RP Log - Cheering Someone Up?

Feb 26, 2009 23:53

Who: Dorothy and Hotaru
When: yesterday
Where: Dorothy's hut
Rating: G
Warnings: some angst
Summary: Hotaru goes to talk to Dorothy.

Hotaru headed to Dorothy's hut after Trowa had asked her to check on the other woman. Fluffy was snuggled happily in the Guardian's arms. She had to admit, carrying her cat probably didn't help with making her look older since she short for her age. When she reached Dorothy's hut, she freed one hand enough to knock on the door.

Dorothy was once again alone in her hut when someone knocked on the door. Not expecting anyone, though she probably should have after she had received a visit from a certain pilot, she went to see who it was. She looked at the shorter girl and smiled politely. "Hello."

Hotaru smiled. "Hello," she said. "Are you Dorothy?" Though she assumed she was.

Dorothy nodded, a bit warily. "Who are you?"

"I'm Hotaru," she said. "I greeted you over the network when you first arrived. And this is Fluffy," she added when the gray cat put her two cents in.

Dorothy smiled a bit more genuinely. "Ah yes. It's nice to meet you in person, and you too Fluffy." She stood away from the door in open invitation for Hotaru and Fluffy to come in.

"Nice to meet you in person as well," Hotaru said stepping into the hut. "It's kind of odd that in such a small place we can go so long with out talking to someone."

Dorothy smiled, closing the door after her. "I've not been here very long, so that's part of it. Would you like anything to drink?"

"Just some water would be fine," Hotaru said.

Dorothy nodded and went to get the water.

Hotaru walked over and sat down on the couch, setting Fluffy down beside her.

It didn't take the blond long before she was walking back out to the living room. She handed a glass of water to Hotaru before sitting down.

Hotaru smiled. "Thank you. How are you?"

"You're welcome. I'm fine, thank you. How about you?"

"I'm well," she said. "Where are you assigned to work?" she asked.

"I'm to work in the video store," Dorothy shrugged slightly. Not that she'd been going to work lately.

"Ah. Next year, I can get a job here. I'm still just a little too young."

Dorothy smiled slightly. "Are you so sure you'll still be here next year?"

Hotaru shrugged. "I don't know. No one really knows. I've already been here for a year and other people have been here for three."

Dorothy nodded. "I see."

"I'm just going with whatever this place gives us. I ended up older than my Mama and Papa once for a week because of this place."

The blond blinked with surprise. "Really? That must have been...strange." She chuckled.

Hotaru nodded. "It was. But strange stuff happens here."

Dorothy smiled faintly. "Strange people are here, as well."

Hotaru nodded. "There certainly are a lot of them. My boyfriend was one of the oddest I think, but he got sent back to his universe."

"Oh? What was he like?"

"He was sweet," she said with a fond smile. "We had fun together. His past wasn't that pleasant, but that didn't matter."

Dorothy smiled, "I'm glad you had fun together. The past shapes us itno who we are, it's not irrelevant."

Hotaru nodded and smiled. "Yep."

Dorothy sipped from her glass of water. She had a feeling there was more too this visit.

And she was right. "How are you doing after...what happened?" Hotaru asked.

Dorothy didn't quite manage to hide her flinch at the reminder. But how did Hotaru know? She decided to feign ignorance of knowing what the girl meant. "After what?"

"After what happened with the vampire." Hotaru knew she was feigning innocence. Someone probably wouldn't forget that so easily. "I heard Uncle Trowa talking about it."

Dorothy flinched again. "I see." She looked away. "I'm well enough, thank you." Which was not entirely true, and it showed in her body language when she wasn't entirely able to control it.

Hotaru looked down at her lap. "I'm sorry."

Dorothy shook her head slightly. "It wasn't your fault."

"I'm still sorry it happened. I know Mama, Papa, and Aunt Pluto are mad at him."

Dorothy looked over at Hotaru curiously. "Who are your parents?"

"Neptune and Uranus."

She nodded, making note of those two names.

"They're not actually my parents, but they might as well be."

Dorothy raised a brow in curiousity. "Oh?"

Hotaru smiled. "They basically adopted me because my parents were dead and all of us are Guardians."

Dorothy smiled, nodding. "That was kind of them."

Hotaru nodded with a smile as Fluffy hopped off the couch and walked over to Dorothy.

Dorothy watched the cat walk over to her, and reached a hand out to be sniffed. "How long have you had her?"

Fluffy sniffed her hand then mewed happily. "I've had her about a year now," Hotaru said with a smile.

Dorothy laughed quietly and stroked Fluffy's head.

Fluffy purred happily.

Dorothy smiled. "She's adorable."

Hotaru smiled, "Thank you. She is."

She nodded.

Fluffy mewed.

Dorothy chuckled and went back to petting Fluffy.

Fluffy hopped up onto her lap and purred happily.

Dorothy laughed then, and cuddled the feline. "Adorable and very friendly."

Hotaru giggled. "Yeah, she is. She loves just about everyone."

Dorothy smiled. "That's nice to hear."

Fluffy mewed happily.

Dorothy chuckled and scratched behind Fluffy's ears.

Fluffy purred happily.

Dorothy continued to shower the kitten with attention. After a few minutes though, she glanced at Hotaru. "You can tell Trowa that I'm alright, but thank you."

Hotaru smiled and nodded. "Okay." Fluffy was still purring happily.

Dorothy smiled.

Hotaru smiled as well.

sailor saturn hotaru, dorothy

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