Alle - Coffee = Baaaad

May 10, 2009 23:51

Who: H/Allelujah, Neil, Ran, Pluto
Where: Their hut
When: 5am this morning
Warnings: Hallelujah, Ran, Pluto, sugar
Rating: PG-13ish
Summary: This is what happens when you steal Alle's coffee...

Allelujah woke up at his usual time and walked out to start the coffee brewing. He was only presentable, sort of, because of the robe he'd pulled on. He sat down and just let his head fall onto crossed arms on the table, head resting as he waited.

Neil woke hearing someone moving around in the front of the hut. Why that woke him, he wasn't sure. He sat up on the air mattress to look at the clock. Judging by the time, it was probably Allelujah. He got and quietly headed out to the kitchen so as not to wake Pluto.

Allelujah didn't look up when he heard someone walk in, he figured it was just Neil after all. Morning person he was not, especially with Hallelujah glaring at him for being awake at that hour.

Neil smiled. He usually was a morning person, but this hour put a damper on that. "Morning," he said sitting down across from Allelujah.

Allelujah finally turned his head enough to peer at Neil, grey eye just barely halfway open. "...Morning.."

Neil chuckled slightly. "It's early, you say?"

Allelujah snorted quietly, waking up a bit more. It helped that he could now smell the coffee, and knew it was almost ready. "Shush."

Neil chuckled quietly. "At least the coffee is almost done? Enough for me to have some?"

Allelujah just blinked at him for a moment before shrugging a little. "..Maybe.."

"That means no, doesn't it?"

Allelujah heard the coffee maker go nearly quiet, meaning it was done. He stood up, not quite able to hide the smirk as he went to get two mugs. "..If you want anything in it, you'll have to get it yourself."

Neil nodded and stood up, walking over.

Allelujah just slid one of the mugs over to him before pouring his first cup. He'd made enough for eight cups, knowing his usual pick up was two cups worth.

Neil chuckled and put some sugar in it. In the middle of scooping the sugar, he kind of zoned out thanks to being tired and put a little too much sugar in his coffee.

To be fair, Allelujah very nearly poured too much coffee into his mug, but managed to stop before the scalding liquid spilled over. Maybe he'd have more coffee than usual this morning...He shook his head and set the pot down before carefully taking his coffee back to the table.

Neil walked back over to the table with his coffee and sipped it. He blinked looking at the coffee then said, "I think I'm going to be flying to work today."

Allelujah snickered a bit at that. "I jog it out before work..You're welcome to join me again if you want." Yes, his sarcasm was in top notch this morning, Hallelujah must be proud.

Neil nodded. "Sure."

Allelujah smiled slightly and sipped at his coffee. He was growing more alert now, thankfully.

Neil smiled. The combination of the caffeine and the sugar was waking him up. "So when do you want to go for a jog?"

"If you want me civil and Hallelujah not in control, you'll let me completely wake up first." Allelujah said in all seriousness. He didn't look up from his mug.

"I realized that."

Allelujah smirked slightly. "Good. After that though, sure."

Neil chuckled. He took another sip of coffee, then jokingly reached to take Allelujah's mug away.

Allelujah would have flailed at the stealing hands if that didn't mean the likeliness of the coffee spilling and being wasted. Instead, he glared at Neil before reaching for Neil's mug in retaliation.

Neil removed his hand quickly and chuckled. "You wouldn't want mine. It is full of sugar." True, he could have made a new cup, but that would have been a waste of coffee and sugar.

"Still coffee.." Allelujah pulled his mug away from Neil, with a mock glare before kicking at Neil under the table.

Neil flailed a little and kicked back at Allelujah then leaned across the table and grabbed Allelujah's coffee. Yes... Neil shouldn't have been allowed to have sugar in the morning.

"Lockon! My coffee. Give it back now." So he slipped on Neil's name, he could've been a lot more awake, but he wasn't...And could have complained less loudly. But he didn't care, and reached over to try to get his coffee back thank you.

And that's when Ran came out of his room. The poor man wasn't in a very happy mood, having been jerked awake. He frowned at the two at the table.

Neil chuckled and passed Allelujah his coffee back. He hadn't noticed the angry man who had been woken up yet.

Allelujah also hadn't noticed Ran's arrival, and clutched at his coffee mug, still glaring, despite the fact it looked more like a pout at the moment. Now he was grumpy, lovely.

"It's five in the god damn morning. Shut up." Ran said.

Neil blinked looking up at him. "Oops. Sorry about that."

Allelujah glanced over at Ran, then gestured at Neil. "..Blame him, he stole my coffee...."

"I don't care who did what. Get another damn cup. You're a grown man." the assassin said darkly.

Neil didn't say anything.

Allelujah shrugged slightly. "That's beside the point..Go get your own coffee if you're going to be so cranky, or go back to bed."

"I don't know what's worse. Your coffee or Irish beer." Ran snapped before turning to head back to his room.

Neil glared at him. "Don't insult his coffee or my country's beer."

That comment got Allelujah to turn the rest of the way, and his glare to sharpen. "How would you enjoy your country being insulted?"

"I could care less."

Neil continued to glare at him. "Don't insult my country just because you are tired." Of course he wasn't fully awake himself so he probably wasn't thinking too clearly.

Hallelujah'd had enough, and simply took over. Bringing the coffee with him, he stood up and walked over to Ran. Yellow-gold eye glaring while the rest of his expression was rather flat, his free hand made a fist and he brought it across Ran's face in a punch. "Enough with the stupid chit-chat."

You did not hit an assassin. Ever. Ran stumbled back and grabbed the small knife he constantly kept on his person. He brought it out to defend himself.

"Uh..." Neil said, not wanting anyone to get hurt anymore than had already happened. "Let's all just calm down here." He really didn't want Alle to get stabbed.

Knife against hot coffee, hmm? Hallelujah felt his lips quirk in a smirk as he shifted back. Didn't seem to quite matter he wasn't completely alert, and Neil's request went right out the window and straight to being ignored. Still, he'd only made that one punch, now he waited.

He rolled his eyes and put the knife away. "Just leave me be."

"Tsch. Then leave us alone. You're the one who came out here in the first damn place," Hallelujah watched him, still holding the hot coffee mug, idly flexing the hand he'd used to punch the assassin.

Neil headed back over to sit down.

"And you're the two that decided to start yelling like immature children."

"And you're a fucking ray of sunshine." Hallelujah rolled his eye at the long haired man before taking a sip of the coffee before muttering. "Christ Allelujah..Why do we have to get up so early.."

Ran shook his head and headed back into his room, accidentally slamming the door.

Pluto woke up with a start at hearing a door slamming, having enough sense to throw a robe on before stepping out into the hallway to see what was going on.

Neil had stood up again and gone to the doorway when the other left. He blinked as Pluto came out of their room. "Good morning," he said sheepishly.

Hallelujah just snorted and turned back to return to the table. He'd let the couple deal with shit.

Pluto frowned at the sheepish look on Neil's face, walking over to see if there was anyone else in the kitchen to explain the slamming door. She sighed when she saw Hallelujah there, then turned back to Neil. "What have the two of you been doing at this hour?"

"Well, we were planning on going jogging so we got early. I was joking around and stole Alle's coffee. He yelled and that woke Ran up. Then he got mad at us because we had woken him and he insulted Alle's coffee and Irish beer so Halle came out and punched Ran and Ran drew a dagger. When neither of them did anything, Ran went back to his room and slammed the door." Yes, sugar at five in the morning was a bad idea.

Hallelujah just sipped calmly at the coffee Allelujah'd made, just glad he didn't have to deal with any added stuff in it. He didn't really care what Neil said to Pluto, just made a note to hide the sugar in the future.

Pluto glared at both Hallelujah and Neil, going over to the one still drinking coffee and grabbing his shoulder, nearly spitting out her words. "Hallelujah Haptism, do anything like this again and I will wake the assassin up so he can deal with you properly."

Hallelujah quirked a brow at her calmly, just waiting for her to stop yelling. When she seemed to be done, at least for the moment-he didn't delude himself in thinking she was completely done yet-he spoke up in a rather bored tone. "Done with the yelling yet or should I get earplugs?" He had to wonder if it was really that easy to make her mad enough to get someone else to get physically violent with another.

Pluto narrowed her red eyes, letting just a little of her power 'leak' out and surround her as well as him. "You get earplugs, I teach you the lesson in the only way you will ever learn it." She released Hallelujah for now, turning to face her boyfriend who had apparently started everything. "As for you, Neil Dylandy..."

Hallelujah wasn't quite able to hide his flinch when he felt the hint of power leak out. He fell silent and just watched, wondering what exactly she'd do to Neil.

Neil blinked and flinched slightly. He had been standing back while she yelled at Hallelujah. "Yes, Pluto?" he said, expecting her to be mad at him.

Pluto walked over to Neil, closing the distance between them quickly enough to slap him before he could get away from her. "I don't know why you had to act like a child this morning, I don't care, as far as I'm concerned you are sleeping on the couch starting now if you can even get back to sleep. It's too early for this."

Neil put his hand to his face, a little surprised that she had slapped him. Then again, he had been an idiot. He nodded. "I understand," he said moving his hand away from his face.

"Good, because I'm not repeating myself." Pluto's eyes flashed with anger, not awake enough to deal with stupidity in any sort of calm manner yet. "Now, are you two going to behave, or do I need to kick you out of here?"

Neil nodded to show that he would behave.

Hallelujah just gave a shrug, neither agreeing nor disagreeing. He could always skulk around the hot springs until the cafe opened if she did kick them out.

Pluto glared at both of the pilots for good measure, storming back into her room so she could get back to bed already. One more loud noise out of either of them, they were going to be out of her hut.

Neil watched her go then deciding he had had enough coffee for today, went out to the living room to read and hopefully get some more sleep.

Hallelujah let out a quiet chuckle when he heard the door close behind Pluto. He didn't say anything though, just went back to finishing the first cup of coffee.

lockon neil, sailor pluto, ran aya, allelujah

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