RP Log - A little research?

May 23, 2009 09:38

Who: Marie & Sumeragi
When: Thursday
Where: library
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Notes: None
Summary: Marie needs help with a little research for class, and Sumeragi's bored at the library.

Mariemeia walked into the library right after classes got out for once, wanting to start her research for her science class before she forgot about it. She had no idea where to start for ideas, other than that she wanted to look into solar energy, so she headed over to the woman working at the desk. "I need a little help with a school project, miss..."

"Hm?" Sumeragi had been bored up to this point, idly doodling on a piece of paper. She smiled at the young girl before her. "Sumeragi," she supplied at the pause. "What do you need?"

Marie managed a faint smile for the woman there, "Miss Sumeragi. I'm taking one of the science classes, and need to know about solar energy."

"Alright. Come this way." Sumeragi stepped from behind the desk. "And you are?" she asked as they headed for the science area.

"I'm Mariemeia." The redheaded girl followed Sumeragi to the science area, pulling her hair out of its ponytail so it framed her face. "Mariemeia Khushrenada."

Sumeragi nodded. "It's nice to meet you, Miss Mariemeia." She smiled as they stepped into the right aisle. "So what aspects of solar energy are you working on?"

"Aspects?" Marie blinked, then shook her head. "We're just looking at it in science class as an energy source, but I think it could be useful back home."

Sumeragi nodded. "It's been quite useful for my world," she said. "But, at the same time, it was the source of many wars."

"Wars..." Marie looked down, knowing that far too well from her own world. "Some things never change."

"Unfortunately, that's so very true..." Sumeragi said softly. She sighed and started going through some of the science books. "We were trying to end them back home..."

"I'd like to think that they're gone from mine, but I'm sure there's another group waiting to try again." Marie started looking through the books as well to get her mind off her thoughts. "But I'd not like to think about it."

Sumeragi nodded. "It's easier not to."

"You know more about solar energy, though? I'd like to have an idea of where to start."

"I know some," Sumeragi said. "I majored in tactical forecasting... I wanted to reduce the number of casualties in war." Her hand paused over the books, but she wasn't looking at them.

Marie smiled faintly, but noted that she wasn't looking at the books. "That's a nice goal, but it's better to look at the present."

"It was... hard." She shook her head. "But, you're right." She smiled.

Marie nodded, "I'm trying to learn that too. But this place seems to help."

Sumeragi looked over at Marie for a moment, then placed her hand on the girl's shoulder. "That's good to hear."

Marie looked up at Sumeragi, smiling a bit. "It is. What do you think of this place, Miss Sumeragi?"

"It's been okay so far," she said. "A few bumps in the road, but that could really be said for everything, couldn't it?" She reached over and took a book out from the shelf.

Marie nodded, looking at the title of the book Sumeragi pulled out. "Do you think that this will help?"

Sumeragi looked it over. "It looks like it," she said. "There's a few here, actually, that have a good amount of information. This just happens to be one I used in an elective class in college. I learned a lot from it."

"Wow!" Marie's face lit up, excited about being able to find what she was looking for. "Are they all from your world?"

"Some of the titles look familiar, so you'll probably find a lot of information right here." She smiled, handing over the book she was holding.

Marie smiled, taking the book and looking at it. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome," Sumeragi said with a smile in return. "So, how old are you that you're doing solar energy in science?" she asked conversationally as they returned to the desk to check out the book.

"I'm almost twelve, but my world's more advanced than most here." Marie smiled, "I'm from a place that has Gundams and colonies in space."

"Gundams?" Sumeragi looked at her. She nodded. "Yes... we have them, too... but colonies are still very new. We only have two... and one was sort of unofficial because it was a military installation." That mission to destroy the super soldier institute had also left it needing repairs. "How long have you been here?"

"I think it's been three years away from home for me. Something like that." Marie smiled, "I don't mind it much. It's nicer here than at home."

"I think there's quite a few people that feel that way. I know I do." She took the book back for a moment to check it out once they had reached the desk. "It's been a pleasant break."

Marie nodded, thinking of this place as a nice break to find herself away from judgmental people. "It is, for a lot of people here."

Sumeragi studied the girl for a moment. "For you, too, hm?" she asked, picking up on some subtle clues.

Marie looked down, nodding slightly. "Yes. I can finally be a child here, but I don't know for how long."

"Well..." Sumeragi handed her the book, leaning on the desk near Marie, "we all have to grow up sometime. You're at a difficult age. I was a bit ahead of my peers as well. It's hard to mature quickly."

Marie blinked, not expecting that from the other woman. "Huh?"

She nodded. "It's wonderful that you were able to recapture your youth... but twelve is a transitional age."

"I don't think I really recaptured it, but it's nice to not be around people who judge me based on the past..." Marie admitted, "But transitional age?"

"Well, some of it, hm?" Sumeragi smiled. "Either way, yes. You're growing up."

"Growing up..." Marie took a deep breath, then let it out again. "I guess..."

"It happens to the best of us," she said almost teasingly. "Still, this is a good time, too. Granted, you're not really a child anymore, but that doesn't mean you can't have fun in other ways."

Marie blinked, not having any idea what Sumeragi was talking about right now. She heard the teasing tone, but no reason for it that she knew of. "Huh?"

"I think... you and I should talk." She chuckled. "Do you have any older sisters?" she asked.

Marie shook her head, "My cousin's here, but I don't have older sisters."

"How old is your cousin?"

"She's the same age as the other pilots, I think...about twenty?"

Sumeragi nodded. "She'd understand then," she said. She brought Marie over to a table and sat down, gesturing for the other girl to join her.

Marie wasn't sure what the woman was up to, but sat down. It couldn't hurt to listen to what she had to say.

"How much do you know about growing up?" she asked, not sure if anyone had ever told the young girl anything before.

Marie blinked, shaking her head. "Not much...Miss Une told me she'd tell me when I got older, but she's not here."

"Who's Miss Une?" Sumeragi asked.

"She's my guardian."

She nodded. "Well, it sounds to me like someone needs to step in for now," she said. "I can tell you things if you'd like."

Marie blinked, having to take a few minutes to think about it. "Well..."

"It's up to you," Sumeragi said. "Some of it can be a little scary if you don't know about it... and some of it can be rather personal. If you'd feel better asking your cousin, I'd understand."

"I'll have to think about it." Marie replied, not wanting to make a decision yet. "I'm sure I can find you when I make up my mind."

"It's no trouble either way," Sumeragi said. She perfectly understood if Marie felt more comfortable asking certain things of family members. However, she did feel like the young girl was going to start needing some sort of woman's guidance soon. "I'm around. It's not a big island." She chuckled.

"No, it isn't." Marie smiled a little, nodding slightly. "I won't wait too long to tell you. If Dorothy's not up to talking to me, I'll ask you. Miss Noin's more like an aunt to me, and that's awkward as it is sometimes."

She nodded in return. "I think I've seen her around. She seems like the protective type."

"She is, to those she cares about. She's been having more trouble with my father's best friend than anyone else, so asking her isn't a good idea right now."

Sumeragi nodded. "I know... I suppose I haven't been helping much on that account, myself."

Marie looked over at Sumeragi, wondering exactly what she meant by that.

Sumeragi wasn't about the tell the red-head she'd been sort of enabling Noin's boyfriend at times. Of course, sometimes, he was enabling her. They weren't really very good together with the way things were right now.

Marie waited a few minutes, then realized that the lack of words was an answer in itself, and not a good one. "Please don't give Zechs any more alcohol. He's trying to run away from the fact that my father and his sister were both sent back to where they belong."

"It's been hard to turn it down, myself," she admitted. "It's been a two-way street." She looked down. "I know it's not right... I just... keep coming across it."

"Well, if there's a reason, maybe you should face it? Or talking with someone who could understand you?"

She closed her eyes, her fists tightening in her lap. "There's a lot of reasons," she said softly.

Marie smiled a little, getting up from her seat. "Thank you for the help with the books, Miss Sumeragi. You're from the same world as Neil is, right?"

She sniffed a bit, forcing back the feelings for now as she nodded. "I am," she said.

Marie grinned suddenly, looking excited. "He's made himself another one of my older brothers. I think I've ended up with too many of them, sometimes."

Sumeragi chuckled. "It's good to have people to lean on, though."

"Neil plays football with me sometimes, when I'm feeling up to it. It's hard getting the others to play with me, sometimes. Duo likes basketball more."

"I'm sure if you asked him, though, Duo would probably play," she said. "There's also the option of him teaching you his sport."

"He's taught me, but I have a hard time with it." Marie giggled a little, "I've gotten him to play sometimes, but he teaches PE right before school gets out."

"Too tired?" she asked with a small smile.

"It's better for him to do what he wants after that."

"Yeah... I'd imagine so."

Marie smiled, glad that she got the woman to smile, even if only a little. "He likes to pull pranks, so be careful if he gets bored."

"Oh... he's one of them," Sumeragi said with a chuckle. "I'll keep an eye out."

"I figured that it would be best to warn you. They do more pranks in the summer when they can bring out water balloons and squirt guns."

"Thanks for the tip."

"You're welcome!" Marie chuckled, "It's only fair that I give you something in return for helping me out."

"You don't have to worry about that," she said. "But, I still appreciate it."

Marie nodded, "I should start reading. I'll see you later, Miss Sumeragi!"

"Good luck with your assignment." She smiled.

"Thanks!" Marie smiled, then headed out of the library with her books.

Sumeragi got up and headed back over behind the desk. Time to go back to her random doodling.

mariemeia, sumeragi

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