RP Log - Another Evening of No Cooking

May 22, 2009 10:34

Who: Pluto and Allelujah
When: Backdated to evening after picnic
Where: Hut 1
Rating: G
Warnings: usual spoiler for Gundam 00
Notes: Experiment with Gchat...SUCCESS
Summary: Allelujah's turn to apologize for the chaos in the hut!

Allelujah went back to the hut, first time since the 'incident' with his hutmates, minus Minako, with groceries. He doubted anyone would be there yet, as it was still fairly early. Immediately going to the kitchen, he started making a fairly light dish, pointedly ignoring the irritated sulking of Hallelujah.

Pluto came back to her hut once she was off work, surprised by the sounds of someone cooking in the kitchen. She slowly made her way there, leaning against the door frame when she saw Allelujah in there.

He reflexively ducked his head down when he heard someone come into the hut, having the feeling it was Pluto. He then glanced back to make sure, then offered a faint smile. "I..Sorry about Hallelujah.."

Pluto smiled faintly, not able to truly blame Allelujah as much for his role in what happened. It wasn't his fault Neil started it. "It's not exactly your fault, but apology accepted."

Allelujah relaxed slightly, though he turned back to keep an eye on what he was making. "Thank you. You're still not going to be cooking tonight." His tone was light, if quiet. He was actually a bit surprised something similar hadn't happened more often, simply because few people on the island knew him that well.

Pluto chuckled softly, willing to let Allelujah do as he wished in the kitchen. "You and Neil..." She closed her eyes for a moment, smiling. "Did you both get the same advice for how to apologize?"

He smirked, despite her not being able to see it. "Miss Sumeragi," he admitted. "She didn't offer ideas though."

Pluto opened her eyes, chuckling again. "She really does give both of you advice, it seems."

Allelujah chuckled quietly. "She has good advice, whether she believes that or not."

"She needs to see that which others see in her." Pluto smiled, pushing off the door frame. "Perhaps we all could."

He nodded, "yeah. I think that'd be good for her." He kept working, knowing it was almost ready.

Pluto nodded, "Is there anything you would like me to help you with, or do you have everything planned?"

Allelujah glanced over at her long enough to smile. "I've got it covered. This is supposed to be for you, you know."

"All right, I suppose I can let you do everything." Pluto smiled, sitting down at the table for now.

He chuckled a bit. "Thanks. How's the clothing store doing?"

"It seems to be doing all right, but we'd like to have you working again."

Allelujah nodded. "I'll be back in tomorrow," he promised.

"Thank you."

He nodded. "It's what I'm supposed to be doing here, and it's better than doing nothing."

Pluto smiled, "Is that the only reason? You do realize that working in the clothing store is a good way to meet people."

Allelujah smiled faintly. "I don't mind working there." He went to pull out plates and silverware, as the meal was almost ready. "I'm surprised Hallelujah's not had too much to complain about, despite Tsuzuki working there too."

"I do try to schedule the two of you for different times." Pluto replied, trying to look into the kitchen from her seat. "It doesn't help when he goes off and takes a nap, or goes to get pastries."

He nodded, "and I appreciate it." He quirked a slight smile, "he does seem to enjoy naps and sweets."

Pluto laughed, "He does. And people think that those who worshiped my father were too laid-back..."

Allelujah chuckled.

Pluto shook her head slightly, patiently waiting for Allelujah to finish his cooking.

It wasn't much longer before he was turning the stove off and dishing up portions of everything. "What would you like to drink?"

"I think just some water will be best, thank you."

Allelujah smiled, bringing over the plates before going to get the requested water.

Pluto smiled, looking down at her plate. "Thank you, Allelujah."

He nodded, smiling a bit uncertainly, "I hope I made it right.."

Pluto chuckled, wondering where Allelujah got the idea for a light pasta dish. It wasn't like the usual things he made to eat. "Well, we'll see. If it's good, the hard part will be keeping the rest of it from Neil."

Allelujah chuckled. "I made enough for everyone who might want some, in case it is good."

"I'm tempted to not let Neil have some since he's the one who was more responsible for what happened."

He shrugged. "I'll leave that to you. We talked about..well, a lot of things..He blames too much sugar and not enough sleep for forgetting not to do that."

Pluto smiled, "Neil's already apologized to me. I think he was waiting until I was not angry enough to slap him again."

Allelujah chuckled quietly. "Yeah..I'm still just glad Hallelujah decided not to hurt him." Or really hurt anyone, that one punch hadn't drawn blood.

"If Hallelujah had decided to hurt him, I may have had to do more than just threaten him."

He nodded, "which is probably why he didn't do more."

Pluto sighed, nodding as she twirled the pasta around her fork. "I have the nagging feeling he knew before you did about exactly who I am..."

"He's the one who told me..." Allelujah admitted, once again ignoring his alter's irritated reaction to that.

"I'm glad he told you and not me." Pluto smiled, "It's a little hard to explain at times."

He smiled faintly. "Would you have told me if he hadn't?" He was pretty sure she'd not told very many people exactly who she was, after all.

Pluto chuckled softly, shaking her head slowly as she tried the pasta. "This is very good, Allelujah."

Allelujah couldn't help the grin. "I'm glad."

"But as for your question...I generally tell people as they need to know. You would have learned eventually, but only when you needed to know."

He nodded. "Thought as much." He didn't mind, he knew it to be a good decision.

"Most people do not know exactly who I am." Pluto admitted, "What I am, yes. But not exactly who."

"I think the what is easier to accept than the who."

"It's enough for most to know that I am a god's child, they don't need to know which one." Pluto smiled faintly, "Not unless they are among those who are not living."

Allelujah nodded.

"And before you ask, yes, I told Neil."

He chuckled quietly. "I'd have hoped you had."

Pluto smiled, "He's known since our first meeting, although I only alluded to who my parents were. Neil knew the legend around them."

Allelujah smiled faintly. "That's good."

"It is. I don't think he knows what he got himself into, but he knew about my nature first." Pluto sighed, taking a few more bites of her pasta.

He managed to stifle his laugh by taking a bite from his plate. After composing himself again, minus a quiet smile, he offered, "he really does care about you. And..I think relationships can be better if the pair still are able to surprise the other, occasionally."

Pluto blinked, then looked down at her plate as a faint blush started appearing on her cheeks. "He does surprise me, and more than just occasionally."

Allelujah tried not to let his smile turn into a smirk, though he failed.

Pluto raised her eyes just enough to see Allelujah's smirk, cheeks turning a bit deeper shade of pink. "You don't have to do that."

"Do what?"

"Smirk like that."

Allelujah couldn't help but chuckle. "Was trying not to.."

Pluto sighed, taking a deep breath to try to end her embarrassment. "Has Neil always been so impulsive?"

He shrugged slightly. "Impulsive? Yeah, I'd say so. At least when we've not been fighting or training.." He then frowned slightly, remembering something. "Well..no, that's not entirely right..I think it was an impulse that made him enter that last battle..which got him killed."

"I have the feeling that no matter what Neil would have done, with the injury he received he would have died." Pluto took a sip of her water so she could organize her thoughts. "Feldt and Sumeragi have also told me about some of his other antics."

Allelujah blinked before shrugging noncommittally. "..I guess so." He shook his head slightly at the thought of what those two might have told the Guardian. "What'd they say?"

"One of the things I heard about was him finding out Sumeragi's birthday and getting the Haros to sing to her on the bridge."

He smirked a bit at that. "Feldt hated that, despite how amusing it was."

Pluto smiled, "I don't think Sumeragi was too pleased with it either."

Allelujah smiled faintly. "Probably more because it was a break of secrecy."

"Somehow, I doubt Neil really cared about keeping his own past secret."

He shrugged slightly. "Not if talking about it to someone helped the other person feel better."

Pluto chuckled softly, feeling a bit better now that the discussion was on something other than her personal life.

Allelujah smiled faintly. He was also feeling better, now that he'd officially apologized to her and that she'd accepted it.

sailor pluto, allelujah

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