Found By Dark

Feb 11, 2009 22:50

Who: Dorothy and Zelas
Where: Volcano, forest, edge of village
When: Minutes after Dorothy arrived, ie, night time
Warnings: Zelas being herself?
Rating: G
Notes: Be afraid. Be very very afraid.
Summary: Dorothy gets found by Zelas. Information exchanges hands.

Dorothy continued to stare around her, telling blond hair still wrapped up tight under her black clothing. She knew that she'd stepped inside just a moment ago, but here she was. Outside. In front of a volcano that was in the middle of a forest. She remained propped up against the tree she had quite nearly fallen against when she'd gotten her first look at the volcano, though now her arms were crossed against her chest. It was dark and she had no idea where she was.

Zelas had gone into the jungle for a while to be around her creatures, and away from the sickeningly sweet emotions going throughout the village with Valentine's Day approaching. One of her wolves started howling to indicate that he saw someone, and she changed into wolf form to cover ground faster. As she approached, she smelled a young human out there, and changed into a more-suitable human form. "I know you're out there."

Dorothy had been hearing a few howls, only adding to that feeling she wasn't where she was supposed to be, or at least not where she'd been. Pale eyes narrowed at hearing footsteps that had followed the soft padding of a four-legged creature, approach, then a voice speak up. She turned her head in that direction. "And you would be..?" Her tone was neutral, but wary.

Zelas smirked, knowing exactly where the woman--she could tell by the voice--was now. She walked to the tree so she could be seen, leaving her hands at her sides and open in the universal 'non-threat' gesture. "I am known as Zelas. You are new here?"

Dorothy let her arms drop to her sides as she pushed herself upright with practiced ease. She let a neutral smile slip onto her lips as she replied. "I just arrived. Lovely place, isn't it?" While she was armed, she left her hands in plain sight as well, information was valuable, after all.

"Of course it is." Zelas grinned, the expression reminiscent of a wolf's. "I enjoy playing with my friends out here at night. They love the environment here."

The smile turned sardonic on Dorothy's fine features. "You mean the wolves? I would hope they'd enjoy it here. Have they been playing in this forest for long?"

"They have been here quite a while, although they have learned to not enter the village that is here."

"Hmm..I suppose that would cause trouble if they did not know better." The human nodded.

Zelas nodded, bracelets hitting each other with a metallic clink as she lit a cigarette, indulging in one of her vices. It wasn't like it was going to kill her. "It would, and I do not like seeing them hurt."

"Oh I do agree! They are beautiful creatures." Dorothy spoke enthusiastically.

Zelas chuckled, pleased to hear the enthusiasm in the other woman's voice. "Do you really mean that, Miss...?"

Dorothy smiled and bowed politely. "Catalonia. I am Dorothy Catalonia. I speak honestly." At least so far..

Zelas chuckled slightly, amused at the woman's politeness to one such as herself. "Zelas Metallium."

Dorothy had no idea what Zelas was, though she was interested to find out. Time to fish harder. "Interesting name. Care to tell about it?"

"There is not much to say about it. It is a name that I go by." Zelas smirked, "One could ask the same about your name."

And the bait failed. Oh well. Dorothy chuckled, "it was given to me by family."

Zelas was enjoying herself. Here was a human who could participate in 'the game', although not in the same league that she did. "Which dimension are you from?"

Which dimension? So those reports weren't written by insane people..Fascinating. Dorothy simply smiled. "One with advanced technology than what I see here, and suspect of what the village you spoke of, has. What of your dimension?"

Zelas chuckled, having an idea of which dimension this young woman came from. "Oh, nothing like yours. The dimension my kind is from relies heavily on magic."

Dorothy clasped her hands in front of her, pale eyes nearly sparkling as she gushed, shockingly enough, not completely acting. "Oh how fascinating! I do hope you won't mind if I ask for a demonstration?"

Zelas laughed loudly, using not even a tenth of a fraction of her power for a simple Lighting spell. The small orb of white light flew up in the air, and she threw it out into the jungle for the wolves to chase.

Dorothy laughed with honest delight. Now there was a useful talent. "Thank you for the show."

"You're welcome." Zelas bowed, playing up the theatrics for now. "I will be here as long as there is something to amuse me."

Dorothy smiled sardonically. "I don't suppose you know of anyone here who might share my dimension?" If so, she had a feeling her appearance would be met with...less enthusiasm than if others were to appear.

"I might, depending on the dimension." Zelas chuckled, "There are several dimensions represented here that have technology. Even some with...what is the suits?"

Several? Now that could prove very amusing. Dorothy nodded. "Mobile suits is the correct term." So many questions, yet she would not ask them if she could get the information otherwise. She was also enjoying herself.

"Some of them might even be from your dimension. Of course, if you could tell me some names, I might be able to point you in their direction."

There were a few names she would not give, of course, but there was one..One she had no qualms sharing with this fascinating being. "Trowa Barton." Oh so many reasons for sharing that particular name, one of which was the simple fact that one did not like her at all. Not that any of the other pilots liked her much either, but that was beside the point.

Zelas laughed, leaning against a nearby tree as she finished her cigarette, crushing the butt into the ground with her foot. "He is here, and sharing a hut with his husband. I believe his job was changed from working in the village music store to working in the village's vet clinic."

Husband? That was..different, not that Dorothy had difficulty figuring out who Barton's 'husband' was. She laughed. "I do believe that was a wise career change on his part."

"He has been able to tame wolves, so it was a wise change. His ability to get along with animals is astonishing."

Dorothy nodded. "That does not surprise me. Would you be so kind as to show me the way to the village?"

Zelas nodded, smirking slightly. "That is no trouble as long as you can keep up."

Dorothy quirked a curious forked eyebrow at Zelas, inwardly wondering about that comment. "I will do my best to keep up."

Zelas snickered, and headed towards the village. It was obvious that she wasn't actually human by the way she was fading in and out of reality, but there was a slight change that Dorothy could keep up with her.

By that point, Dorothy already had a good idea Zelas was not human. She broke out into an easy run, pale eyes darting around to make sure she was on the right track. Judging by what she'd already learned of this Zelas, the being would not make it all that simple to follow. Still, a guide was better than none, especially at night. A guide that was friends with the creatures, at least some of them, of this forest was even better.

Zelas fully came back into reality a while later, on the edge of the village. The housing area was the first area that could be seen, and she looked behind her to make sure Dorothy was there.

Dorothy appeared at the edge of the forest just a moment after Zelas did, and slowed to a halt as she looked over the village. She was breathing deeper than usual, though not much as she was in decent shape. She smiled, nodding at Zelas. "Thank you again."

"You're welcome." Zelas chuckled, phasing out and in back behind Dorothy. "The atmosphere in the village is not good for my kind at this time of the year. If you wish to find me after this Valentine's Day foolishness is over, I will be in the bar."

Dorothy quirked a brow at Zelas again, after turning to look at her. Valentine's Day? Joy, now she got to really put on a show. "I am certain I will do so. I do hope you enjoy playing with your friends." She smiled again before walking into the village, thoughts whirling with what she now knew.

"Oh, I most certainly will. They are much simpler than you humans, and do not have any of the same foolishness when it comes to pairing." Zelas grinned, heading back into the jungle.

Which caused Dorothy to laugh with honest amusement, and agreement. The only responce Zelas got for that reply.

dorothy, zelas

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