Brotherly Moment

Mar 04, 2009 19:20

Who: Neil and Allelujah
Where: Hangar
When: Yesterday
Warnings: Gundam 00 references and speculation, Fluff
Rating: G, I think..
Note: Icon more for Allelujah's inner thoughts at some point during this log. *grin*
Summary: Allelujah goes to see if he can finally get back into Kyrios, as well as wish his 'brother' happy birthday.

Neil had gone to the hangar, forgetting the fact that it was his birthday. He was going to go see Haro, who had been keeping watch over Dynames and Kyrios. He had also brought the rabbit known as Tieria to the hangar, so she wouldn't be lonely. She was safe inside of his jacket for the moment, her cage sitting near the foot of the Gundam.

Allelujah had, under protest, continued to sleep in on the cot in the clothing store's back room. He'd not even been allowed to work all that hard at getting back control over Kyrios. Whenever he started to tax himself, Hallelujah would just take over again and take them back to sleep. Only difference of today was he knew it was Lockon's birthday, so maybe the Meister would be more likely to get Haro to leave Kyrios alone? That was his hope at least, as he walked into the hangar, hands in pockets as he looked around.

Neil was sitting on the hatch of Dynames. Haro was still in his console, just upset down. Tieria-bunny had her head poked out his jacket and was looking at Haro so she wasn't paying attention to the fact that she was now several stories up. Neil was watching her to make sure she didn't try to climb out of his jacket so he didn't immediately notice Allelujah.

Allelujah didn't have a hard time finding his brother, the older man was just sitting on Dynames' hatch. Oblivious. He walked over to the green Gundam and climbed up, deciding to not say anything until he was there.

Neil was still watching Tieria-bunny, but faintly heard someone climbing the ladder to Dynames's hatch. He half braced himself to make sure nothing happened to Tieria. He wasn't worried about himself so much, but the rabbit he was worried about.

Allelujah finished the climb and looked at the small group Lockon was surrounded by. He smirked faintly before lightly poking the Meister. "Is there a point to say Happy Birthday to someone who just won't die?"

Neil chuckled. Wait...yeah it was his birthday. "You can say it. Doesn't mean I'll get any older."

Haro flapped from his upside down perch and Tieria squirmed in Neil's jacket trying to see who had arrived.

Allelujah snickered, realizing then they were now, technically, the same age. "So I can't tease you about growing older anymore. Oh well." He reached out to lightly pet the rabbit, glancing up at the flapping noise. "..Is there a reason he's upside down?"

"Probably not," Neil remarked, pulled Tieria out of his jacket, scooting a little further back from the edge so there was more room to grab her if she got away from him. "I doubt I'm actually going to age anymore. Yes, there is. He's still sitting in his console so when the hatch opened he went upside down."

Allelujah shrugged, getting the feeling the tables would be reversed on his next birthday. He settled himself on the hatch, also careful to be aware of the rabbit to keep her from escaping. Then barely managed to keep Hallelujah from taking over long enough to smack his head, as had happened when Pluto had attempted to get him to sleep in the clothing store. Okay, so maybe he needed a bit more sleep, that should have been obvious. He sighed quietly as he rest his chin on the palm of his hand, watching Tieria. "You don't have to keep him in Dynames anymore..I'll keep sleeping in the clothing store.."

Neil smiled. "Okay. I'll take your word for it." He wasn't going to be mean to Allelujah and to Haro. He would however check one morning to make sure Allelujah really wasn't sleeping there, though he had a feeling Hallelujah would make sure he wasn't. "I know this one will be glad that Haro will be coming back to the hut."

Tieria looked up at Allelujah, studying him a moment, then wiggled her tail.

Allelujah smiled faintly. "Thanks." He was glad he'd be able to work on Kyrios again, instead of just waiting to be forced to sleep as had been happening the past day or so. He chuckled, "I can't imagine." Well, maybe he could.

Neil chuckled. "She's used to him being around at night and during the day sometimes."

Allelujah nodded slightly before reaching out and petting the rabbit again. "Well then..I guess it's good you're letting Haro returning to your hut, so she'll have company again.."

Neil nodded as the rabbit wiggled her tail again. "And I know Haro will be happy too."

Haro flapped. "Haro bored! Haro bored!"

Allelujah chuckled quietly at Tieria and Haro. "I know how you two feel. I've been bored out of my mind.." Not that that said much, when Hallelujah was in control, he really was out of his mind.

Neil chuckled. "Maybe we should go back to the ground. Having her run around up her is too nerve-racking."

Allelujah smirked at Lockon before starting down.

Neil scooped up Tieria and put her back in his jacket. "I'll come back for you in a moment, Haro." With that he started down the ladder after Allelujah.

Allelujah soon reached the ground and stepped away so Lockon wouldn't literally step on him.

Neil finally stepped down onto solid ground. "There," he said to Tieria. "Now there isn't the possibility of you falling several stories."

The rabbit just wiggled her nose at him in response.

Allelujah chuckled. "I can hold her while you get Haro, if you want."

Neil smiled. "Thanks." He took the rabbit out of his jacket and handed her to Allelujah. With that he headed back up to get Haro.

Allelujah nodded. He held the rabbit gently, idly stroking her ears as he waited for Lockon to return with Haro.

Tieria wiggled her tail happily.

After a few minutes, involving Dynames's hatch closing and reopening again, Neil came back down the ladder with Haro.

Allelujah smiled faintly, continuing to pet Tieria. He glanced up when the other Meister and Haro stepped away from Dynames. "How is everything?"

"Good," he remarked, setting Haro down. "How's everything been with you?"

"Good to hear." Allelujah nodded, continuing to hold the bunny as it kept his arms occupied. "Hallelujah's still not pleased with the amount of sleep I'm getting...but he's at least let me take back control."

"That's good at least. I'm glad you're not planning on sleeping in Kyrios again."

Allelujah snorted and glanced up at Kyrios. "Hallelujah won't allow that again."

"That's also good," Neil said as Haro rolled around, flapping when he was right side up.

Allelujah sighed and looked back at his friend. "At least it wasn't dead quiet," he finally admitted, if quietly.

Neil chuckled. "Good." He was starting to feel like a broken record. "That probably helped."

Allelujah frowned, shaking his head slightly. "I was talking about Kyrios not being dead quiet."

"Oh... Maybe you could take a CD player or something back there just for the noise."

Allelujah shrugged slightly before asking, a bit pointedly. "White noise would really only work. Would you want to walk in, find a CD that plays white noise, and have to look at the attendant as they rung it up, thinking they think you're insane? I know I might as well be insane, but there is a difference."

Neil shrugged. "I'd do it for you. Some people need some form of white noise to sleep. You could always just get an electric fan. It does the same thing."

Allelujah refrained from reminding his friend that he wasn't normal and wasn't used to dealing with 'normal'. So his response was a bit subdued, though honest. "..Thanks.."

Neil chuckled and put his arm around him. "If you need anything, all you have to do is tell me and I'll see what I can do."

Allelujah smiled faintly, nodding as he kept hold of the rabbit. "I know.."

Neil smiled. "We may be the same age and hopefully surpass me while we're here, but I'll probably still think of you as a younger brother."

Allelujah blinked at him before a smile, wider than usual, and answered. "I've never really had a brother before."

"Well, you have one now."

Allelujah chuckled quietly. "Seems so."

Neil grinned. "It's not so bad except brothers sometimes get on each others nerves."

Allelujah smirked. "Then we seem to make perfect brothers."

Neil nodded. "Well, there's the hope that you'll get to meet my real brother while we are here. A lot of Celestial Being members have been showing up and apparently he is one now."

Allelujah nodded. "Which is why you've decided to go by your real name."

He nodded. "It is. Besides I haven't officially been Lockon for several months to several years depending on who you talk to... Darn all you people coming from the future." He grinned to show he was just teasing.

Allelujah smiled faintly. "I think I'd rather have come when you did." While the comment had been to tease, it stirred up unwanted memories and thoughts. Pushing those thoughts back, he chuckled. "Oh well, I'm here now."

Neil had the feeling that it had brought up thoughts that he hadn't wanted to think about. "I know it has been difficult for you, but according to Feldt it is almost over. Besides, you get a vacation of sorts here. And we get to spend more time together."

Allelujah nodded. "One more year there..I just hope I get a long vacation here."

"I hope you do too. You need it."

Allelujah smiled faintly. "I do."

"I've been thinking about getting a camera," Neil said changing the subject. He looked down at Tieria-bunny still in Allelujah's arms, her tail wiggling happily.

Allelujah chuckled quietly, "really?" He glanced down at the rabbit and went back to petting her.

Neil nodded. "For blackmail." He winked to show it was a joke. "So we can have some pictures of our vacation here if this place will let us keep them."

Allelujah smirked at the suggestion of taking pictures for blackmail. Then smiled, "I'd like that."

Neil smiled. "It would be nice if we had pictures of some of the more amusing stuff that happened here."

Allelujah chuckled, nodding. "Yeah."

Haro rolled up and flapped. "Blackmail! Blackmail!"

Neil dropped his head, chuckling. "Then again he won't help much."

Allelujah chuckled again. "Probably not. He likes mocking you even more than Hallelujah does."

"I still have no idea who taught him what 'you suck' means."

Allelujah tried not to snicker before giving up as he admitted. "That would be Hallelujah.."

"I should have known. If he ever teaches Haro 'It's A Small World' I'm going to put him back in that straight jacket and lock both him and Haro together in a room for Hallelujah's Day."

Allelujah couldn't hide the flinch at the mention of being put back in that straight jacket. Sure, it would be Hallelujah..but only technically. "..I'll be sure to tell him to avoid that song then.."

"Sorry about that," Neil said, realizing his mistake. "We'll burn that thing. I promise we will."

Allelujah nodded. "..I know you will.."

Neil smiled. "Want to go get some coffee or something?"

Allelujah smiled. "Yeah. Should we drop Tieria off at your hut though?"

Neil nodded. "Probably a good idea."

Allelujah nodded and headed out of the hangar.

Neil followed behind him, calling for Haro and having to pause for the robot to come rolling over to them. Then he and Haro set off after Allelujah.

Allelujah paused to let Haro catch up as well before continuing on to Neil's hut.

lockon neil, allelujah

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