RP Log - Innovator Brain-breaking?

May 23, 2009 21:17

Who: Anew and Wufei
When: two days ago
Where: on the beach
Rating: G
Warnings: Gundam 00 spoilers
Summary: Anew arrives and meets up with someone.

Anew blinked, opening her eyes. The beach? How… How had she gotten here? She had been in space only moments before. She had been fighting Lyle…. She looked down. She had her memories of being an Innovator, of having tried to hurt Lyle. Why couldn’t death have at least taken those away? Such painful memories.

Anew sighed, sitting up. She was still wearing her flight suit. The helmet was laying a few feet away, visor shattered. She stared at it a moment. Well, it was obviously worthless, for more reasons than one. She stood up, looking around. It didn’t look like there was much around except for trees, sand, and water. Determining she should probably try to find out if there was anything around, she figured she should see if there was anything here. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she wasn’t expecting to find anything but more sand and water. She reached to pick up her helmet then stopped. She didn’t need it so she left it and started walking.

Wufei spawled out with his back to a beached log, glasses perched on his nose as he read a book from the library. With the amount of spare time he had even with keeping his job and the garden upkept, the pilot found himself pleasantly able to catch up on the reading he'd used to do before becoming a pilot. He didn't look up at the sound of footsteps, figuring that anyone wishing to speak to him would alert him.

As Anew walked, she realized she was getting closer to a village of some sort. Could there really be other people here? After a moment, she spotted someone reading on a log. Well, that answered that question even though she wasn't quite sure what this place was. She walked closer. "Hello?" she said.

The scholar glanced up at the woman's voice. The flight suit was something of a surprise, and he certainly didn't recognize her. "Hello. May I help you?"

It wasn't anyone she recognized. That only made things more confusing. "Sorry for disturbing you," she amended since he had been reading. "Do you know where we are or what this place is?"

Ah, that was it then. Another new arrival. He had to wonder if she was from the same world as most of the others. "You're on an island outside of space and time. I take it that you've gotten here."

Anew blinked. Outside of space and time... that was a physical impossibility as far as she knew. "I just woke up on the beach not too far away... I don't know how I ended up here."

"You were brought," Wufei said, marking his page with an errant feather before closing the book. "Everyone here is, and most of us tend to get dropped on the beach, myself included. Chang Wufei."

"Brought here... by what?" The fact that people just appeared here didn't make an sense to her. She had always had a very logical mind... of course that probably had something to do with being an Innovator. "Anew Returner."

"No one knows. And attempts to find out have been unsuccessful at best." The fact that the island made little sense made him less likely to want to think about it too much to avoid the headache it brought along. "You're a pilot?"

Anew decided to not think about it as well. She looked down at what she was wearing. Well, that would prompt the question. "Yes, I am. I helped pilot the ship back home." She decided that she should hide the fact that she was Innovator for now.

Wufei wouldn't have known what an Innovator was in she'd told him anyway. "There are a good number of pilots here already. You may find some people from your world if you're fortunate."

Anew blinked. Could they really be here? Again, that didn't make any sense. So much for not thinking about it. "Is..." she paused a moment, hoping, "Lockon Stratos here?"

"Which one are you looking for?"

Anew blinked then blinked again. Which one? "Lyle..." But Lyle's brother was dead.

Wufei nodded, absently brushing some sand from his legs. "He's here."

Anew smiled. "I'm glad he's here." She has time to try and figure out what was going on. She'd have to find Lyle and apologize.

"There seem to have been a number of new arrivals from your world," he commented. "The hanger's been getting more crowded."

Anew blinked. "A hangar... so there are Gundams here?"

"Quite a few," Wufei said with a nod.

"Oh." There was a slight fear that maybe her mobile suit had shown up as well... but it had blown up. So it probably wasn't here.

"If you're looking for one in particular, the hanger is rather difficult to miss."

Anew nodded. "I'll have to go take a look there."

"There's likely to be someone in there if you need further assistance," Wufei said, gesturing towards the village. "I would suggest staying away from the woods on your own. There are dangerous animals within."

Anew nodded. She might have cared less if she had had her gun, but she didn't. "I'll remember that. Thank you for your help, Mr. Chang."

"My pleasure," he said politely. "I wish you good fortune."

"Thank you. You as well." She nodded politely to him and headed off to try and find the hangar.

wufei, anew

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