The Psycho's In Control!

Mar 01, 2009 20:27

Who: Hallelujah and Sumeragi
Where: Shopping area of the village
When: Saturday
Warnings: Hallelujah
Rating: PG-13 to be safe
Summary: Sumeragi searches for H/Allelujah, he finds her instead, and they chat.

Sumeragi sighed. She needed to see how Allelujah was doing now that she had heard Neil had locked him out of Kyrios. She hoped he was finding some place to sleep. However, she had now been wandering around the island for several hours with no success. She huffed slightly, putting her hands on her hips as she stood in the middle of where the shops where, looking around.

Hallelujah was making good on his promise to make his gentler half get some decent sleep by keeping control of their shared body for far longer than usual. To also keep from getting too bored, he had chosen to spend much of his time at the training grounds when he wasn't bugging Lockon, or Neil as he now asked to be called. He headed back towards the village from a long run, and saw the familiar figure of Sumeragi. He smirked when he saw the obvious irritation of her posture, and walked up to her. "What's gotten your hair in a twist?" His tone was rather mildly mocking.

She turned around to look at him, inwardly sighing when she saw which one of them was in control again. "I see you're still playing dominant," she said to him. "I was looking for you... well... one of you."

He rolled his visible eye at her, not answering her comment as it was obvious he was 'playing dominant'. "What'd you want?"

"I wanted to know if you were sleeping properly now," she said, watching him.

Hallelujah nodded. "Yep. Would'a been rather pointless to take over for as long as I have so far, but not sleep properly, don't ya think?"

"I'm just making sure," she said.

He smirked, then asked "were you the one who ratted on Allelujah to Pluto?"

"Actually, yes, I did," Sumeragi admitted. She wasn't ashamed of it, and, if Allelujah got angry at her, then so be it. "It was a silly thing of him to do."

Hallelujah snickered, not angry about that at all actually. He gave a slight, rather mocking, bow, "then I should thank you. Rather stupid of him, and I won't be letting him do that again."

"I certainly hope not," she said. "Sometimes, I wonder which one of you is more reasonable."

Hallelujah smirked smugly. "Only sometimes?"

"Okay... so most of the time," she said with a heavy sigh. "So... how are the two of you doing?"

He chuckled, now there was something to mock his nicer half with. "He's resting, finally. As for me? Looking for things to do. It's rather dull here," he complained. He had yet to decide just who on the island would be most amusing to torment without getting beaten up in return. He was bored, not suicidal.

"Hm... I don't know," she said. "I kind of like the quiet."

Hallelujah turned serious, for him at least. "Allelujah can't stand the quiet." And he wasn't referring to the general peacefulness of the island, that, his alter didn't mind.

"Hm?" She looked at Hallelujah. "What do you mean?" she asked.

He crossed his arms and sighed at her before clarifying. "At night. It reminds him of his imprisonment."

Sumeragi looked down. "Oh..."

Hallelujah rolled his eye at her. "Oh stop it. Should I be wondering who's worse between the two of you?"

"Two of who?" she asked, looking at him.

"You, or Allelujah."

She sighed, looking away from him and off to the side. "In what way?"

Hallelujah uncrossed his arms in a sudden motion of tossing them in the air as he gave a quiet huff. "What do you think? Because you blame yourself for everything, and he can't get past being imprisoned for my actions."

"Were they really your actions alone?" she asked him, curious. "And why wouldn't I take blame? Those were my plans you all were following."

"Mostly mine," he answered, without shame. "As for you, repeating my 'nicer' half, you are only human, and fallible." He stared at her seriously, despite growing tired of being so serious.

"It's hard to accept that when that fallibility is responsible for the lives of those around me..." she said.

Hallelujah shrugged. "Have you spoken with anyone who would be able to do better than what you've done? Or who truly blame you for the outcome of your choices?"

She shook her head to the first question. "I don't know," she said. As for the second, she didn't answer, because no one had except herself. At least, that's what they claimed. She hadn't really thought much about it before.

Hallelujah snorted and stepped close to her with a scowl. "Exactly. You call Allelujah stubborn, I have to wonder what do you call yourself."

She almost flinched as he came closer. "I'd rather not talk about that..." she said softly.

"Why? Because you're scared?" He challenged harshly.

"Because I don't like thinking about it," she snapped back, getting upset with him.

"Exactly. You're scared to think about it," Hallelujah taunted.

Sumeragi clenched her fists, glaring. "Drop it, Hallelujah," she growled at him.

Hallelujah smirked, "why should I?"

"Because I'm asking you to." She glared at him now.

Hallelujah stepped away slightly, pout on his face.

"Hmph." She pulled away as well.

Crossing his arms again, he watched her for a moment before commenting, "you ever going to get your act together and stop this pathetic angsting?"

She glared at him again. "Just leave me alone," she said, and turned to leave.

Hallelujah huffed quietly before he stepped after her. "Nope."

"Hallelujah, stop..." She put her arms around herself.

He didn't say anything, he'd said his piece. Now it was time to make sure she would be alright, for his kinder side if no other reason. For that end, he slipped an arm around her, slightly awkward in this role he'd taken upon himself.

Sumeragi froze, not sure what to make of it for a moment. This side of him blew hot and cold, shifting between callous and caring so often she never knew what to think sometimes.

Hallelujah didn't stay for long, and pulled away. He turned and started away, raising a hand in farewell, "just take care of yourself, for the idiot's sake if not your own."

She turned to look over her shoulder at him as he left, confused. She didn't say anything.

sumeragi, allelujah

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