More Bunny/Vampy Talks

Feb 12, 2009 19:48

Who: Momiji and Seras
Where: Their hut
When: After latest hut switching, evening
Warnings: Cuteness
Rating: G
Summary: Momiji and Seras talk about a few different things.

Momiji swung his legs idly as he sat on the floor of the living room, homework spread out in front of and around him.

Seras yawned as she sat up, unable to sleep any longer. Changing out of her pajamas, she wandered into the livingroom.

The small teen wasn't paying much attention outside of his homework, so was unaware of his 'mother's' appearance. He marked down another answer for his Chemistry assignment before studying the next.

She smiled sleepily, leaning over him to see what he was doing. "How's it coming?"

Momiji jumped a bit, and looked up wide-eyed before smiling cheerfully. "Mostly done, just this set of equations, then a couple chapters to make sure I'm a bit ahead..Snape-sensei seems happier when I'm reading further than he assigns the chapters." Happier was relative..but the young man still tried hard to make the man's job less like pulling teeth with idiots. Got him shouted at less, too.

"So you're doing well then?" Seras asked, proud of the boy she'd ended up taking in. She knew that Snape could be a difficult person to talk to, much less learn from.

He nodded enthusiastically. "I am! Sensei doesn't say so in so many words, but I can tell he's pleased with my work." The man had to work harder to find insults that made sense than he had before.

The vampire ruffled his hair before slipping into the kitchen to pull out one of the opaque bottles she kept in the fridge.

Momiji smiled brightly at the hair ruffling and watched her go into the kitchen before he went back to his homework, wanting to finish it quickly now that she was awake. He had a few questions he'd been wanting to ask her.

Seras hummed lightly while she warmed the blood carefully.

He was soon done with the homework that was due the next day. He started on the reading, he could easily get ahead later if Seras came back to the living room while he was reading.

When it was warm, she sat down at the table to have her meal. She didn't like eating around people, especially Momiji. Knowing she drank blood and seeing it were different things after all.

Momiji took occasional notes of what he was reading, keeping half an ear out for when Seras left the kitchen. He didn't mind her not wanting to eat in front of him, as long as she still spent time with him.

She liked spending time with the teenager. Rinsing out the bottle thoroughly, she returned to the livingroom.

Hearing the vampire come back in, he looked up with a bright smile before starting to put the papers away into his bag, setting aside the book and notes for later.

"So how are you doing otherwise?" Seras asked, taking a seat on the couch and bringing her legs up to curl comfortably.

"Pretty good, I'm really enjoying my classes. And I'm learning a lot! When I go home, hopefully I won't be too far behind everyone else..If I am.." Momiji trailed off, looking down at his books as he thought just what his father would have to say about if he got behind. "..Maybe I should take more classes.."

"Just don't take more than you can handle," she said with a smile. "Which ones are you taking already?"

He nodded, looking up again, smile back in place. "I won't, promise! I'm taking a violin class, Algebra, Chemistry, Literature and PE at the school, and a painting class outside of it."

She smiled. "Afriad I don't have an artistic bone in my body. But I'd like to see one of your projects some time if you don't mind."

Momiji laughed. "Sure!" He was delighted that she wanted to see something he'd done. "I'll bring my portfolio home after next class."

"That'd be wonderful."

He smiled, now finished with putting his school work away, and hopped onto the couch to sit next to her.

Seras gave him plenty of room to avoid a transformation.

Momiji curled up against the other side of the couch before he asked quietly. "You're going to the dance with someone called Alucard, right?"

She nodded, looking at him curiously. "When did you hear about that?"

"I overheard you..But I didn't mean to eavesdrop!" He looked at her, a bit aprehensive as he wasn't sure how she'd react to that admitance.

"It's alright, I haven't been trying to keep it a secret," Seras said with a reassuring smile. "You would have found out at the dance anyway."

Momiji smiled with relief. "Okay! I'm just curious about what he's like."

She blinked a little. "Master? He's... well, he's complicated."

He tilted his head. "What do you mean?"

"He's a lot of contradictions," Seras said.

Momiji blinked. "Oh.."

"He's ruthless, but has shown mercy at times." Like he had done when he gave her a new life.

He nodded. "Okay..Do you think he'll make any trouble at the dance?"

"I hope not," she said with a bit of a laugh. "I'd hate to see the guardians get angry at him for it."

Momiji smiled. "Yeah."

"It's my second dance since my turning."

"When were you turned?" The teen asked curiously.

"Only a few months before I arrived on the island," Seras said. "I'm still very young in vampire terms."

"Oh, I see." He nodded.

"I think he gets frustrated with me sometimes." She smiled a little. "But I managed to get a hug from him a while ago."

"Why does he get frustrated with you sometimes?" Momiji cheered at her second statement. "That's good!"

"I'm not very strong compared to him, and he thinks I act too human."

"What's wrong with being human?"

"Nothing, but I'm not one anymore." Seras rested her chin on a hand.

Momiji nodded. "Okay."

Reaching over, she ruffled his hair again fondly.

He laughed.

She smiled at the teenager. "Is that all you wanted to know?"

"Mm..Yeah." Momiji smiled back, "Thanks!"

"Not a worry. You're always welcome to ask me anything."

"Okay!" Came his bright reply.

Seras gave him a partial hug, careful not to trigger his curse.

Momiji leaned into the embrace.

"So, do you have someone you're going to the dance with?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I'm going with Hotaru. We have a few classes together, she's nice."

"I think I've run into her at some point," she said, nodding as well. "Certainly seemed to be."

Momiji smiled. "She doesn't have a problem with my curse."

"I'm happy for you." Even though he wasn't in his rabbit form, she lightly scratched along his scalp. He was sometimes simply too adorable to resist cuddling with.

He snuggled against her happily, enjoying the attention. It was why he encouraged people to think he was much younger than he was.

Since she knew that he didn't have another 'other' motives for snuggling with her, Seras didn't really care how old he was. If it'd been her captain on the other hand... he'd have been outside with a nice Pip-shaped hole in the wall. But Momiji got away with it.

And the teen knew it too. He knew how unlikely it was he'd be able to have a family of his own because of his curse. Having people around him who knew what he was, but who also didn't mind his transformation, was the best he could do. Having a mother-figure like Seras was even better, one of the reasons he didn't want to go home.

She liked having someone to take care of. It helped her feel human despite the bottles she kept in the fridge. "Have you met any of our new hutmates?"

Momiji shook his head a little, still snuggling a bit. "Not yet, though I'm hoping to soon. Have you?"

"Just one," she said, smiling at him. "Though it sounds like Omi's lost his memory again."

He blinked, tilting his head up to look at her curiously. "He lost his memory again? How'd that happen?" Or who had done that to him, as was his experience with several people who'd had their memories taken from them.

"I haven't found that out yet," Seras said, tapping him lightly on the nose. "We've only spoken over the journals so far."

Momiji wrinkled his nose at her, rather like he did while in his rabbit form, before smiling. "Okay."

"He worked at the flower shop both times before," the vampire said. "You'll probably like him."

He cheered. "I'm looking forward to meeting him then!"

Seras couldn't help but to catch onto his cheerful mood. "I can't wait to see him again eigther."

Momiji smiled brightly. "What's he like?"

"He's very nice and good with flowers."

"I would hope so since he works with them!" He chuckled.

She laughed. "You have a point there."

Momiji smiled cheerfully.

"You'll probably run into him soon enough," Seras said, pulling away from the embrace. She did need to start her day after all.

He straightened away from her before nodding. "I'm sure I will."

She started pulling on her shoes after stretching, getting ready to go running.

Momiji snuggled into the couch, it was comfy, and watched her.

"I'll see you when I get back." Walking over, she bent her head to kiss the top of his in a motherly gesture.

He smiled happily at her. "Okay, I hope you enjoy your run."

"I will."

seras, momiji

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