RP Log - Cousins Having Fun

Mar 04, 2009 18:02

Who: Dorothy and Mariemeia
When: Yesterday
Where: outside, cafe
Rating: G
Warnings: GW references
Summary: Dorothy gets Marie's view on things on the island. Oh, and more information, of course.

Mariemeia ran out of the school, glad that classes were out for the day. She decided that she didn't really want to play any football today, and headed over to the cafe to get a small snack before heading back to her hut.

Dorothy walked out of the video store where she was working, it was slow going and she was bored, and walked to the cafe for refreshments. She noticed a red haired girl ahead, a smile abruptly appearing as she called out, hopeful, "Mariemeia?"

Marie turned around when she heard her full name being used from behind her, and she smiled widely as she saw Dorothy there. "Dorothy!" She ran over to her cousin, giving her a hug.

Dorothy wrapped her arms around her cousin, hugging her. "It's so good to see you."

"It's great to see you, too. Are you all right? And how are you liking this place?"

Dorothy laughed at the bundle of questions tossed at her. "I'm fine, dear cousin. It's quiet here," whether she enjoyed that or not was beside the point. "What about you?"

Marie smiled, "Oh, I'm fine here. It's nice to be here instead of back home sometimes. Although, I think Zechs isn't liking the fact that I've become like a little sister to Duo."

Dorothy smiled, "he should be happy as long as you're happy. What would make him least happy with Duo being your big brother?" She asked, curious.

Marie just grinned for a minute, then laughed. "Oh, just a few things here and there. By the way, have you heard his latest nickname for Zechs?"

Dorothy smirked, "no, I haven't. You will tell me, won't you?"

"Of course!" Marie giggled, "He came up with it a while ago, I think you might be the only one who doesn't know. He's calling him 'Zechsy'."

Dorothy chuckled. "I did only arrive shortly before the dance." She smirked, "Zechsy, hmm? I must remember that."

Marie grinned, "I don't think you'll have any problems remembering it. Who knows, you might end up around Duo when he calls him that the next time."

Dorothy shook her head, "no, I doubt I'll ever forget that nickname. I might use it myself." She laughed.

"Just let me know in advance so I can make sure to be around." Marie kept grinning, and started heading towards the cafe again. "Are you going to the cafe as well?"

Dorothy chuckled. "Oh I will." She nodded and walked next to her. "Need something to keep me awake in the video store," she sighed exaggeratedly.

"Or is it that you're just bored?" Marie commented knowingly, since she knew what Dorothy did back home. "There's not really that much call for people getting information here, although there is someone taking classes who does that sort of thing."

Dorothy smiled, not disputing what Marie said. "What's that person's name?" She asked instead.

Marie knew it, Dorothy was bored. "That would be Nagi. He's actually friends with Duo and Heero from what I hear, which is unusual for him. He's not all that social."

Of course Dorothy was bored, she rarely wasn't, unless she was out listening for information. She nodded, the name rang a bell from when she'd asked for information about Alucard. "That is very interesting."

"Huh?" Marie looked over her shoulder at her cousin, "What do you mean?"

Dorothy smiled. "Oh, just that he chose those two to become friends with, since he's not very social as you said."

"It makes sense for Heero, just not Duo." Marie shrugged a little, then smiled. "He's a lot like Heero, actually, just with some added abilities."

Dorothy chuckled. "I suppose you're right."

"Well, I have been here longer than you." Marie teased, then smiled. "I've seen it happen. It's been really interesting to see what happens when people from different worlds come together."

Dorothy smiled and lightly poked her cousin. "I'm certainly looking forward to seeing that myself."

Marie stuck her tongue out at Dorothy as a reaction to being poked. "I'm sure you will."

Dorothy laughed and opened the door for Marie as they'd arrived at the cafe.

Marie smiled just as quickly as she had been childish, and headed into the cafe. She went straight for the case of baked goods, looking at what Jon had apparently made that day.

Dorothy smirked, following after. She looked at everything set out and wondered what her young cousin would chose.

Marie took a few minutes to decide on what to have, and got one of Jon's now-famous brownies.

Dorothy chuckled at Marie's choice before choosing a cookie for herself.

Marie grinned, sitting down at one of the tables. "Jon's brownies are great."

Dorothy smiled and sat down next to her. "They are."

"So what have you been doing lately? And is there anything you'd like?" Marie smiled, getting a few ideas.

"Oh I've just been working, talking to a few people. This and that, you know me," Dorothy smiled.

"Trying to find out as much as you can about this place?"

"Of course."

Marie chuckled, not surprised at that. She knew Dorothy wouldn't take long to start playing her games.

Dorothy smiled, knowing her cousin knew her well. "What have you been doing?"

"I have classes, and I play football when I get the chance." Marie smiled, "There's a few people here that I play with. Oh, and I have more than enough protectors."

Dorothy nodded, "I'm glad you're taking classes here." She quirked a brow, curious. "Oh? Who are your protectors?"

“You know them already, Dorothy."

"Surely you've wormed your way into other people's hearts here." Dorothy returned, amused.

Marie laughed, nodding a bit. "That too. It's easier to worm your way into people's hearts when they have no idea what your past has been like."

Dorothy smiled softly. "It is." She was glad her young cousin seemed so happy.

"If anyone tries anything with me, I think they will be squished by a Gundam." Marie grinned, "Not necessarily one from our world, either."

Dorothy chuckled. "I'm sure of it. I've heard there are Gundam pilots from other worlds. What can you tell me about them?"

"Allenby's got the one that looks like a girl. She's really into video games." Marie thought, remembering what little she knew of the female pilot. "She's fun to be around."

Dorothy thought to when she'd explored the hangar, and vaguely recalled the only feminine appearing suit before nodding. "That's good."

"There's a lot of mobile suits in the hangar, and not all of them are Gundams. I think the pink one and the blue one next to it are MOMO's and Jr's, they're not from anything like our world."

Dorothy nodded, commenting, "only a few looked like they weren't."

Marie nodded, "The only other one I can really talk to you about is Lockon Stratos. Well, Neil Dylandy now, I guess. He's from Ireland, and he's a big brother type of person."

Dorothy smiled, nodding. "Why'd he change his name?"

"You'd have to ask him, but Lockon sounded like a code name to me." Marie smiled, "It's definitely not an Irish name."

"I think I will." Just the sort of thing she'd be interested in, even if it was probably useless when it came to having information over someone that they didn't want to be known.

Marie swung her legs under the table that she and Dorothy were sitting at, munching on her brownie.

Dorothy smiled, munching on her cookie as well. When she finished, she tilted her head to look at her young cousin with a quiet smile. "You seem happier than I've seen you. It's nice to see."

"I like being here, other than missing...well, really just Miss Une right now. Everyone else has shown up. Plus Father's here, and I'm not about to waste this chance." Marie smiled slightly, honestly really happy to be on the island. It was nicer than dealing with people who still blamed you for a war.

Dorothy reached out and gave Marie a small hug. "Your father is very happy you're both here. I spoke with him during the dance. And I'm glad you two have the chance to get to know one another."

Marie leaned against Dorothy, somewhat surprised at the affection from her. It just wasn't exactly something she was known for. "It's the only chance I will have."

Dorothy rarely showed affection, but it had been quite a while since she'd last seen her cousin. "I hope it lasts a while."

"So do I, but it has already been a while. I don't know when he or I will be sent away from here."

Dorothy nodded. "For a while longer, then."

Marie nodded, agreeing with that. "Father's teaching my French class."

Dorothy chuckled. "I'm not surprised. What else are you learning?"

"I'm taking German, French, math, science, and Quatre's giving me violin lessons."

Dorothy smiled with approval. "Is Duo teaching you anything interesting?"

Marie looked around to make sure no one else had come in who would let word get back to her father or her uncle, then grinned. "He is. He's teaching me how to get in and out of places."

Dorothy smirked, that definitely sounded like Duo. "Very useful."

Marie nodded. "I have a feeling Zechs wouldn't be very...appreciative...for him teaching me that. But it's useful."

Dorothy chuckled. "No, I doubt he'd be happy until he realized how smart it is for you to know. Does your father know?"

Marie shook her head, having a feeling that her father didn't know either. "It's not exactly public knowledge. The only other person I know of who knows is Nagi, because he's been helping set up some of the things for the lessons."

Dorothy nodded. "I won't say a word to anyone then."

"Thanks!" Marie smiled, knowing she could trust Dorothy to not say anything. They were family, after all.

Dorothy smiled. "No problem."

"I'm sure they'll find out eventually. Maybe I can ask Duo to see if he can get a camera of some kind set up to record Zechs' reaction."

Dorothy nodded, "I have the feeling Duo will be more than happy to find a camera and record Zechs' reaction."

Marie thought for a brief moment, then burst out laughing. "And he'd narrate it himself."

Dorothy laughed along with her. "He would, wouldn't he?"

"And he'd use the nickname!" Marie grinned, "Any excuse to use it."

Dorothy chuckled. "Of course."

Marie smiled, glad to see Dorothy in a good mood.

Dorothy was getting past what had happened, Quatre's reassurances had gone a long way. And now seeing her young cousin, that brought a smile back to her.

mariemeia, dorothy

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