RP Log - Haro's in the Dog House Now

May 21, 2009 17:51

Who: Haro, Neil, and Pluto
When: a few days ago
Where: Pluto's hut
Rating: G
Warnings: angst
Notes: Angie should not be allowed to write logs after watching Gundam 00 episode 20 season 2
Summary: Haro explores... and gets in trouble.

Neil returned home work, having left Haro at home to watch the rabbit today. He blinked, pausing at his door, hearing the sound of Haro bouncing from Pluto's room. He walked in and spotted the little robot bouncing inside Pluto's closet. "Haro!" he snapped running over and moving Haro out of the closet.

"Haro! Haro!" the little robot said.

"You can't be going through Pluto's closet!" Neil scolded. "That's rude." He started putting the clothes that had been knocked down back up. He blinked as he picked up a black bikini that Haro had knocked down. Almost immediately, he blushed.

Quickly pushing thoughts to the back of his mind, he continued putting the clothes back into the clothes, trying at the same time to make sure that nothing was wrinkled thanks to the Haro that had been bouncing in her closet.

About five minutes or so later, Pluto came through the door of the hut. "I'm home!" She called out, walking through the hut towards her room since no one was in the living area. She walked in, her face turning red when she saw Neil trying to put some of her clothes back. "WHAT?"

Neil turned to look back at her. Well, this looked bad. "I came home a few minutes and I found Haro in here, bouncing around. He knocked some of your clothes on the ground."

Haro flapped.

Her face was still bright red, more at the fact that Neil had seen nearly everything in her closet thanks to the Haro. "HARO! What did you think you were doing?"

Haro flapped. "Haro exploring! Haro exploring!"

Neil sighed and lightly punted Haro, not enough to make the robot lift off the floor, but enough to make him roll backwards a few times.

Pluto crossed her arms, trying her best to look angry at the Haro. Unfortunately, it didn't work so well since she was still red from embarrassment at Neil having seen her clothing.

Neil sighed. "Haro, go to my room and stay there. Tomorrow I'm going to talk to Feldt about you."

Haro looked up at Neil and flapped, but rolled out of the room.

Neil looked up at Pluto. "I'm sorry about that."

Pluto sighed, taking a few deep breaths to calm herself. "Where do you think Haro got the idea that it would be a good idea to go into my closet?"

Neil shook his head. "No idea. Someone else could have told him that but I don't know who it would have been."

"You'll have to ask him. If I see him, I'd be more likely to send him flying out of the hut." She walked over to her closet, looking at the clothes still scattered on the floor.

Neil nodded. "I will when I take him to Feldt's tomorrow." He didn't particularly want to talk to Haro at the moment.

"Thank you." Pluto sighed, the blush finally starting to fade from her cheeks. "How bad was this when you came and found Haro in here?"

"It wasn't too bad... mostly just everything was knocked down."

"I think we may need to get a cage for Haro to match the rabbit's hutch." She muttered, picking up her clothes and starting to hang them back up again. "If you like, you can stay and help."

Neil nodded and started to help pick up the rest of her clothes. "We might have to do that. I'll talk to Feldt and see if she came up something to do with him so he won't do this again."

"Thank you, Neil." Pluto sighed, looking at the pile of clothing now. She pulled down a number of hangers, hanging up the smaller pieces of clothing first.

Neil helped her hang the clothing up. He tried to not to blush at times. Even though some of the clothing wouldn't be particularly revealing, it was more the idea of her wearing them.

Pluto looked over her shoulder at Neil, just long enough to see that his cheeks were turning pink. She couldn't help it, having to giggle at the thought of him blushing.

Neil blushed even more at her giggling at him blushing. But he smiled.

Pluto had to stop hanging up clothes for a moment, sitting on her bed so she could finish getting the giggles out of her system. "Neil..."

Neil blinked at her still giggling. "Kore?"

"You're blushing." Pluto let out her last giggles, then smiled.

"I guess I am."

Pluto got up, looking directly at Neil. She wasn't mad at him at all, more like amused. "Why?"

"I guess just picturing you wearing them."

That made her wonder, tilting her head a little in thought. "Me wearing them?" She blinked, then smiled. "You don't have to be embarrassed about that."

Neil smiled and nodded. "I was just thinking how beautiful you'd look."

Now it was her turn to turn pink again, the blush spreading across her cheeks.

Neil walked over and hugged her.

Pluto leaned against Neil, hiding her face with his shoulder. "Neil...must you try to impress me with your words, or does it just happen?"

Neil chuckled. "I think it just happens."

"Silly boy." Pluto looked up at her boyfriend, smiling a little as her blush faded.

Neil smiled back. "I am indeed."

Pluto kissed his cheek, then tried pulling away from him. "I really need to get the rest of these hung up. Maybe you'd like to see me in some of these outfits when I'm done?"

Neil smiled and let her go. "I'd like that."

"Then I'll make sure to finish this." Pluto flashed a smile at Neil, hanging up the rest of the clothes that Haro had knocked down. "You can choose the outfits, if you like."

Neil smiled. "Okay."

Pluto went back to work, finishing with it after a few minutes. She sat down on the bed when she was done, looking up at Neil. "Your turn now."

Neil nodded and headed back over to her closet. He looked and picked out a few outfits that he hadn't seen her wear yet.

Pluto smiled, picking up the Grecian-style dress first. "All right. You'll have to leave the room while I'm changing."

Neil nodded and left the room for Pluto to change.

Pluto changed into the dress, opening the door when she was done to let Neil know that he could come back in. "What do you think?"

Neil came back into the room. "Wow..." he said. "That's beautiful."

Pluto blushed faintly at the compliment, but managed to look at Neil. "Thank you..."

Neil smiled. Well, it was.

"So, which one would you like to see me in next?"

Neil looked at the other items that he had chosen. After a moment, he picked up a purple dress that he had picked out. "How about this one?"

Pluto blushed as she saw the dress he held up, one of her dresses that had a deep v-neck to it. She took the dress, making a shooing motion to get him out of the room so she could change.

Neil feigned annoyance then chuckled and headed back out of the room.

Pluto sighed, taking only a few minutes to change dresses and let Neil back in. She couldn't help but blush at how the dress showed some of her cleavage, and the skirt was a bit shorter than some of the others she usually wore.

Perhaps for obvious reasons, Neil liked that dress too. He was a guy after all. "That one is nice too," he said with a smile.

Her blush deepened, having a good idea of at least why Neil liked the dress. "I'm not sure which part of your body likes it more. Next one?"

Neil blushed slightly at that comment. Well, it probably was true... "Yeah." He headed out of the room.

Pluto picked up a dress that she felt a little better with, a simple cream shirtdress that came down to a decent length.

Neil came back into the room once she was changed. He smiled. She really looked nice in just about everything.

Pluto smiled, feeling less exposed in this dress. "I think this might be the best one to end with."

Neil nodded. "I think it is."

Pluto chuckled, walking over to Neil and wrapping an arm around his waist. "I think you'll see enough of the others throughout the summer."

"Yeah, probably."

"You just need to keep that Haro in line. I may turn him over to one of the pilots if he decides to go through my closet again."

"I'll try to do that. Maybe Feldt can help me figure out what to do with him."

"I hope so." Pluto smiled faintly, although with a bit of a glint in her eyes. "Otherwise, he may end up dismantled."

Neil sighed. "At the moment, I feel like I want to dismantle him... but I understand what you mean."

Pluto nodded, sitting down on her bed. "Well, perhaps Feldt can do something to him to make him stop it."

Neil sat down beside her. "I hope so. It is getting rather annoying."

Pluto leaned against Neil, sighing a little. "It is..."

Neil put his arm around her. "Hopefully we can get him to stop."

"We'll see..." Pluto's thoughts trailed off, as if something else had come into her mind and she was more interested in focusing on that.

Neil looked over at her. "Kore?"

Pluto's response was to wrap an arm around Neil, moving closer to him as her thoughts flittered in her head.

Neil wrapped his arm around her, wondering what she had just thought of.

The Guardian closed her red eyes, trying to will her body to relax as it took in some of Neil's body heat. She didn't really want to say what she was thinking about, but instead was trying to just enjoy the moment.

Neil stroked her hair gently, deciding that maybe it was just better to help her relax.

"Neil..." Her eyes remained closed as she tightened her arm around him, needing the physical contact for now. It was a reminder that she wasn't alone for once.

Neil smiled, stroking her back and her hair to let her know he was there. He would be there as much as he possibly could be.

Pluto lay her head on Neil's shoulder, trying to calm her thoughts. It took her a few minutes, and some deep breaths to try to induce that calm, before she could speak again. Her voice came out in a whisper, "I'm an idiot..."

Neil blinked. "Why do you say that? I don't think you are."

Pluto sighed, pushing herself up to a position where she could look Neil in the eye if she really wanted to. Her head hung down, still using that whispered voice. "For all of this."

"For all of what? I don't see any reason you should think that."

Pluto moved away from Neil, a sad look on her face. "I don't see things the same way. I can't escape the future...or what will happen."

Neil put his hand on her's. "I know, Kore. I guess I'm just as much of an idiot for that... but I don't care. I love you. And no matter what happens after we leave this place, I'll still love you and treasure the time we have gotten to spend together."

"But, I have many more lifetimes than you do. I don't know if I can ever truly die. And if I do actually die, I know that there's no chance of us being together." Pluto felt tears coming to her eyes, a sign that she was trying to resist showing her emotions and was starting to fail at it.

Neil hugged her close. "Kore, I know about all that and I just want to be with you here, even if this is all the time we can have. You are the only I person could love."

"Neil..." Pluto finally let the tears fall, hiding her face in Neil's shoulder since she could tell there was no way the pilot was going to let her go. "Neil...why?"

"I don't know, Kore," he said softly. He rubbed her back. He wasn't quite sure for what reason she had asked why, but he felt like he had to say something.

"Why me?" Pluto reached up, holding Neil tightly, almost clinging. "Why you? Why did I have to fall in love with you and not be able to hide it?"

Neil hugged her close. "You're only human, Kore," he whispered kissing her head. He knew perfectly well she wasn't but he didn't see her as a Guardian. He saw her as Kore.

"I'm not human..." Pluto protested, her gaze off into space somewhere. "Even if I wasn't a Guardian, I still wouldn't be human..."

"I don't care, Kore," Neil said. "I still love you. You are allowed to have human emotions."

"Neil..." Pluto clung to her boyfriend, burying her face in his shoulder. "Please don't tell Uranus or Neptune that I've been crying. I don't want you hurt again."

"I promise. I won't tell them. I won't tell anyone."

"I'm sorry." Pluto hugged him, trying to take comfort from his presence. "I shouldn't have said anything."

"No, it's okay. If it is upsetting you, you shouldn't lock it away inside. It only hurts more when you do that. I don't mind if it helps you figure out your own feelings."

"I don't need to figure out my feelings!" Pluto looked up, wiping the tears off her face with her hands. "It's not that..."

Neil hugged her close, quickly searching his pocket and finding his handkerchief. He offered it to her.

Pluto looked at Neil's offering, taking it to wipe her face. "Thank you."

Neil smiled, gently rubbing her shoulder.

"I'm sorry..." Pluto replied, looking down at the now-wet handkerchief. "I just can't stop wondering if I'm doing the right thing. And when I think about it, I start viewing my actions in the long term, after we leave here."

Neil nodded. "I understand. Our lives are different. I don't have much beyond this, but I'm glad to be able to be with you."

"They are different. I don't know if your twin knew just how right he was..." Pluto sighed, closing her eyes for a moment, feeling tired now. "I won't be able to make this easy for you."

Neil nodded. "I know Kore. I understand."

Pluto looked down, "I may be struggling with this for a while. I can't, and won't, deny my feelings. But before, I've always had to hide my feelings because there was no way I could be with someone."

"I know you'll be dealing with it, Kore... and I'll be here for you when you need me... heck, sometimes when you don't need me." He was trying to make her smile with a stupid comment, but wasn't sure if it would work.

Pluto managed a faint smile at the stupid comment, appreciating the sentiment behind it. "Neil, I don't know if you have any idea what you've got yourself into. I'm sorry...Thousands of years of habits are extremely hard to break."

Neil nodded. "I would imagine... I may not understand completely, but I am willing to learn."

"I don't think I could teach you." Pluto sighed, reaching up to touch the side of Neil's face. "I love you. I will try to not hide my feelings from you, if you don't want me to hide them."

"I don't want you to hide your feelings, good or bad," Neil said. "I'm not foolish enough to assume that everything is perfect with every relationship. I'll understand if you need to talk to me about something like this."

"I'll be honest, there are times that I will not want to speak to you about things." Pluto replied, sitting back on her bed. "I'm not going to tell you that we won't have problems or disagreements, or that we'll never fight. I'm not perfect."

"And I'm not perfect either... that should be obvious already. And I understand if you don't want to talk to me about some things." He still had his own problems with talking to her about things.

Pluto smiled faintly, then yawned a bit. She was feeling tired from her emotional release, tempted to just go to sleep now and not make dinner. "No one's perfect."

"Get some rest, love," Neil said. He could make dinner.

"Will you be making dinner, then?" Pluto lay down, resisting the urge to sleep in favor of watching Neil. "I do not need to eat much, but you need to."

Neil smiled. "I can make dinner," he said.

"All right..." Pluto smiled faintly, feeling a bit more comfortable now. "I know you will not destroy the kitchen."

Neil chuckled. "Nope. I don't cook with explosives."

"I know you don't. I think I would have learned that by now." Pluto chuckled softly, reaching out to Neil. "Please stay for a few minutes?"

Neil nodded, reaching over and taking her hand. "I'll stay."

"I'd rather fall asleep with you here." Pluto smiled, closing her eyes finally. "I don't want to feel as if I'm alone."

Neil nodded. "Then I'll stay with until you fall asleep."

"Thank you." Pluto honestly meant it, knowing Neil would know when she fell asleep enough to leave her and start cooking.

Neil smiled, waiting for her to drift off before going to start dinner.

lockon neil, sailor pluto

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