Meister Talks With Assassin

May 10, 2009 16:44

Who: Allelujah and Nagi
Where: Schuldig's hut
When: Couple days ago
Warnings: References for both WK and 00
Rating: G
Summary: Allelujah goes to check up on Sumeragi, finds Nagi instead. They talk about stuff.

Allelujah wanted to check on Sumeragi again, see if anything had been done to her alcohol stash yet, though he had to doubt it. Which meant he had to be very careful and go when he thought Schuldig wouldn't be there. Which meant he left work early, ducking out when he thought he could get away with it. It seemed to work, as Hallelujah remained relatively silent as he knocked on the door to the hut.

Nagi didn't even hear the knocking at the door, since he was still in Schuldig's room for the moment. He had been staying in there most of the time since he had been brought back, just so he would not risk the chance of hurting someone, or destroying things.

Allelujah gave it a good couple minutes before knocking again, a bit louder this time.

Nagi sighed at the insistent pounding, finally hearing it now. He headed out into the living area, opening the door with his telekinesis rather than just opening it like a normal person.

Allelujah blinked when the door was suddenly opened, and not by anyone he could immediately see. Then he noticed a younger man with an oddly similar hairstyle to his own, and had to blink. Obviously the guy had telekinetic powers at least, yet, fortunately, didn't set his alter off. Perhaps this was Nagi then, and going off that thought, he offered a faint smile. "Hello.."

Nagi nodded, unable to help but notice that the slightly older man's hairstyle was like his, but longer. "You looking for someone here?"

Allelujah nodded slightly, "Miss Sumeragi..Is she here right now?"

Nagi shrugged, not stepping out of Schuldig's room long enough to see if she was or not. "Check her room. If she's not there, she's not here." He headed back into the kitchen, since the man obviously wasn't there to see him

Allelujah quirked a brow at him before stepping inside and closing the door behind himself at the invitation, if that was what it was. He walked to where the rooms were and tried each room except for the one the other'd come out of, simply because he'd never been to the hut before. Clearly recognising one of the rooms to be hers, he took a quick look around to see how many bottles were there. He had to sigh at the sheer number before he headed back out, stopping at the kitchen to at least thank the guy. "Thanks for letting me in."

"You're welcome," was the flat response as Nagi got a glass of water for himself. "Trying to get her to stop drinking?"

Allelujah sighed nearly silently, hands slipping into pockets as he leaned against the door frame. "'Trying', is the key.."

Nagi nodded, having seen enough of that the one time Sumeragi had made salad for them. He sipped at his water, studying Allelujah for a moment. "She drinks more than Schuldig."

"She commented she thinks he's been stealing some of her alcohol," Allelujah mentioned, tone neutral as he studied the slightly younger man in return. He wasn't sure how much the other knew about Sumeragi, and didn't feel comfortable bringing up why she drank.

"He would steal some, but not much. Just enough to drown out the voices." Nagi shrugged, having a feeling that letting it slip that Schuldig heard voices wasn't that bad. Nearly the entire island knew he was a telepath anyways.

Allelujah nodded slightly, having a feeling that if he'd been the age he was now, when Hallelujah had been 'created', he'd have tried the same thing. "I'm Allelujah." He offered in introduction.

"Nagi." He nodded slightly, dark blue eyes still trained on Allelujah. He remembered the name from when he was talking with Neil at work, idly wondering if Neil was wondering where he was. "Schu's keeping me here for a bit."

So he'd been right on the identity of the younger man. The Meister knew his friend was concerned about Nagi, and didn't have much doubt that Neil would be coming by soon to visit. He nodded in understanding. "Overprotective?" He lightly pried, wondering how much the other would say.

Nagi shook his head, snorting a little. He wouldn't describe Schuldig as overprotective in any sense. "That's your friend. Schu's not that way."

Allelujah smirked ever so slightly. "Neil? Yeah. If he gets too much, just tell him. He's generally pretty good at leaving well enough alone."

Nagi shrugged, not minding that Neil was a bit protective of him. "I don't care. He's not that bad compared to some people here."

Allelujah tilted his head slightly, curious. "Such as?"
angkhushrenada (9:49:04 PM): "MOMO, for one." Nagi shuddered, "That's the only reason Schuldig can make sure I don't do too much. If I do, he'll hand me over to the first aid station."

Allelujah blinked, before giving a slight shrug. He had no real experience with MOMO, so he didn't know what she could do. "..I don't much like going there either, regardless of who's there," he admitted quietly.

"She's the worst one." Nagi winced at the memory of the last time he had been in there. "It was when your friend first showed up. She did her sing-song voice when I had a migraine."

Allelujah winced in sympathy. "Well then, another person to avoid..With my luck, she'd set Hallelujah off." He figured Neil had spoken of his split personality to Nagi, so had less reservations of mentioning it.

Nagi blinked, first time that Allelujah had mentioned his other personality. "What brings him out?"

Allelujah shrugged slightly. "He comes out in situations I can't handle, or when someone with empathic or telepathic powers, as you know them, came around." It wasn't the whole truth, but he'd not exactly told everything to even those who knew him well.

Nagi nodded, he supposed that made sense in a way. "Obviously, Schu's not here. I don't think you're dumb enough to come in here with Schuldig around."

Allelujah gave a light snort at that. "Yeah. How often is he here, anyway?"

"More often than not." Nagi shrugged, "Usually he stays to keep an eye on me. I get the feeling he doesn't trust me further than he could throw me right now."

Allelujah blinked. "I'm guessing he has a relatively good reason for that, since you say he's not overprotective."

Nagi looked down at his glass of water, setting it on the counter. "What have you heard?"

Allelujah shrugged slightly. "Not much. Heard a tiger was hanging on you for some reason. And that you've not been at work lately." Really, he'd not heard much actual details.

Nagi twitched at the comment about the tiger hanging on him, his eyes starting to change color slightly. He muttered a few curses under his breath, then took a deep breath to calm himself. "I wish that would just go away..."

Allelujah frowned slightly at the reaction, keeping his silence as Nagi calmed himself a bit. "Has it bothered you recently? I think I know who might have some control over it, I'd be happy to talk to him.."

"Neil's already said he'd talk to Tsuzuki. You work with him." Nagi looked back at Allelujah only when he had brought himself back under control, not wanting to destroy anything. "If that doesn't work, it might have to go to Neil's girlfriend."

The Meister nodded. "Just let me know, alright?" He was fairly certain he'd not want a complete stranger constantly hounding him the way the 'tiger' was with Nagi.

"Not sure what good it'll do, but sure." Nagi shrugged, "You'll be in line."

Allelujah nodded. "Might work, might not."

"I know." Nagi's response was flat again, the sign that he was fully in control of himself.

Allelujah wasn't bothered by the tone of voice, figuring it was just Nagi's way of talking calmly. Shifting gears a bit, or shifting back to the reason he'd come to the hut in the first place, he glanced around the kitchen. "Have any thoughts that might help to get Miss Sumeragi to not drink as much?"

Nagi shrugged, not really sure how to keep someone from drinking all that much. Whatever strategies he knew didn't work, all anyone needed was a look at Schuldig to see that. "Not really. If there's something driving her to drink, you could work on that angle. Otherwise, no clue."

Allelujah'd never actually met Schuldig, something he hoped would never change, and knew little other than he was a telepath, psychotic, and apparently drank almost as much as Sumeragi did. He shrugged slightly. "She's stubborn..I know why she drinks, think I might be one of the few who know. I'm just not sure how to continue..I'd rather she not drink alone, or at least go to the bar where Zelas is less likely to let her get drunk..But.." He shrugged again, letting the sentence trail off.

"She drinks to escape, and Zelas won't let her get drunk." Nagi frowned, knowing the Mazoku Lord was taking a bit too much pleasure in running the bar. "Zelas feeds off people's negative emotions. It would be easier to keep her from getting drunk, if it means she can get a meal out of it."

Allelujah nodded in agreement, then had to blink at the added information on Zelas. "Makes sense."

"You're better off working from the why she drinks angle. Not that that's helped me with least he doesn't drink as much as she does." Nagi sighed, knowing that no one could really get Schuldig to stop drinking unless they could get him to block everyone's voices out of his head.

Allelujah sighed quietly. "..Probably.."

"That's all the help I can give." Nagi shrugged, not willing to go any further than that. Sumeragi's business was her own, as well as her friends'.

Allelujah gave him a faint smile. "Thanks." He did appreciate the suggestions and thoughts, regardless of whether they helped or not.


Allelujah nodded slightly before pushing away from the doorway. "I should probably go before Schuldig gets back."

Nagi nodded, "See you around."

"Yep." Allelujah quirked a slight smile before heading out of the hut.

nagi, allelujah

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