TD Log - Dinner for a puppy and an empath

Mar 04, 2009 17:32

Who: Tsuzuki and Hisoka
When: Tsuzuki’s birthday, February 24th
Where: Tsuzuki’s hut and the cafe
Rating: PG
Warnings: Adorable fluff
Summary: Hisoka brings his partner birthday cookies and they go out to dinner.

Hisoka had never been one extremely acquainted with grace. Nor had he ever been the sentimental kind of person, even before his death. Combine the two rarities and it equaled indisputable mayhem.

A few mumbled curses escaped the young shinigami as he shuffled about inside the hut, hurrying to the nearest surface to put the annoying, large vase down before it fell. The flowers within it, white carnations and a variation of pretty blue flowers, had been tickling his nose the entire walk over. And when he tried to sleep the night prior the smell had tickled his senses and just gah... stupid flowers.

But that was only the tip of the iceberg. Not only had the empath been balancing a nice vase of flowers in his grasp, but also a small tray of freshly baked treats--cookies. It had been a long, tiring, frustrating night getting the recipe right...

Tsuzuki hummed merrily as he looked through a book he'd borrowed from the library. It wasn't anything deep or fancy, just a simple fantasy story with lots of flashy action. Nose catching on the scent of flowers, he looked up.

Everything was about perfect and--stupid apple blossom kept insisting on prodding him in the face every time he tried to fix the irises and gah! He gave up trying for perfection. With a defeated huff, the blond stepped back and eyed the gift, mentally berating himself. Good heavens, Tsuzuki had infiltrated his mind, altered his personality, and turned him into...him!

"...This is so cliché," Hisoka muttered, rubbing his forehead before slipping down the hall to find the brunette shinigami.

He put down the book to open the door and see where the smell was coming from. Coming face to face with a vase of flowers (thankfully not flying at him this time), he blinked.

Hisoka blinked in surprise. Well, that had gone over quicker than expected. The young empath cleared his throat and pointedly rubbed the nape of his neck, choosing not to utter a word in favor of eying the floor. Whatever was it made out of? Such a nice texture and--and he really needed to keep from blushing.

Tsuzuki looked past the vase to the younger shinigami holding it. He didn't really see Hisoka as a flower person, so it really only left one other possibility. "For me?"

Hisoka proceeded to shrug a bit, gaze still not lifting. "It is your birthday, isn't it, baka?" he murmured, cheeks already staining a fair shade of red as he twitched his nose. Stupid flowers.

He smiled broadly, a wave of happiness moving through him as he took hold of the vase. "You remembered?"

Hisoka really needed to remember to tune down his empathy when he was around Tsuzuki. "Yeah, why wouldn't I have?" He risked a glance upwards, wearing a look of practiced indifference.

If possible, his smile widened. Dipping his head, he inhaled deeply to smell the flowers. "They're lovely, thank you Hisoka."

Hisoka sighed, raising a hand to rub at his cheek furiously. "...There's cookies too," he added on, opting to leave out the 'I baked them' tidbit. He figured the shinigami could figure it out for himself.

Violet eyes lit up. While the flowers were impossibly sweet, cookies were, well, cookies.

"...I apologize if they're burnt or anything. I don't really cook," Hisoka added on in an equally awkward murmur, hesitantly glancing away from his friend's expression. How the smallest things could bring so much joy to the older man was an everlasting enigma.

Tsuzuki had a faint flush on his own cheeks as he heard what Hisoka had done for him. He set the flowers down on his dresser with a final sniff before turning back to his partner. "I'm sure they'll taste wonderful. Well, you don't have to keep standing there. Come in."

Hisoka nodded to the words and sheepishly headed inside, stretching his arms lazily above his head. "'s your day been so far?"

"It's been pretty good," he said, walking over to the bed and sitting down, leaving the chair he'd dragged in for Hisoka to use if he wanted. "Took the day off from work."

"I figured," Hisoka answered, lingering by said chair for a moment, fingertips grazing over the top of it. "...Get anything interesting?"

"Haven't told anyone else."

"...Why not?" Hisoka perked up, confused.

"Just haven't really thought about it," Tsuzuki said, looking through the cookies and picking one up to start with. "I was so busy with the dance coming up that I almost forgot about it."

Hisoka chewed on his bottom lip absently, pondering the shinigami's words. "I thought you would have been counting down."

He chuckled. "Usually." The older man took a thoughtful bite, humming happily at the taste.

Hisoka finally settled upon sitting in the chair, emerald eyes falling shut seconds afterwards. It was nice to be off his feet again.

"How are you settling in?" Tsuzuki asked, watching him quietly. He hoped his partner was doing well in their new situation.

"Pretty good, I guess. Still not used to things entirely, though. Started 'work' the other day. Never thought I'd miss Tatsumi and Watari so much," the blond empath sighed heavily, shaking his head in dismay.

He nodded, a fond and possibly wistful smile on his face. "It would be nice to see them again. Where are you working?"

"Nowhere special," Hisoka answered vaguely and tilted his head, glancing about the room. "...You've changed it a bit since I last was over."

"Just rearranged a little to be more comfortable. It feels more cozy this way," he said, looking around as well. "The flowers will help brighten it."

Hisoka nodded to the words. "...So you do like them?"

"I love them."

Hisoka offered a timid smile. "...Good."

Tsuzuki smile back warmly, nibbling on a cookie.

"...They're okay, right?" Hisoka mentally berated himself for asking so many questions.

He nodded enthusiastically before picking up another one. "They're really good."

Hisoka nodded to the words, the small smile returning to his lips as he closed his eyes once more. "That's good."

He really liked it when he got to see that smile.

Hisoka breathed in deeply. "Anything special you want to do with the remaining half of your birthday?"

Tsuzuki thought for a moment. "Just spend time with you?"

"...There must be something more that you want than that," Hisoka mumbled, refusing to open his eyes. He didn't need Tsuzuki's expression to add to the reason why a soft blush was forming on his cheeks.

"Not right now." He looked at him almost expectantly, biting his lip.

Hisoka visibly gulped, though played it off as a sigh, stretching his arms lazily. A green eye peeked open, surveying the shinigami. "You're boring."

Tsuzuki pouted. "Am not."

"Are too," Hisoka sighed and tossed the other a stare.


"I'm not mean, I'm just honest. There's a difference, baka," Hisoka said and sat up some, arms crossing.

Tsuzuki got up and walked over to stand in front of his chair. "How am I boring? I like spending time with you!"

"If that's all you want to do on your birthday, that's boring. You could have at least expanded on that idea. By itself it's just plain boring." Hisoka chose to conclude that statement mentally with an effective ' but never displeasing'.

"How about you take me out to dinner then?" he suggested. Sure, it wouldn't cost him anything, but it'd still be nice to eat out together.

"...All right, fine. We'll do that." Hisoka arose, tossing the other a prompt and triumphant look.

Of course, he might have wanted to wait until Tsuzuki had stepped back to give him room. As it was, they ended up bare inches from each other.

It took the empath a few moments to realize that, though, and when he did, he blinked innocently and averted his gaze. "...You'll have to lead."

"Aa, right." Tsuzuki stepped back to give him room.

Hisoka offered a weak nod, an awkward moment of silence, and then a few blinks. "...Well, let's get going, then."

The older shinigami nodded, offering his hand to Hisoka.

Hisoka eyed the hand. Eyed it for a long minute. Right. He was supposed to take it. But why? "Huh?"

He chuckled. "Give me your hand."


"So I can hold it."


"Because I want to."

Hisoka bit back the urge to question that statement and, with a sigh, offered up his hand as well. "...Only because it's your birthday."

Tsuzuki beamed, entwining his fingers with Hisoka's. "Thank you, 'Soka."

Hisoka refused to glance at their hands, not wanting to have another reason to blush. This was so ridiculous. "...You're welcome, baka."

He gave the blond's hand a small squeeze as they headed from the hut.

"...What if people see?" Hisoka eventually murmured, letting the island sea breeze tickle his pale skin.

"So what if they do?" he asked innocently, glancing down at him.

Hisoka opened his mouth to answer but fell short on words and coherent answers. He bit his lip, shook his head, and settled on the familiar, "Baka.."

Tsuzuki tossed him a curious look before just shaking his head.

"So how far is this place we're eating at?" Hisoka questioned with an awkward sigh, desiring some form of conversation to keep his mind off the unsettling heat residing in his cheeks. He really needed to learn how to control his own emotions better.

"It isn't that far," Tsuzuki said. "Jon makes really good food. I think you'll like it."

"Mm...I probably will," Hisoka agreed, trying to ignore the loud thudding in his ears that his heart was causing.

If the older shinigami noticed his partner's state, he didn't give any sign of it.

Which is an extremely good thing, because if Tsuzuki had many any mention of his state, Hisoka probably would have gone on a rant-fest, flailing and swears and everything else. He kept quiet for the rest of the walk, not wanting his voice to betray him.

"I'm really glad you came to visit," he said, smiling warmly at him as he opened the door for Hisoka.

"It's your birthday, of course I would visit," Hisoka sighed, shuffling into the restaurant quickly to keep from making eye-contact.

"You still didn't have to."

"So?" Hisoka shrugged his shoulders and glanced about the restaurant. "You pick the seat."

Tsuzuki led him over to one of the tables in the corner, smiling.

Hisoka followed faithfully--not like he had any other choice due to their connected hands. "...This place looks nice," he admitted softly.

"I tend to meet a lot of people here," he admitted a little sheepishly.

"Have any of the people you met so far remind you of anyone back home?" Hisoka questioned, slipping into the chair at the corner table contently.

"Actually, Quatre reminded me a little of you."

"I find it hard to believe that anyone could remind you of me," Hisoka answered bluntly, leaning his chin into his palm with a shrug. As far as the empath knew, everyone was kinder to the shinigami than he was.

"Looks a little like you," Tsuzuki said. He didn't mind how Hisoka treated him, found his attitude almost endearing. "At least he did at first glance. And he's an empath."

"...Does he enjoy his empathy?" Hisoka asked, glancing down at the table, pretending to be indifferent about the question.

"I don't know, though he mentioned getting feedback once." He wasn't really sure if he should mention that Quatre had somehow known them before. The shinigami picked up a menu to decide on what to get.

"Feedback?" Hisoka echoed curiously, the statement causing his mind to temporarily shut off.

"He didn't explain it any further I'm afraid," Tsuzuki said with a shrug.

"Oh." Hisoka finally lifted the menu from the table and scanned it over, deciding it to be best to just let the subject die. It was Tsuzuki's birthday after all and the empath doubted he wanted to spend it discussing things he did not have any part in. "Have you decided yet?"

"I was thinking something like the chicken dumplings," he said, glancing back at the menu in his hands. Hopefully if the two empaths did meet again, they wouldn't have any problems. "What about you?"

"Mm..." Hisoka's gaze wandered slowly over the listed items a few more times. "Maybe something with pasta."

"That sounds good." He glanced up as the waiter came by, placing his order with his usual cheer.

Hisoka quietly gave his order as well, handing the waiter the menu afterwards before allowing his gaze to wander about the small restaurant.

"You never did tell me where you were working," Tsuzuki said, resting his chin on folded hands.

Hisoka's attention was once again captured. His gaze drifted back to Tsuzuki. "It doesn't matter," he responded at once and returned to looking around.

The older man positively pouted at that. "It does to me."

Hisoka gritted his teeth together. "...It doesn't matter," he reiterated.

He sat back in his chair, looking down.

Hisoka paused, stubborn expression fading. Why did Tsuzuki always have to look like that? There were no words to describe it. "...What?"

"You're always keeping things from me, 'Soka... even just little things like where you work." Never mind that he could have went to the job board to find out himself, the idea was still the same.

"I'm not always keeping things from you!" Hisoka argued, looking almost hurt at the accusation. Though it was true to some still hurt a bit.

"Then why won't you tell me?!"

"Because it's embarrassing, baka!"

"What's so embarrassing about a job?"

"Just forget it." Hisoka sighed and averted his gaze, needing to cool off.

Tsuzuki sighed, fiddling with his water glass.

Hisoka shifted awkwardly. "...I'm sorry," he murmured.

"It's okay..." he said, glancing up.

Hisoka offered a weak smile and sighed, uncertain what else to say.

Tsuzuki returned the smile, cheering himself back up by looking at the desert menu despite the fact that their food hadn't even arrived yet.

Hisoka glanced across the table at said menu and frowned promptly. "Thinking of sweets already?"

"What's wrong with that?" he asked. "Sweets are some of the better things in life."

"We haven't even had dinner yet. Your eyes are bigger than your stomach," Hisoka argued, propping his elbows up on the table in order to rest his chin.

"There's always room for desert," Tsuzuki said, a bit of a lecturing tone in his voice.

Hisoka rolled his eyes. "I wonder what would happen if you went off sweets for a week."

Tsuzuki gave him a look as if he'd grown a second head.

Hisoka merely tilted his head against his palms. "I wonder how differently you would act."

"I'd die horrible and painful death," he said, tone completely serious.

Hisoka blinked. "I highly doubt that, Tsuzuki."

"It could happen," he protested. "So best not to risk it, right?"

"It wouldn't happen," Hisoka argued. "It's not logical."

Tsuzuki was about to retort when their food arrived.

Hisoka inhaled deeply in relief and smiled cordially at the waiter before passing his gaze down to his food. He was hungry so this killed two birds with one stone.

He smiled, distracted by the food. Now he just hoped that it tasted as good as it smelled.

Hisoka began eating wordlessly. Tsuzuki had been right--the food was really good here.

Tsuzuki made a happy noise as he ate his meal. The food here was always good, made even moreso because it was free.

Which was an extremely good thing. That way, Tsuzuki couldn't eat a hole in their wallets like he used to back in Meifu.

Looking up, he smiled brightly at him. "Told you it was good."

"Mhm.." Hisoka hummed back as he continued eating.

He chuckled.

"...What's so funny?"

"Just thinking."

"Oh." Hisoka eyed him skeptically. "About?"

"Recent events." He took another bite.

That was certainly helpful. ""

He reached across the table to ruffle his hair. "Nothing you need to worry about."

Hisoka eyed the hand, turning a charming shade of pink. "...Of course it's nothing I need to worry about. I was just curious."

The empath was simply too adorable when he blushed.

Hisoka continued eying Tsuzuki for a moment longer before returning to his dinner.

Smiling, he did the same.

Although the empath did not bring the topic up again, he was still curious regarding just what Tsuzuki found so funny about 'recent events'.

He didn't necessarily find them so much 'funny' as enjoyable.

But of course, Hisoka really couldn't tell the difference.

Cleaning his plate, he sat back.

Hisoka finished his own plate more leisurely, having taken a few moments to zone out while chewing.

Tsuzuki tried not to watch him eat, not wanting to make him uncomfortable when it'd been so nice of him to take the older man to dinner.

When Hisoka finished, the blond leaned back in his seat, allowing the food to digest, all the while sparing Tsuzuki a glance.

He caught the younger man's eye, giving him a quietly happy expression.

Without his permission, his face tinted a soft red. "...Hm?"

"Thank you, Hisoka."

"...For what?"

For caring. "For taking he me out to dinner."

"Oh. No problem." Hisoka offered a shrug.

Tsuzuki nodded. It'd still meant a lot to him.

Hisoka poked his fork awkwardly, not knowing what else to say.

"Think you have room for desert?" He didn't want to leave Hisoka's company yet.

"I'm full...but you can order some," Hisoka answered with another indifferent shrug.

He pondered for a few moments. "I think the cookies back at the hut will be good."

"They're not that good," Hisoka murmured, a tinge of embarrassment covering his face.

"Yes they are, and you made them for me so they're even better."

"That doesn't change the taste, baka." Huff.

He smiled. "It's enough."

Hisoka eyed the older shinigami incredulously. "You make no sense."

"It makes perfect sense," he protested.

Hisoka huffed to himself, shook his head, and proceeded to lounge back in his seat.

Tsuzuki resisted the urge to chuckle at that, taking a sip from his water instead.

Hisoka rolled his eyes promptly and closed his eyes, allowing his food to continue to digest in relaxation and peace.

"Would you like to go back now?" he asked.

"Sure." Hisoka stretched his arms lazily above his head before standing, a smidgen groggy from such a large meal.

Smiling, Tsuzuki stood as well, offering his hand.

Hisoka sighed and graciously took the offered appendage, wondering absently if such a gesture was going to become a habit.

It could, if Hisoka allowed it to become. Tsuzuki certainly wouldn't mind.

"You're not going to eat all the cookies tonight, are you?" Hisoka wondered with a sheepish stare.

"Not all of them," he said, shaking his head. "Then they'd be all gone."

"Eventually they'll all be gone," Hisoka reasoned.

"But maybe I can convince you to make some more later?" Tsuzuki asked with a hint of pleading in his voice.

"Depends. Maybe if you're lucky," the empath murmured with a shrug.

He beamed.

Hisoka sighed and gingerly tugged on the older shinigami's hand. "Let's just get back to your place already."

He went willingly with his tug, quite enjoying his evening.

Hisoka shook his head as he led the other, wondering absently just how Tsuzuki could so easily convince him of things. Stupid baka.

Tsuzuki squeezed his hand, smiling at him as they got to the hut.

Hisoka sighed in relief upon seeing the familiar hut, increasing his speed just a fraction.

He kept up with him, opening the door for his partner.

Hisoka graciously stepped inside, allowing the warmth of the hut to relax him further.

Tsuzuki stepped into his room to fetch the cookies.

Hisoka rolled his eyes and lingered near the entrance, fiddling with a button on his sleeve for no real reason.

"Would you like some milk or tea to go with them?"

"I'm fine," Hisoka answered with a simple shake of his head, leaning against the wall casually.


"Just don't eat too many and give yourself a stomach ache.."

"I won't," he promised.

"That's what you say now..."

He pouted at him.

Hisoka merely sighed.

Tsuzuki set the cookies on the table, pouring himself a glass of milk before sitting down.

Hisoka wandered over to the table himself, tilting his head to peer down at the cookies and Tsuzuki.

He hummed happily as he picked one up to nibble on.

Hisoka watched him, though pretended he was spacing out.

Tsuzuki glanced up at him.

Hisoka tilted his head. "Hm?"

He just smiled.

Hisoka blinked. "...What?"


"Just another...random smile?"

"Nothing wrong with them."

Hisoka shook his head. Easy for someone who always smiles to say. "Whatever."

"And who says they're always random?"

"Okay. Then what was the reason for that one?" Hisoka crossed his arms impatiently.

"It's a secret," he said cheerfully, taking another bite of cookie.

"Hmph." Hisoka kept his arms crossed and eyed Tsuzuki with a frown.

"Maybe the reason's in the room with me," Tsuzuki hinted with a soft laugh.

"...The cookies?"


"...The flowers?"


"Then what, baka?"

"Not telling you unless you guess it."

"That's not fair!" Hisoka huffed and narrowed his eyes.

"Why do you need to know so much?" Tsuzuki asked curiously, tipping his head.

Hisoka faltered, an answer not coming to the blond right away. He stood there for a moment, stuck for words. Now that was a good question.

Finishing off his cookie, he drank some of the milk while he waited to see if Hisoka would answer.

Hisoka frowned. "Just tell me."

"Hm... nope."

"I'm obviously not going to guess it so just say it."

"I have my favorite partner here."

Hisoka took a moment for the words to register. "...Baka, I'm your only partner." His face tinted a soft red.

He smiled broadly. "But I've had other partners before. You're still my favorite."

Pause. "Why?"

Tsuzuki tapped his chin as he thought. "You know, I'm not quite sure."

"That's reassuring." The empath finally took a seat at the table and eyed Tsuzuki.

He blinked in innocent confusion.

Hisoka sighed and folded his arms on the table carefully before dipping his head down within them, feeling a head ache coming on.

Tsuzuki immediately switched over to concert. "Hisoka?"

" 'm fine," Hisoka answered, lifting one hand into the air to emphasize his point.


After a moment, Hisoka peered up from the confines of his arms, arms messed up more than usual.

Tsuzuki was watching him quietly, head propped up on his own arms.

"You confuse me."

"I think I confuse a lot of people."


He gave him a peaceful smile. "Means they stick around long enough to figure it out."

"I've stuck around plenty long enough and you still confuse me." Hisoka kept his face, for the most part, hidden.

The older man chuckled.

Hisoka offered a pout. "Not funny."

"What confuses you?" he asked.

"You're just always smiling and you're always nice and just...gah. I don't even know." Hisoka huffed and rose an eyebrow. "You're hiding something."

"I like smiling, and it's good to be nice to people," Tsuzuki said, completely bypassing the third statement. "They're more likely to be nice back."

Hisoka rolled his eyes at the statement. He was about to just drop the subject all together but paused. "...And you're not going to deny you're hiding anything?"

"We both hide things, 'Soka," he said.

Hisoka frowned. "But you usually don't."

"Just being careful," Tsuzuki said softly. He didn't want to drive him away...

Hisoka arched a brow. "...Hm." A subtle idea formed. "What if exchanged secrets then?"

"Alright," he said, smiling again. "But not tonight."

Hisoka frowned. "Why not?"


"Because isn't a good answer, Tsuzuki."

"You used it."

Hisoka visibly flinched. Defeated. "Whatever."

He instantly felt guilty at the sight of that flinch. "Soon, though."

"Whatever you say, Tsuzuki." Hisoka rolled his eyes and rested his head back in his arms.

tsuzuki, hisoka

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