up the kitchen. If I don't get home....I'm not sure what will happen." Sakura laughed nervously.

Neil smiled. "That's good and yes, you probably should go so she doesn't try to cook."

Hugging Haro one more time, she put him back on the floor. "I'll talk to you again soon!"

Neil nodded. "It was nice talking to you."

Haro flapped. "Bye Sakura! Bye Sakura!"

Picking up her notepad, she waved as she left the cafe.

lockon neil, sakura

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