RP Log - Assassin and Double Agent

May 11, 2009 10:45

Who: Nagi & Lyle
Where: Training area, cafe
When: After Schuldig takes Nagi to his hut, before Nagi meets Sumeragi
Warnings: references for 00, Weiss Kreuz
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Lyle's actually doing something responsible!

Lyle focused on the target he was aiming his pistol at. It wasn't quite like firing his Gundam, but then few things were. He sighted and shot, feeling the slight recoil. Had he hit the target?

Nagi walked into the training area now that he had time, going to get a little bit of practice in before he got something to eat. He blinked at the figure in the area, was that Neil? He looked carefully, walking towards the other man until he got close enough to realize that there were a few subtle differences in body language from what he saw from his co-worker.

Lyle fired two more shots before feeling like someone was watching him. He turned to glance over his shoulder, surprised to see someone standing behind him. He had thought he had the place to himself. Well, mostly to himself--it was a bigger training area than he had previously supposed. "Um, how long have you been standing there?"

"Only a few minutes." Nagi replied, still trying to wrap his head around how the guy in front of him looked like Neil, but didn't seem like him. "Who are you and why do you look like my co-worker?"

"Your...coworker?" Belatedly, Lyle recalled his twin. "Oh, you mean my brother, Neil. We're twins. I'm Lyle, Lyle Dylandy. And you are...?"

That explained it. Nagi sighed, peering at Lyle from underneath the bangs that he kept pushed over to the right side of his face. "Nagi Naoe by your guys' way of doing names."

"It's nice to meet you," Lyle said, glancing around. "Do you come here often to practice?" Nagi did not seem to be holding any weapons at the moment, but that did not mean he did not have any.

Nagi nodded, heading over to the area that was dotted with patches of glass on the sand. "Yeah. Don't need any weapons."

Lyle followed, curious. "Hand-to-hand combat or something else?" The sand sparkled in patches that caught his attention. It didn't look particularly partial to hand-to-hand combat.

"Want to watch?" Nagi grinned slightly evilly, knowing that he had enough control over his lightning for right now to be able to bring it down and not accidentally kill Lyle.

Seeing the way Nagi was looking at him, Lyle wondered if he might be in some danger. But his curiosity overruled common sense. Neil might kill him for this later, but hey, Nagi was Neil's coworker right? He only presumed they got along. He nodded in answer to the question. "Yeah, sure."

Nagi chuckled darkly, then looked out over 'his' area before warming up by floating some rocks around before flinging them off in the direction of the forest. He didn't want to hit anyone, but if anyone was in the forest they deserved it in his opinion.

Lyle watched with wide eyes as the rocks zipped over the sand and then soared into the forest. He risked a glance at Nagi, knowing better than to interrupt when the man was concentrating. He had completely forgotten about the pistol in his hand until that moment, as he wondered what else Nagi had in store for him to see.

Nagi didn't use that much concentration to send the rocks on their way, taking a few deep breaths now that he was ready to up his training. Once he was calm enough, he turned his hand over so it was facing palm upwards, then clouds started forming out of nowhere. As suddenly as the clouds had appeared, a lightning bolt came down and hit the sand in the training area, far enough away from the forest to not risk any fires, but not too close to where Nagi was standing.

Lyle couldn't help but leap a foot in the air. Between the sudden cloud formation and the abrupt lightning strike, he could feel his heart hammering in his chest. He turned to look at Nagi again. "Wh-what was that?"

Nagi slumped against one of the rocks, needing the support to keep himself upright. Maybe it hadn't been such a good idea to come out so soon after exhausting himself, but he needed to get the control that he needed. "Heard of psychic powers?"

Lyle nodded, concerned by the way Nagi seemed to be leaning against the rock. He would offer to help, but after seeing that display of power, he was a bit wary of touching him. "I've heard of them, but never really seen it in action. Are you okay?"

Nagi nodded, glad that Lyle seemed to be smart enough to not try to touch him. He couldn't guarantee anyone's safety if they did that at this point. "Just a bit tired. That ability uses up a lot of energy. I'm a telekinetic."

Lyle frowned. He was in no condition to criticize, considering he had no magical ability and had only met this guy minutes ago. "Seems to me that used up more energy than you realized. How often do you practice it?"

"When I need to use it...can't afford to have sparks flying off me since I work at the arcade." Nagi sighed, the heat of the stone feeling nice on his back. "Or things floating around for no reason at all."

Imagining a lightning bolt in an arcade was not worth thinking about. On the other hand, floating objects might be neat--unless they were out of control. "You must make things more exciting at the arcade then," Lyle commented, not knowing what else to say.

Nagi shook his head, not wanting to comment much on that. Neil already saw him sparking more often than anyone else did, but he didn't want to admit that. "I guess."

Lyle glanced down at the pistol he was still holding. He probably should have left it at the firing range--but he hadn't. "I was working on my aim earlier...I wonder how well a Gundam would hold up to a lightning bolt?" He mused aloud.

"It might do well, depending on how the circuitry is shielded. But if you use a Haro, if there is any short circuit, the Haro will be first to go." Nagi closed his eyes, not wanting to think that much about a Gundam going against his abilities. He would not walk away from such a fight.

"Yeah, Haro's aren't all that stable." Lyle recalled his Haro. "Especially around water." He grimaced at the memory of his less-than-spectacular landing in the ocean.

"Neither is my laptop." Nagi ruefully admitted, managing a faint smirk on his face that did not match his eyes in the least. His dark blue eyes looked as if they belonged to a much-older person, not someone who was only nineteen.

"This might be a dumb question, and I don't even know if you would know the answer, but does Neil ever come down to practice here? Has he seen what you can do?" Lyle wondered what his twin's reaction would have been.

Nagi sighed, deciding to take it one question at a time. "I've never seen Neil here. He just doesn't need to, since it's stupid to try to snipe things with just one good eye. As for the other...he's seen me sparking in the arcade a few times."

Lyle stiffened at having forgotten that his brother only had a single good eye. Neil seemed to get along well enough that he hardly noticed the disability. He should have remembered. Now he was uncomfortable. "So he doesn't really know what you can do?"

Nagi nodded, then looked out at the training grounds instead of at Lyle. "He and I met in the first aid station. If I do too much with my abilities, I end up there."

Lyle blinked in surprise. "Ouch. That's gotta suck. You're not too injured now, are you?" He realized that Nagi had not moved very much in the time they were talking.

Nagi shrugged, finally pushing himself off the rock he had been leaning against. "I'm still conscious, aren't I?"

"Yes...I guess that's a good thing. Maybe we should head back to the village and get something to eat. Looks like we could both do with some food." Lyle wasn't really sure if food would help, but it couldn't hurt. That, and he had already been out here for a while, practicing his shooting--with a little improvement.

Nagi nodded, thinking that food was a good idea now that he had used up a decent amount of the energy that he had gathered over the past few days. He grinned, then managed to teleport to the front of the training area just to make his walk a bit less.

Lyle flinched, not expecting the sudden teleportation. He was wondering if that was such a good idea when Nagi had already used up so much power. "Oh sure, get a headstart..." Lyle muttered wryly. He quickly put away his training gear and then caught up to Nagi, only to realize he was a bit turned around.

Nagi smirked, trying to hide the fact that he was just barely able to stand up at this point. Sure, it was a foolish thing to do, but it made him feel a bit better. "Know where you're at?"

Lyle rolled his eyes. "Of course I know where I'm at. I just don't know where we're going." The sarcasm was automatic; and after so many years of holding it in, it felt good to release some of it. "Why don't you lead the way, or are you too drained to walk?" After all, it wasn't like he was blind to Nagi's excess use of magic.

Nagi laughed harshly, pleased to be around someone else who knew the uses of sarcasm. He made a mental note that was one way to tell the twins apart. "Then follow after me. I won't be teleporting more than that."

Lyle smiled. "Good, because I don't think I'd be able to keep up with you otherwise."

Nagi chuckled darkly, then led the way to the cafe. It took him a bit longer than usual to get there since he was tired, but didn't show it that much until he nearly flopped into one of the booths there.

Lyle's stomach growled as he sat down across from Nagi in the cafe. He hadn't realized how much time had passed since he had gone to the training area. Although judging by Nagi's weariness, he wasn't the only one feeling the strain of time. "You have any favorites here?" Lyle asked.

"Usually get soup and part of a sandwich. I've heard the desserts are good here, but I stay away from most of them." Nagi did not like sweets very much, and he wasn't about to let Neil's twin know that there were people on his case to make him eat more than he was.

Lyle couldn't remember the last time he had something sweet. In space there hadn't been much time for dessert--not that there had been time when he was on earth either. "Hmm, I might have to try a dessert."

"You can have my share if you want." Nagi made a slight face at the thought of something sweet, looking over the soups for the day instead.

Lyle grinned. "I won't say no." He peered at the menu as well, trying to decide on what he would like to eat. His stomach chose for him, as his eyes landed on the burger choices. If they tasted half as good as they sounded, he just might be in heaven.

Nagi decided on the soup and the part of a sandwich he wanted, going with something simpler. Most of the other fare was just too heavy for what he was used to.

Lyle set the menu down and glanced around the cafe, soaking in the environment. He hadn't been to such a place in a while and it felt good to relax and not have to worry about letting something slip that he wasn't supposed to. For once he was not on an errand for either Katharon or Celestial Being. He sighed in relief.

Nagi was used to the atmosphere of the cafe, idly wondering if his teammate was supposed to be working. That didn't mean that the orange-haired German was going to be there, of course. He shrugged, getting up to place his order.

Lyle followed suit, letting Nagi take the lead. If nothing else, it looked like Nagi needed it more than he did, anyway.

Nagi placed his order, returning to the booth as soon as he could before he fell over from exhaustion. His head was starting to feel off, silently hoping he'd get his food soon.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Lyle asked, not sure if he should be prepared if Nagi suddenly fell over. He still wasn't too keen on touching the guy who had created glass out of sand. Even if he had used up most, if not all, of his power.

Nagi nodded slightly once he had sat down, resting in the comfortable seat at the booth. "I'll be fine once I eat."

"Okay," Lyle said skeptically, still keeping an eye on the telekinetic. He silently wished for the food to hurry up for his new friend's sake.

"Go ahead and order, mine should be out before yours. It doesn't take long to get soup and part of a sandwich."

Lyle nodded and went to order his own food. Upon returning, his stomach growled, as though to remind him why he was there in the first place.

Nagi relaxed until his food came out a few minutes later, his stomach growling after he smelled the soup and half a sandwich. Yes, it was definitely time for the young assassin to eat.

Lyle watched, waiting for his own meal to arrive. At last the burger came and Lyle tucked in eagerly. The food was better than he had dared to hope, but he also hadn't had a burger in too long. Distantly, he wondered what Neil's favorite food was.

Nagi didn't dig into his food, but was a bit smarter and slowly ate some of his soup while it was still hot. He felt a bit better after having it, not feeling as light-headed now. "So you're from the world as the new Gundams."

Lyle looked up and swallowed the bite before answering. "Yeah. I guess I ended up following in my brother's footsteps after all."

"Just as long as you aren't as much of an idiot as he is, whatever." Nagi shrugged slightly, having more of his soup as he thought for a moment. "Not like I'm much better."

Lyle made a face. "You mean by overusing your power? But at least you know when to stop..." he paused. "I guess the key difference is knowing when to stop versus deciding to keep going anyway. And yeah, my brother can be an idiot." Lyle smiled in spite of himself.

"You just think I know when to stop, that's all." Nagi looked down, finishing off his soup at a reasonable pace. "Besides, I doubt I'll live very long after I get back to where I'm from."

Lyle looked at him, forgetting about the food on his plate for a moment. "Why's that?"

Nagi chuckled darkly, idly turning his glass around a little before taking a sip of water. "Assassins don't live long."

"Oh." Lyle considered the predicament. His voice was soft as he added, "Double agents also don't live very long lives."

"The group I'm with has a habit of double-crossing employers when they do something we don't approve of." Nagi smirked, remembering the stupid koala known as Takatori. "Or they fire us, then want to hire us again when danger comes."

Lyle nodded, able to sympathize more closely than he might have realized. "In my world, different factions of the government are attacking each other. I'm sort of caught in the middle of two of the groups. It has worked out so far, but..." Lyle shrugged. The future was never certain, less so when war was at hand.

Nagi blinked, surprised a bit at that. Maybe this pilot wasn't so different from him in some ways. He shrugged a bit, then trained his dark eyes on Lyle. "I'm trying to keep out of Esset's hands. They try to grab up various psychics, but Schwarz has kept me away from them for now. I can't rely on that."

Lyle took a bite of his burger, thinking while he chewed. He finally replied: "Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. People will get in the way, but..." he considered Nagi's role. "I'm surprised an assassin would just let someone stand between him and his target."

"Well, we don't work entirely as assassins." Nagi let out a harsh laugh, an evil glint in his eye. "Bodyguards at times, spies at others...whatever we're paid enough to do."

"Ah." Lyle knew the type all too well, but his curiosity got the better of him. "How do you determine who is right or wrong? Or is it all based on money?"

"Us?" Nagi smirked, "We are Schwarz. We don't care about moral issues like right and wrong. Whoever pays our fees gets our services. If they renege on their fees, they can expect to just be left out in the cold."

Lyle frowned. That explained a lot. "So you're mercenaries..."

"Yeah." Nagi chuckled, not really caring what the other thought about it. "There's another bunch from my world here, they deal with the moral issues of right and wrong. It's a shame that they fuck it up at times."

Lyle snorted. "You'd be surprised how people can confuse the two." Not that he was any better at judging right from wrong. After all, he was sort of skirting around the truth by joining Celestial Being despite his prior, more essential commitment to Katharon.

Nagi sighed, taking a bite of his sandwich half as he thought about a few things from his own past. A couple sparks started flying off him before he could shut it down, a sign he was thinking too much.

Lyle watched the sparks fly with some concern. If Nagi was weak after calling down a lightning bolt, then sparking couldn't exactly be good for his health. But then, he seemed to be deep in thought.

Nagi managed to shut down the sparking not long after it started, not caring about the effect it had on him. He shrugged, managing a weak smirk over at Lyle. "It keeps the Haros away."

Lyle smiled a little. "Yeah, well, I don't think I have to worry about my own Haro at the moment. It seems to be avoiding me. Not that I can blame it." His smile dissolved. His Haro was being unusually persistent about the grudge. Maybe it had gotten more damaged than he thought.

Nagi shrugged, whatever the other pilot did to a Haro to make it avoid him was none of his business. Finishing his food, on the other hand...that was his business for now, and he went back to it.

Lyle sighed and glanced at his meal before him. He had lost his appetite just thinking about his Haro and the Gundam. He really shouldn't be lolly-gagging around, but working on his Gundam. On the other hand, he felt that he should stick around to make sure that Nagi would be okay.

Nagi noticed Lyle just sitting there, obviously lost in some sort of thought. He smirked, telekinetically ruffling Lyle's hair just to see what kind of reaction he could get out of him.

Lyle flinched as his hair moved. He glanced over his shoulder, expecting to see Neil, before remembering the telekinetic sitting across from him. "Very funny."

Nagi chuckled darkly, getting some sort of teenager amusement out of it. "I thought it was."

Lyle rolled his eyes. "I wonder if Neil would feel the same?"

"If he was here, I'd do it to him too," The young hacker replied, evil smirk on his face. "That way both of you get it."

"What do you mean, get it?" Lyle asked.

Nagi kept that dark smirk on his face, pointing over towards Lyle's hair. "Both of you wear it a bit long."

Lyle fingered a strand of his hair, which reached down to his shoulders. "It's not...well, okay, I guess it is long. But there's no real reason to keep it very short. At least it's tamer than Neil's--by an iota."

Nagi could get an idea of why Lyle mentioned Neil's in the way he did, having a feeling there was a bit of resentment there. "Let me guess. You got called Neil too many times?"

Lyle shrugged. "I expected it, but...I guess I wasn't as prepared for it as I thought. Fortunately Neil's crew used codenames so that worked out better. But now I find myself having to get used to it again."

"Neil's girlfriend won't do it." Nagi shuddered a little, scared of the Guardian of Time who ran the clothing store. The woman had the ability to find too much, "She knows better."

Lyle suppressed a chuckle. "So you've met her too? She is rather...uh, different. But she seems good for Neil." He paused, wondering if his next question would be too personal. "Just curious, but do you have any siblings?"

Nagi shook his head, ignoring the comments about Pluto in favor of answering the question. "Only child. Good thing, too...”

"In your line of work, I guess it would be," Lyle mused. "But it must be lonely at times." Not that having a twin meant he had been any less lonely, but until they had gone their separate ways, it had meant there was someone there. Usually.

"You learn to deal." Nagi shrugged, not really thinking about the loneliness until Lyle had brought it up. Damn him. "Schuldig can get in my head at any time anyways."

Lyle shuddered. "I'd hate to have someone poking around in my head. Er, no offense if you can do that..." He realized he was digging himself in deeper. "Sorry. Oh man, Neil is going to kill me for this..."

Nagi shook his head, not caring at all that Lyle was digging his own grave. Better to let someone else dig their own grave at this point. "I can't. Telekinetic, not telepath."

Lyle relaxed slightly. "Ah. When did you first find out about your...ability?"

"I don't remember how old I was, only that I was a kid who made things float around. It drove my parents crazy..." Nagi looked down, stirring his soup around as he started sparking again.

Lyle watched, slowly getting used to the sparks. "Do you do that--spark--a lot?"

"More often lately." Nagi sighed, not really willing to admit why. He stirred his soup a bit more, then pushed what was left of it away. "Thinking too much, that's all."

"I probably have not helped things either. I fear I've imposed too much." Lyle glanced down at his plate. "And if my food's cold, yours probably is too."

"Doesn't matter, I don't eat much." Nagi replied, going with the truth for once in his life. "Learned to live off whatever I could get, which wasn't much."

Lyle nodded, unsure of what to say.

That suited Nagi just fine, and he finished off his drink before standing up. "I'll see you around. Don't need help getting back to Schu's hut."

Lyle stood up as well. "It was nice meeting you."

Nagi just nodded, heading out of the cafe on his own, if a bit unsteady. Oh well, he'd get there soon enough, hopefully without someone tailing him.

Lyle sighed as he watched Nagi head unsteadily out of the cafe. He should at least make sure that he got safely back...and considering Nagi's condition, he didn't think the boy had enough energy to force the issue...

Nagi twitched at the feeling as he was walking that someone was tailing him, looking over his shoulder at one point to see if that prickly feeling had any basis in truth.

Lyle considered ducking behind a tree, but it was too late to do so when Nagi glanced back at him. Besides, it wasn't like he was doing anything wrong. Lyle merely waved as he caught up to Nagi. "Neil would have my hide if you didn't return safely," he said by way of explanation.

Nagi sighed, shaking his head. He knew that Neil might indeed have his twin's hide for that, but at the same time had a feeling that the Irishman would understand his reasons for it. "Fine. Whatever."

Lyle nodded, deciding that silence would be the better course of action. He only wanted to see Nagi home safely.

Nagi headed back towards Schuldig's hut, making it there in twice the time it usually took him. He would have teleported, but had the nagging feeling it wouldn't be a good idea and just get him to see MOMO sooner than he wanted to.

Once Lyle saw that Nagi was going to make it to his hut in one piece, he turned to head back in the other direction. Talking with Nagi had reminded him of things he needed to take care of.

nagi, lockon lyle

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