Quatre 'Mothers' Dorothy

Feb 26, 2009 15:12

Who: Quatre and Dorothy
Where: Dorothy's Hut
When: Yesterday
Warnings: GW references, mun speculation
Rating: G
Notes: Dorothy's being subdued
Summary: Quatre brings over soup to Dorothy's to make sure she's ok.

Quatre left his hut and headed towards Dorothy's. He was worried about her. While they didn't get along and at times he despised her... Alucard attacking her was still uncalled for. So, he adjusted how he was holding the large bowl of chicken and dumpling soup and knocked on the door.

Dorothy was trying to keep busy while not actually leaving her hut. She figured she was at least mostly safe there. She knew she'd go out again..just not yet. One good thing was the hut was immaculate. She flinched, hearing the knock, and looked at the door warily, knowing she was the only one there who could answer it. She sighed and went to the door, opening it. She blinked in surprise, seeing Quatre..with a large bowl. "Quatre," she offered a small smile. She hated being off balance, but that's what Alucard had done, that, and the apparent sympathy of people she knew did not like her all that much. She stepped aside, pulling the door open in silent invitation for the pilot to come in.

He stepped into the hut and shut the door. "I brought some soup Dorothy."

She nodded. "Thank you." She held out her hands for the bowl, to take it into the kitchen.

Quatre handed Dorothy the bowl.

Dorothy walked to the kitchen to put it away. "Would you like some tea?"

"What kind Dorothy?" He asked followed.

"There are jasmine, green and chamomile teas." She replied.

"Here, I'll fix the tea. Why don't you go sit down."

Dorothy glanced at him. "I can do it."

Quatre smiled warmly.

She smiled, starting to calm a bit with the familiarity that came with someone she already knew. She started the water boiling. "Which would you like?"

"Dorothy... Go sit." Quatre said taking her shoulders and steering her towards the table.

Dorothy blinked, barely managing to stifle the flinch when he took her shoulders. But she allowed him to steer her to the table and sat.

He knelt down in front of her and stroked her hair.

She stared at him for a few seconds before she very nearly blurted, "Quatre, what are you doing?"

He sighed and pulled back. "Trying to get you to relax."

Dorothy looked away, feeling her hands clench slightly. "..He touched my hair.." She said quietly.

"I'm sorry Dorothy."

"For what?"

"No one deserves that. What he did."

She let out a quiet sigh, looking back at him. "Thank you for saying that."

Quatre smiled.

Dorothy shook her head slightly, studying him. "How can you be so kind?"

"We may have had our difficulties in the past Dorothy... But, you and I are quite alike."

She smiled faintly, looking down at her hands. "How so?"

Quatre smiled mysteriously.

Dorothy managed a quiet chuckle, having looked up in time to see the smile.

He stood up and walked into the kitchen.

She stood up as well, moving to the couch and getting a bit more comfortable.

The blonde hummed as he made the tea. Chamomile for Dorothy and jasmine for himself.

Dorothy fiddled with her hands as she waited, having a feeling she knew what tea she would be getting. And finding she did not mind.

He came out into the room and handed Dorothy her tea. He sat down next to her.

She took the tea and waited for it to cool a bit. She gave Quatre a genuine smile, if small. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Dorothy curled her fingers around the cup. "How have you been?"

"I've been well."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"I'm truely sorry for what happened."

"I'm sorry it happened to you too." Dorothy actually meant it, too.

He sipped his tea.

Dorothy sipped as well.

He reached up, absently rubbing his neck where Alucard had bitten him.

She noticed the gesture, and understood it. "You're lucky to have your friends here."

"You have us."

Dorothy shook her head slightly, slight smile showing. "Most of you don't really even like me. I know that."

"We have our differences..."

She nodded. "We do."

"But, as much as we may dislike you at times... We'll protect you."

Dorothy felt her eyes widen as she looked at Quatre.

He smiled and then sipped his tea.

She continued to watch him for a moment more before sighing quietly, shaking her head a little in amusement. "I wonder what the other pilots will say to that."

"They'll follow my lead."

Which told her that she definitely would be protected. She knew him well enough to know that, and trust that. She smiled, "I see."

He smiled brightly at Dorothy. "So, how is our home?"

"The people are disturbed..bordering paranoia because of how many well known people have been disappearing over the last few years. However, Miss Une, the Preventers and a few others have been doing marvelously in calming the majority." Dorothy gave him a brief summary of the goings on back home. Repaying the pilot's kindness with the information she knew he wanted.

Quatre nodded, fingering his wedding ring. "We're going to have a lot of work on our hands when we get back."

Dorothy noticed the gesture and smiled, the ring confirmed her suspicions. "We will."

"Do you know how my sisters are doing?"

"I believe they're all well. Concerned, I'd imagine, but well."

"That's good to hear." He smiled softly.

Dorothy nodded. She knew nothing was wrong, for she'd have heard about it.

"Would you like some soup?"

She shook her head slightly, "not right now, thank you."

He nodded.

"Would you tell me about this island?"

"Of course. What would you like to know?"

"I'm curious about the people from other dimensions with Gundams."

"I don't know about them much."

Dorothy nodded. "Who do you know then?"

"Lockon and Allelujah."

She smiled slightly, a bit amused by the names, even as she suspected they were code names. "What are they like?"

"Nice... Allelujah worries me a bit. He has a split personality, Hallelujah that reacts to psychics. He reacts to my empathy."

Dorothy frowned slightly. "Is Hallelujah violent?"


"That must be difficult.." She looked at him carefully, wondering despite herself how he was handling that knowledge.

"Life here... It can be difficult, despite being so quiet."

"How so?'

Quatre sighed softly and explained to Dorothy some of the previous inhabitants, and the current ones that caused trouble.

Dorothy listened, nodding in some places, frowning slightly in others.

He smiled faintly.

"Thank you."

"It was no problem."

Dorothy smiled slightly.

He patted her knee.

"I'll be fine, Quatre."

"You sure?" he asked, obviously worried.

Dorothy nodded, a little surprised at how obviously concerned he was about her. "Yes."


"I won't keep you, if you have other places you need to be," she said, voice quiet.

"No, it's quite alright."

Dorothy nodded.

"I want to make sure you're okay."

"What would you do if I said I wasn't?" She wondered.

Then I'd stay."

"You don't need to. I'm alright."

"Are you sure?"

Dorothy nodded. "Yes."


She smiled. "Thank you for coming over."

"You're welcome Dorothy."

dorothy, quatre

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