RP Log - Trust?

Feb 11, 2009 00:27

Who: Nagi & Lockon
When: Monday, after Omi leaves the arcade
Where: Arcade
Rating: PG-13/R
Warnings: Gundam 00 & WK spoilers
Notes: None
Summary: Nagi finds out how much of a 'big brother' figure Lockon really is.

Lockon waited until Omi had left then glanced over at Nagi. That had been interesting conversation. "I see Omi's back again," he remarked as Haro rolled around over to edge of the counter and bounced off to see if any of the machines needed work.

Nagi sighed, closing his French books as he nodded. "He is...and that was the real Omi...the one I fought once."

"I could tell," Lockon remarked. "There was an awful lot of tension."

"Weiss and Schwarz are the same kind of group, but also very different." Nagi nervously looked at Haro, not really wanting the little robot to actually hear what was going on. "I could talk more..but...only if Haro is in sleep mode."

Lockon nodded. "Okay. Haro, come back over here." The little robot rolled back and bounced up onto the counter. "Haro, go to sleep," Lockon told him.

"Haro, sleep! Haro, sleep!" the little robot replied and then stopped moving.

Lockon looked back over at Nagi. "He's asleep now."

Nagi breathed a sigh of relief, then turned to Lockon. "Weiss is purely an assassination group. Schwarz isn't."

"Ah. I see. So I take it that's what part of that conversation was about."

Nagi nodded, biting his lip. "One of Weiss's missions...well...they didn't check everything out. I know that."

"Ah...so I take it things went a bit wrong."

Nagi sighed, thinking of that as an understatement.

"So really wrong?" Lockon asked, absently nudging Haro. He was careful to not make the robot roll since Haro wouldn't be awake if he were to roll off the counter

"Crawford put me in an orphanage after he took me off the streets. It was a Catholic orphanage, run by a nun..." Nagi sighed, "It was like paradise after the streets."

"Oh...I'd imagine."

"There was one guy who tried making friends with me, he had been in the orphanage after his parents were killed in a car crash. He was even going to teach me football...then things happened."

"Oh..." Lockon said, kind of picturing where this might be leading.

Nagi nodded, figuring that he should really finish it. "Weiss came and killed the nun who ran it. The guy who was making friends with me was the one who actually killed her...Weiss destroyed everything I had at that point."

Lockon frowned. Killing without a purpose he severely disliked. "I don't see the point in something like that," he grumbled. "Especially from someone who should have understood what it was like."

"They claimed she was brainwashing orphans into becoming suicide bombers, but..." Nagi shook his head, slumping down where he was sitting. "I never saw any sign of that. If she did that, she wouldn't have shown me or anyone else in the orphanage."

Lockon nodded. "It sounds like they didn't actually check up on that. Or just didn't care." He racked his hand through his hair. Dammit, he hated it when people did stuff like that.

Nagi nodded slightly, agreeing with Lockon on that one. "I think they just didn't care. Kritiker tells them to go kill someone, and they do it. We're not like that in Schwarz, and we don't go around rationalizing what we do. We just admit that we kill people sometimes."

Lockon nodded. He guessed that was better even though he was guilty of rationalizing himself. "That sounds like a difficult thing to go through."

"That's an understatement." Nagi replied bitterly, "The only safe place I had was taken away...and for no good reason."

Lockon nodded. "I understand. My family as well as many others were killed by a terrorist organization to 'ease the backlash of the AEU's Space Elevator construction'."

Nagi hung his head, his voice coming out in a bitter whisper. He could understand what Lockon was saying, but there was still an important difference between them. "At least your family cared about you..."

Lockon blinked. So that was part of the problem? "Oh..."

"There you have it." Nagi sighed, looking down at the counter. "That's most of my story now. Family didn't care, ended up on the streets, and taken to an orphanage that was destroyed when Sister was killed. No wonder I went to Schwarz, it was the only place left for me."

Lockon nodded. "That's a shame. No one should have to go through a life like that." He now understood better why Nagi acted the way he did. He now reminded him even more of Setsuna. Of course the situation wasn't the same, but still.

Nagi nodded a little, not making any attempt to look at Lockon. "That's not everything, but probably enough."

Lockon nodded. "I understand." He wouldn't try and push Nagi to talk especially when he had just told him something like that.

"Crawford would probably discipline me for actually talking like this to you, but I really don't care." Nagi shrugged, knowing the reason that Crawford insisted on it. Secrecy was one of the things that was keeping them alive since they had crossed Esset.

Lockon nodded. "I won't say anything about it. You have my word and if he has an issue, he can talk to me about it. It's not like I can tell anyone about it." He poked Haro, who was still asleep. "And Haro doesn't know."

Nagi nodded, managing some sort of a hint of a smile. "Thank you. I don't want anyone else getting hurt because of me. There's been too much of it."

Lockon nodded. "I understand."

"I guess it might not hurt for you to know the rest..." Nagi sighed, feeling a little nervous. But Lockon already knew everything else, it's not like there was much else that he was keeping secret. And the pilot wasn't going to be telling anyone...

"If you want to tell me, I'll listen," Lockon said.

"I don't think I could actually tell you." Nagi admitted, his voice becoming shaky. "It would be better to show you..."

Lockon blinked. "Oh?"

Nagi nodded, biting his lip. He didn't like talking about his family for good reason, and he had more than enough marks to prove why.

Lockon nodded. "Okay."

Nagi went into the back, peeling off his T-shirt when he got back there. He had changed from long sleeves to short sleeves since he didn't have too many marks on his arms, but there was no chance of him taking advantage of the beach anytime soon.

Lockon followed him into the back blinking when he saw the marks. So that was the other part of this? He frowned again. "Your family?" he asked.

Nagi nodded slowly, gulping a little. He felt naked without anything covering the various scars showing that he had been abused when he was a child, but it was better off if Lockon knew. "M-mother did it...my father ran off and left us..."

Lockon raked his hand through his hair again. "No one should ever treat a child like that." Granted no one should be treated like that, but a child even less so.

"She got drunk after father ran off..." Nagi looked down, that naked feeling not going away and making some of his nervousness worse. "When she got drunk, she blamed me for everything. Me and my being able to make things move around..."

Lockon nodded. "You can put your shirt back on," he said, knowing it was making Nagi nervous. "That's a shame."

Nagi nodded, pulling it on again. The naked feeling went away, but he was still visibly nervous as a few sparks flew off him. "Only one other than you who knows is Duo...well, outside Schwarz...it's why Duo hates Crawford using force with me..."

Lockon nodded. "Perhaps you should sit down," Lockon remarked, remaining surprisingly calm for seeing someone sparking. He didn't blame Duo for being upset about that. While he was one to use force, against people who had been physically abused was not the time when he would use it.

Nagi sat down in the back, taking several deep breaths to try to calm himself and stop the sparking. He managed to look up at Lockon, his indigo eyes showing exactly what he was feeling for once. "Please don't tell anyone...I don't want everyone knowing about this, and especially not some of those teenage girls."

Lockon nodded. "I'll tell no one about this." As much as he wanted to talk to Crawford about this, his word to Nagi and to keep Nagi out of harm's way were more important since talking to Crawford probably would have the opposite effect.

"Thank you." Nagi let out another deep breath, sighing in relief. His body language seemed to change after that, he looked a bit more relaxed and like a normal young man, if a bit thin and tired. "I don't want you talking to Crawford about it either. He'd probably tell you to leave Schwarz alone, and if you pushed it...he carries a gun and he's a really good boxer."

Lockon nodded again. "I won't talk to him about this."

"Thank you."

Lockon smiled. "No problem. Just take a bit of time and relax." He didn't want Nagi to be too stressed to go to his class.

Nagi nodded, grateful for that. He was going to have to calm down a bit before class, but it also felt surprisingly good to get everything off his chest. "I will. For some reason, you're just as easy to trust as Duo is. And it's not because of the coincidences."

Lockon chuckled. "I've always been good at that. With my team, any of them could come and talk to me, even members of our support team. It's just an ability I have."

"It's a good one for you to get me talk." Nagi managed an actual smile, rare from him. "I've really had a shitty life. It makes yours look normal."

Lockon chuckled. "I'd have to agree. But that's not your fault."

"Not exactly...although it's all because of what I can do." Nagi's smile left as quickly as it had come. "And...well...I went on the streets after I killed mother..."

"Ah." Personally he didn't blame Nagi for that. Others probably would have, but his own opinion was that Nagi had the right to defend himself from someone doing him physical harm. "You don't have to tell me anymore. Just try to relax so you can go to your class. If you want to talk more later, we can."

Nagi shook his head, not exactly sure of how he felt. Part of him was tired from the emotions he was going through, but he also felt a lot better than he had been for a long time. He would never admit it to Quatre, but it seemed like talking had actually helped him a bit. "I'm fine."

Lockon nodded. "Okay."

"It's been bothering me for a long time."

Lockon nodded. "I would imagine so."

Nagi nodded, "Crawford doesn't encourage dealing with what bothers us as long as it doesn't affect how we do our jobs. And since I'm the hacker...well, I'm more involved in the bodyguard jobs than the killing ones."

Lockon nodded. "I'd imagine that makes it difficult."

"It does. But it's not like I could deal with stuff anyways." Nagi shrugged, "Living on the streets, I was more concerned with where my next meal was coming from and where I'd be able to hide for the night."

Lockon nodded. "I know the feeling, at least the one about not knowing where your next meal is coming from. After my parents were killed, my brother and I worried about that."

"I didn't have any siblings, so it was just me out there." Nagi looked down, actually seeing how much his clothes were hanging off him for once. "Haven't been this thin since then."

Lockon nodded. "How about I make dinner tonight," he suggested.

"Depends on what you make." Nagi shrugged, "Although there's not much I won't eat. Just don't like sweets that much, but no one makes that for a meal."

Lockon chuckled. "Some people might, but I'm not one of them. A soup of some kind perhaps."

"Works for me." Nagi actually smiled again, "If I'm cooking for myself, I usually make soup or noodles."

Lockon smiled. "Okay. Soup it is then."

"Thanks for everything."

Lockon nodded. "It's no problem."

"It might end up becoming one."

Lockon shrugged. "I'm used to that."

Nagi sighed, "You're getting mixed in with psychics, and I'm the only one of us in Schwarz who doesn't get a kick out of hurting someone."

"I'll cross that bridge when it comes time to worry about that."

"It might be sooner than you think. Crawford's a precognitive, and he tends to see important things that affect us."

"Ah," Lockon shrugged. Honestly, he probably should have been scared of Crawford, just as he should have been afraid of Farfarello and Schuldig, but he oddly wasn't possibly because of the fact that he was dead. "Then I'll let him come talk to me about it. I won't seek him out."

Nagi sighed, shaking his head. He knew that Lockon should be scared of Crawford, and was wondering if it was just something about Irishmen that made them blind to danger. "That's all I can ask, I guess. I gave you warning."

Lockon nodded. "I'll remember that and I appreciate it."

"So, I spilled. Your turn."

Lockon blinked. "About my past?"

Nagi nodded. "You know mine. It's a fair exchange."

Lockon smiled. "I agree; it is. Well, like I told you before, my parents and my younger sister were killed in a bombing. My brother survived. Before that, our lives were fairly peaceful. Afterwards...I ended up working as soon as I was able to help pay for my brother's schooling. Since I was the only one working, there were times when we had to worry about where we were going to get our next meal. My brother and I were fairly close until I was recruited for Celestial Being. Then... we never saw each other."

Nagi blinked, wondering what it would have been like to have a brother until Lockon mentioned that they never saw each other after Celestial Being. "Why? If I had a brother, I'd want to keep in touch...someone who knew exactly what things were like..."

"That's part of the problem," Lockon remarked. "He wasn't supposed to know. I... kind of threw away my relationship with him since I wanted to fight for peace and I didn't want him to be involved in any violence. I regret leaving him behind, but it was something I felt I needed to do."

"Oh..." Nagi looked down, still wondering what it would have been like to have a brother. "Still...some of us don't have siblings."

Lockon nodded. "It is nice having a brother. When you aren't fighting since that is something brothers do, you can be the best of friends. I realize I threw my relationship with him away and I can only hope that he understands why I did it."

"Maybe you can tell him if he ends up here." Nagi replied, still thinking about brothers. "I still wish I hadn't been alone..."

Lockon nodded. "Perhaps I can. Having a brother probably would have helped some."

"I guess Schwarz is like a family, but we're a dysfunctional one."

Lockon chuckled. "Yes, I would consider it a dysfunctional family, but I also consider that for my own group sometimes."

Nagi looked up, some warmth actually making it into his eyes. "What are they like? Except Allelujah, I think I know a bit already...and you mentioned Setsuna."

"Well, Tieria, he's rather haughty. He thinks very highly of himself and the role he plays in the missions as well as the missions themselves. However, he was starting to lighten up towards the end of my life. Setsuna, he was quiet. He had a difficult life as well so he still had some stuff that he needed to work out. Sumeragi is our tactical forecaster. She's a sweet woman who is very good at her job. I talked with everyone, but probably the other person I talked to most was Feldt. She was the youngest on the ship."

Nagi nodded as he listened, trying to keep all the names straight. "Sumeragi...she showed up here too, right?"

Lockon nodded. "She's here as well."

"What's she like? Other than how you already described her, since there's more to it with those who end up here."

"Sumeragi?... she's serious when she has to be, but she can lighten up when she doesn't have to be serious. That being said, she could still use a vacation here since our work usually wasn't without stress."

Nagi nodded, getting an idea of what everyone had in common on the island. It seemed that everyone had issues, even the children who were running around. "I wonder..."


"Everyone here seems to have issues, whether we're alive or dead."

"Ah. So you think this world picks out people who need a vacation?"

Nagi nodded, "Or people who need to face something."

Lockon nodded. "Maybe."

"That would explain all of from Schwarz...the Weiss kittens...pilots, and even the two children."

Lockon chuckled. "Kittens?"

Nagi smirked slightly, "Nickname Schuldig gave them. All of us in Weiss and Schwarz have codenames, and theirs are all cat breeds. Schwarz codenames have to do with our abilities."

Lockon chuckled. "Interesting."

"I'm Prodigy."

Lockon nodded. "And Berserker is the crazy Irishman, right?"

Nagi nodded. "He can't feel pain, so when he's in a fight, he goes completely berserk."

"Ah. Technically Lockon is a codename that has to do with the fact that I'm a sniper."

"So what's your real name?"

"Neil. Neil Dylandy."

Nagi nodded, remembering it. "In Japanese, mine's Naoe Nagi. You might hear just Naoe used at times. We don't usually use given names unless we're on a close basis, but I've been with Westerners for enough time to not care much."

"Ah. I see. That makes sense."

"There's an advantage to it." Nagi smiled, "I know English better than a normal Japanese person, and I also know German thanks to Schuldig."

Lockon chuckled. "That could be useful."

Nagi nodded, knowing it was going to be useful when he got back to his own world. It would help him blend in a little when he started going back on the run for a bit.

"Feeling a bit better?" Lockon asked.

"A lot better, thanks."

"No problem," Lockon said. "I'm going to wake up Haro before Omi sneaks back in here and runs off with him while he's asleep."

Nagi nodded, since he didn't have anything else to say that he didn't want Haro hearing. He did stay in the back for now, feeling more comfortable back there.

lockon neil, nagi

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