RP Log - Camping Anyone

May 11, 2009 20:40

Who: Allelujah and Neil
When: yesterday, closer to evening
Where: training grounds, near the training grounds, housing store
Rating: G
Warnings: random Haro
Summary: Neil and Allelujah meet by accident and decide to give Pluto some time to calm down.

Allelujah hadn't gone to work that day, as he'd really really not wanted to face Pluto just yet after what'd happened that morning. So after he'd finished his coffee, he'd gone for his usual jog, just had made it a lot longer than usual..He'd done a bit more exploring of the island, without going to far before heading for the training grounds. Not to train, exactly, more to cool down. He knew he should apologize to his hutmates, minus Minako as she'd obviously slept through it, thankfully, but that they also needed to calm down.

Neil headed up to the training grounds after his shift at work. Haro was following him. He needed to stay away from his hut for a bit after what had happened that morning.

Allelujah was just sitting on a rock, chin propped on a palm as he silently talked with Hallelujah. The occasional twitch gave the conversation away. Sure, no one else was there, but he still felt a bit weird whenever he caught himself physically responding to conversations he held with his alter. He glanced up when he heard someone approach, eyes opening as it was one of the rare moments he and Hallelujah combined completely to show both eyes.

Neil blinked, seeing who was sitting there. Well, at least it was Allelujah and not someone else, namely one who worked at the flower shop and owned a big sword. "Hello," he said a bit sheepishly. Haro flapped and rolled over to Allelujah.

Allelujah sighed when he saw Neil but offered a very faint smile as he pushed Hallelujah further away, taking back complete control. Hallelujah was in a rather sour mood, and Allelujah didn't want his alter punching another person. "..Hey.." Glancing down at the Haro, he picked the robot up and set it on his lap. "Hi Haro.."

"Hello! Hello!" Haro said, flapping happily. Neil walked over and sat down on the ground a bit closer to Allelujah. No offense to Allelujah, but he wanted a bit of distance between himself and Hallelujah if he should come after him. "So...." He couldn't figure out how to start this.

Allelujah held the Haro, keeping his gaze on it rather than Neil. He didn't mind the bit of distance, and couldn't blame the other Meister. "..Perhaps we should just agree not to jog in the morning together..."

Neil nodded. "Probably a good idea..." He was silent a moment then said, "Sorry I got you in trouble for me being stupid."

Allelujah gave a slight chuckle. "Eh..We just forgot that other people could hear and get grumpy..Sorry you're likely to be sleeping on the couch tonight..You can sleep in my room, if you want...I'll probably stay in the clothing store.."

Neil chuckled. "I'll probably end up camping out some where. I don't know how mad she is going to be at me today, so I figure I'll give her space."

Allelujah gave a wry half smile, glancing over at him then. "Want company or would you also like to keep some distance from Hallelujah?"

"I wouldn't mind some company as long as Hallelujah doesn't try to kill me in my sleep," Neil said with a slight chuckle. Haro flapped, snuggling as only a robot could with Allelujah.

Allelujah chuckled quietly, both at Neil's words, and at Haro's snuggling. "I think Hallelujah's more irritated than murderous..I..didn't go to work today, didn't think it'd be a good idea. Haro could stand watch, if that'd help?" At least the Haro could alert Neil if Hallelujah took over and tried something.

Neil chuckled. "That he could. He's good at that." Haro flapped.

Allelujah smiled down at the Haro, relaxing a bit. "What do you think, Haro? Care to be our guard tonight?"

Haro flapped. "Haro guard! Haro guard!" Neil chuckled. "I guess we have a lookout."

Allelujah chuckled quietly. "Great, thanks Haro." He glanced at Neil again. "Want to get stuff for the night then?"

Neil nodded. "Probably should... food, sleeping bags, tent." He chuckled after a moment and smiled. "Hey, this will be like back when we were training."

"Maybe not so much food, we can eat at the cafe if we want..But a tent and sleeping bags would be a good idea." Allelujah smiled a faintly, giving a slight shrug as he stood up, bringing Haro with him. "A bit, yeah."

Neil stood up, dusting himself off. "True, though cooking out would be interesting... So where should we plan to make camp at?"

Allelujah nodded, "cooking outside works too." He started walking back down the trail towards the village before answering. "There's a decent spot not too far, I've used it before. We can go there."

Neil nodded. "Sounds good."

Allelujah led the way to the housing goods store before he paused long enough to set Haro back down. "Want to get the sleeping bags while I get the tent?"

Neil nodded. "Alright." He headed towards where the sleeping bags were.

Allelujah went to pick up a tent that'd fit both of them relatively comfortable, then had it rung up at the counter before heading back to the door to wait.

Neil came out a few minutes later with two sleeping bags and Haro following after him. "Alright, I got them."

Allelujah nodded, "great. Want to get the food now or a bit later?"

"We can get it a bit later."

"Okay." Allelujah turned and headed to the spot he'd talked about. He'd camped there before, when he was getting his head around the island.

Neil nodded, slinging both of the bag over his shoulder and following after Allelujah.

Haro flapped, bouncing after them. "Haro help! Haro help!"

Allelujah glanced back at the Haro, chuckling a bit. "Sure you will, Haro." He wasn't sure how, but he knew the Haro would find a way to be useful. It didn't take long to get to the camping spot, and when they got there, he set the tent down.

Neil set down the sleeping bags, stretching his arms a bit. He chuckled, watching as Haro weaved his way into the handle of one of the sleeping bags and began to attempt to pull the sleeping bag closer to where Allelujah had set down the tent.

Allelujah rotated his arms as well before starting on setting up the tent. He was, of course, distracted when he saw the Haro attempting to pull one of the sleeping bags over to him, which also sparked a quiet chuckle.

Neil, deciding to not dash the little robot's desire to help, gently nudged the bag that Haro was attempting to pull with his foot so the bag moved forward. He did this until Haro had "pulled" the bag over to Allelujah then went to get the other bag. Haro flapped happily, not seeming to realize Neil had helped him.

Allelujah bit back a laugh as Neil helped Haro move the bag, and he played along, "nice job, Haro, thanks." He went back to setting the tent up to one side of the small clearing.

Haro flapped happily and turned to look back at the other bag. "I got this one," Neil told Haro. "Do you need any help with that?" he asked Allelujah, setting the bag next to the other one.

"Take the other side?" Came Allelujah's request, as he'd gone out of immediate sight.

Neil nodded and helped him set up the tent as Haro watched.

Allelujah was able to work much faster with the help, and soon the tent was finished and as sturdy as it would be.

Neil smiled and stood back to admire their handy work. "Looks good," he said. Haro rolled inside the tent.

Allelujah smiled faintly, walking over to stand next to Neil. "Not bad," he commented. "What do you think, Haro?"

Haro flapped inside the tent. "Looks good! Looks good! Haro camping!" Neil chuckled.

Allelujah chuckled. "Well there we go, we have Haro's stamp of approval." He picked up one of the sleeping bags and went to put it inside.

Neil chuckled. "I guess we do." Haro rolled out of the tent as Allelujah started to put the sleeping bag in.

Allelujah rolled out the sleeping bag before poking his head out the flap. "If you hand me the other sleeping bag I can set it up too."

Neil nodded and passed him the sleeping bag.

Allelujah took the second sleeping bag and rolled it out on the opposite side of the one he'd already unrolled. Then he went back out of the tent. "That's ready, then."

Neil nodded. "That's good." He shook his head as Haro went back into the tent. "Will you guard the tent until we come back, Haro?" Haro flapped inside the tent. "Roger! Roger!"

Allelujah lifted his foot up to let Haro by, a bit amused. "So what'd you want to make for dinner?" He started back towards the village.

Neil smiled, following Allelujah back. "Chicken is easy to do for outdoor cooking."

Allelujah nodded. "Sounds good to me."

Neil smiled. "So should we get the food now or later?"

"Now works, haven't exactly eaten today," Allelujah admitted with a sheepish chuckle.

Neil nodded. "Okay. Let's go then."

Allelujah nodded and started walking again.

lockon neil, allelujah

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