Russian Dish Time

Feb 26, 2009 20:33

Who: Allelujah, Jon and Samus
Where: Jon and Samus' hut
When: Backdated to soon after Sumeragi arrived
Warnings: None
Rating: G
Summary: Jon has another new cookbook, Allelujah finds out it's of Russian cuisine and wants to see how well Jon can make a certain dish.

Walking across the village from the food store Jon was on his way back to the hut. A number of new cook books had appeared again and he was planning on trying a few more recipes from them. Perched on his shoulder, Arthur was resting comfortably in Jon's fur, content to watch the passing village as they went home.

Allelujah was just wandering around, as he still hadn't received a job. He'd been spending his time between working on Kyrios, and spending time with Sumeragi or Lockon. Hands in pockets, he was walking along the edge of where the huts were, and noticed the two furred individuals. He smiled and called out. "Hello Jon."

Jon turned his head when he heard someone greet him, smiling when Arthur chittered back at the pilot. "Good afternoon Allelujag, are you settling in well in the village?"

Allelujah chuckled at Arthur before nodding. "Yeah, though I could use more things to do here."

Lifting a paw Jon held it up for Arthur who moved down to it, tilting his head curiously at the pilot and perking his ears. "I'll guess you don't have a job yet, how are you with cooking?"

"Nope, no job yet." Allelujah lifted a hand for Arthur to sniff before he smiled wryly. "I cook well enough to stay alive, but I wouldn't want to make other people taste what I make."

Deciding he liked him Arthur chittered at Allelujah again. "That sounds like a challenge for me." Jon said with a chuckle. "Miss Pluto has talked about starting cooking classes at the school for the others on the island that are the same way."

Allelujah grinned and scratched behind Arthur's ears, finding it a bit odd how long they were. He blinked an looked up at Jon. "Really? I can see that as being full of amusement." He chuckled.

"Oh yes, considering we have had, and still have, a few on the island that have trouble boiling water." Enjoying the attention Arthur nuzzled into the pilots hand.

The pilot snorted. "I can do that, at least. But much of what I cook, few others would enjoy." Unless they enjoyed that style of food, which Lockon occasionally humored him with. He continued to idly scratch behind Arthur's ears. "What is this one, anyway?"

"You could be surprised, wolfs are known for not being overly picky." Jon smiled and watched Arthur as he enjoied the attention. "He is a fox-squirrel according to the books Samus and I found. I've never seen one like him before."

Allelujah chuckled, hiding a grimace at the reminder that he was talking to a werewolf. It didn't matter as much what Jon looked like, Allelujah did his best to ignore that fact. "A fox squirrel? Odd..Never heard of them either."

"Neither had we until Samus found him. There are rabbits, a few wolfs and more than a few cats as pets on the island but this one is unique. So are most of the people here as well if you consider that." He shifted the satchel over his other shoulder. "You said you do cook, what type do you do, I could work on a few things for you."

The pilot snickered. "That's a lot of animals." 'A few wolves'? That rather startled him, one of them must have been the one that found him. "I'm from the HRL, you could say..What used to be Russia and China. I think there is a Chinese person here, but my tastes are more Russian than Chinese."

Jon's ears perked when he mentioned where he was from, that explained one of the cook books that had appeared at least. "Imagine the odds that I'm on my way back from the store with things to work on a few Russian dishes."

Allelujah blinked. "You're joking..Which dishes were you thinking of trying?" He asked, curious.

"Actually, no, I'm not joking." Jon said and reached into the satchel, takeing out a page he had written down a few recipes on and handing it to the pilot.

The pilot smiled, taking the page of recipes to look them over. "Well, you found a recipe for one of my favorites, chakhokhbili."

The werewolf nodded. "The spices were tough to find, but I did manage to track them down. The cafe tends to have things simply appear when new people arrive."

Allelujah nodded. "I bet they were hard to find, especially here. I'd love to know how this place works.."

"So would we all.." He shrugged. "In the mean time we do what we can to keep busy. I don't mind cooking and being on a, mostly, quiet island compared with being hunted."

The pilot sighed quietly. "Yeah...I know the feeling, well, not so much the cooking, since you work at the cafe." But the hunting? Yeah, he didn't miss being shot at, or the part that came after a failed mission. With you on the wrong side of enemy lines.

Jon understood where the pilot was coming from. Most warriors did understand each other at least to some degree. "Prep time for this is an hour or so, how about we make it and you can let me know if I do anything wrong?"

Allelujah smiled then, nodding. "I'd be happy to."

"This way then, I have other cookbooks you can go through if you like too." Smiling in return he nodded over to the hut he was in before starting that way. "Lockon likes to point out desserts he want's me to make."

"Sure. "Allelujah chuckled, following after the werewolf. "I bet Lockon enjoys that."

"He does. There are others on the island with quite a sweet tooth as well, though one of them would deny it.." Chuckling softly and letting them into the hut.

Allelujah grinned. "I think I know the type." Of course he was thinking of Tieria, that one never admitted anything unless he had to.

"Most of us probably do." He set down his satchel in the kitchen, letting Arthur down as well before taking out the spices and seasonings he had picked up. The tomatoes and chicken were already prepped and ready in the fridge.

"Probably." The pilot went to the fridge, guessing that was where the chicken and tomatoes were, and took them out and go them ready.

Jon took down a skillet and started the heat on the stove, the oil he poured in quickly coming up to temperature. Arthur took his accustomed place in the kitchen as Jon cooked, curling up on a pillow that was out of the way.

Allelujah chuckled, noticing Arthur was quite obviously used to what he was allowed to do inside. He tossed the chicken into the skillet before he waited for the next thing to do. He wasn't going to do everything, but this dish could get annoying if there was only one person making it at first.

"He's used to me cooking. It only took him getting under foot once for him to decide to stay out of the way." Commenting about the fox-squirrel as Arthur chittered at him, quite possibly giving his opinion about the matter. Putting the cover on the skillet before getting Allelujah to give him a hand with the onion and tomatoes.

Allelujah smiled. "That's good." He'd peeled the tomatoes, and now started dicing them. While he knew what was needed to be done, he wouldn't be able to explain what he was doing in terms of 'professional language'. That much had been discovered when he and Lockon had cooked a couple times.

Letting the chicken cook he turned it when it was needed and turned his attention to the varity of spices he had brought back with him. "I should start an herb garden with how many of these recipies insist on only fresh spices." Opening one can he sniffed at the contents and judged them to be as fresh as possible.

The pilot nodded. "Fresh herbs are always best." He chopped the onions next.

"Until then I guess you will just have to settle for lunch not being completely authentic." Jon chuckled softly, checking the rest of the herbs and turning the chicken again .

Allelujah smiled. "I've had to get used to other types of food, so I'm fine."

"Good to know." Replying with a smile as he added a bit of oil to the skillet and recovered the chicken. "Just a few more minutes for these I think."

The pilot watched before nodding. "Yep."

Perking his ears when the front door opened Jon looked over as Arthur darted out of the kitchen and into the living room. A female voice greeting the fox-squirrel before a blond woman came in.

"Something smells great, what are we making?" Samus asked smiling in greeting to the pilot as Arthur snuggled into her hair on her shoulder.

Allelujah blinked when Arthur darted out of the room at the front door opening, and turned to see Samus come into the kitchen. He smiled in reply. "We're making a dish called chakhokhbili, it won't be ready for a while though."

"Mmm sounds good, I don't mind waiting." She replied and greeted Jon with a hug, glancing at the wolfman to make introductions.

He chuckled. "Allelujah, this is Samus Aran."

Allelujah nodded. "Nice to meet you, Samus."

"Nice to meet you too." She replied and smiled.

Allelujah smiled before checking the onions. Judging them ready, he put in the tomatoes and bay leaves. After turning the heat down, to what he'd learned was simmering, he turned to Jon and Samus. "And now it should sit there for an hour or so."

"What should we do until then?" Jon asked, not minding the pilot taking charge with the cooking.

"I dunno.. we have a few movies we could start or there is that deck of cards I brought home a few nights ago."

Said pilot sighed inwardly, that hadn't been intentional as he was supposed to be supervising, not taking control of the meal. Oh well. He shrugged before looking at Samus curiously. "What movies do you have?"

"A bit of everything, depends on what sort you like." She nudged Jon and grinned. "This one tends to like the ones with the sappy happy endings."

Allelujah snickered, trying to imagine the werewolf watching anything along those lines and just finding it hilarious, especially as Hallelujah was cringing at the very idea of watching said movies. "I think I'd prefer avoiding those, need to maintain whatever sanity I have."

Jon chuckled. "I watch the movies I like, you can have your action movies."

"Thank you." Grinning she kissed his muzzle before turning to Allelujah. "We're in the middle of the Rambo series if your interested."

"..Rambo? Don't think I know it.." Allelujah blinked before shrugging. "But sure, I'll give it a try."

"Sweet, we were about to start the second one." Samus said and moved to the TV and movie player, opening a boxed set for the movie series and takeing out the second movie while Jon brought out a tray of snack for them to work on while they watched the movie.

Allelujah smiled in amusement, walking over and having a seat on one of the chairs.

Samus started the movie, curling up next to Jon on the couch. Arthur took a spot on Jon's shoulder snuggling in.

After a while of watching the movie, Allelujah spoke up during a pause, looking at Jon. "I think we should check the chicken, should just about be ready."

Jon nodded, sniffing the air as he untangled himself from Samus and Arthur, setting the Fox-Squirrel on her lap. "I think so, be right back out."

Allelujah stood up to go with him.

Crossing to the simmering skillet Jon turned it off and took off the lid, giving it a quick stirring while he added in a touch of salt and papper and the ajika. "Alright.. another ten or fifteen minutes for it to rest and for things to blend."

Allelujah nodded in agreement. "That's right. Smells about right too." He smiled, looking forward to tasting it later.

"We'll know for sure in that time." Covering the dish again he put the spices away and set a timer. "We can watch Rambo kill some more people before dinner."

Allelujah nodded, wry smile as he headed back to the living room to continue watching the movie.

Samus was watching as said action hero was letting his enemies have it with machine gun fire and other creative ways of killing. "I like this guy..."

Jon chuckled. "Its the head band isn't it?"

Allelujah snickered quietly at their comments. He found the 'special effects' to be rather..old, but wasn't about to say so as his companions were enjoying the movie. It wasn't bad, at least.

Of course the effects were old the movie wasn't exactly a new one, still they did enjoy it, Jon getting up and going into the kitchen a while later when the timer went off. Coming back with a tray and thee servings of the food.

"The moment of truth.."

Allelujah took his share with a nod of thanks. He tasted the chicken and he had to smile. "Not bad for ingredients that aren't quite fresh. Thanks, Jon."

"Wow.. this is good.." Samus commented after taking a bite. "Any hopes of a diet on this island are shot with you cooking like this."

Jon smiled and ate a few bites as well. "Thank you both."

Allelujah laughed, just glad they liked the dish.

Most wolfs weren't known for being overly picky with what they ate and Jon wasn't an exception to that rule. Granted he ate a little better than most wolfs..

jon, samus, allelujah

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