RP Log - Suit Time!

Feb 06, 2009 19:42

Who: Pluto & Artemis
When: Today
Where: Hot springs, clothing store
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Notes: None
Summary: Artemis torture! Err...getting Artemis in a suit.

Pluto had waited patiently for Artemis to come to the clothing store of his own free will, but he never showed. She headed first over to the hot springs in order to find him, seeing if he was actually going to be at work when he knew he was going to be forced to get decent clothing.

Artemis was there, hoping no one would find him.  He wasn't really thrilled with the idea of dressing up and going to this dance.  Heck, if he could have gone in cat form, that would have been even easier.

Pluto smiled too-sweetly as she entered the hot springs, seeing the white-haired man working there. She came up behind him, and using the sweetest tone she could, finally spoke. "Hello, Artemis."

He flailed, almost reverting to said cat form to run and hide.  Startled or not, he knew that voice, and he knew what she wanted.

"You do know that Luna told me about the dance, right?" Pluto smiled, "And she told me that the two of you are going."

"Um... sure?"  He sighed, backing away for a moment.

"And I know that you do not have anything to wear that Luna would want to be seen with you in..."

Artemis sighed.  "No... I suppose not."

Pluto smiled, "So let's make sure you have something appropriate."

"I..."  He sighed, the protest dying there.  "Okay," he said quietly, not looking forward to this in the least.  He waved for Pluto to lead him off.  He would follow.

Pluto chuckled softly, heading back towards the village. "And before you get any ideas, don't try and run off. I'll just tell Luna."

"I wasn't going to," he said quietly, following her along the wooden walkway that led back to the village.  He clasped his hands behind him, almost looking like he was bound and forced into following.

Pluto looked behind to make sure Artemis was still there, trying to resist the urge to laugh at seeing him looking like a captive. It was quite amusing.

He raised his eyes and met her gaze.  He shook his head.  "This isn't funny, you know."

"To you it isn't." She countered, smiling. "Really, going shopping for an outfit is not that bad."

Artemis sighed.  "Whatever," he muttered.

Pluto left at that until they got to the clothing store, and she held the door open for the Mauian adviser. "You can go first."

He quirked an eyebrow at her and stepped through.  "I'm not going to run now," he told her.

"I hope not, but I want to make sure."

He rolled his eyes slightly.  "So... what do you think I should wear?" he asked.

Pluto smiled, "Luna is wearing a nice blue dress, so I think you should wear a suit to match hers."

"Blue?"  Artemis made a slight face.  "I'm not sure about blue..." he said.

"I am thinking navy, not a bright blue." Pluto chuckled, walking over to the suits. "Although, you should have a blue tie of some sort to match hers."

“Okay," he said with a small sigh, following Pluto through the store.  "That makes sense."

"I'm not letting you near black. That makes you look like a ghost."

"Why do you think I usually wear white?" he asked.

Pluto chuckled, that was something she was thinking of trying to get Artemis out of the habit of eventually. Whether it would work or not...well...it might be easier for young Naoe to talk than her to get Artemis wearing something other than white.

"So, what do you recommend?" he asked, putting himself in her hands.  After all, he had a feeling anything he chose wouldn't quite be good enough.

Pluto smiled, pulling a navy suit jacket, navy pants, and cream shirt off the racks as she looked around. "You should try these on first.

Artemis took them, looked them over for a moment and then headed into the dressing room.

Pluto waited for Artemis, looking at the ties so she could pick one that matched Luna's dress.

He came out in the suit and shirt, studying himself in the mirror for a moment.  "Well, it's not terrible," he admitted.

Pluto smiled faintly at Artemis' opinion of the suit, "There is a reason that your wife gave me permission to put you in something suitable."

He raised an eyebrow at her.  "She didn't trust my own judgement, I'm guessing.

"Not when it comes to clothes for an event like this. You know how she is."

"Worse than you?" he said before he could stop himself.  Oh... if that got back to Luna...

Pluto laughed, greatly amused by the thought of what would happen if Luna heard that. "I won't tell her."

Artemis laughed nervously.  "Thanks," he said.  "So... do you have a tie for me to wear?" he asked, looking over what she had in her hands.  He was somewhat anxious to get this done and over with.

"I have a few, it just depends on what goes best with your coloring." Pluto smiled, handing over several blue ties. "The sapphire one is closest to what her dress looks like."

He looked over the different ties, nodding to himself a bit.  "Okay."  Turning, he draped them over one arm and then randomly selected one to try first.  He carefully tied it on, having to redo a few times as he wasn't exactly practiced in this sort of things.  He was a royal advisor, sure, but he didn't exactly wear a suit and tie to work.

Pluto repressed the urge to giggle at Artemis' attempts to tie the tie, but kept it down since this was embarrassing enough for him. She looked at how it was on him, not quite sure about the color now. "Maybe another one..."

Inwardly, Artemis sighed.  It couldn't just be the first one, could it?  He slipped it off, draping it over a nearby rack and repeated the process with another from the several she had given him.  Still a bit of a struggle, but he got in fewer attempts this time.

Pluto looked at this tie, nodding a little. "It's better...doesn't make you look like a ghost."

He looked back at her for a moment, curious, but then nodded.  "I hear a 'but' in that statement," he said, looking down at his arm where the rest were draped.  Was she really going to make him try them all on to compare colors?

"It isn't a 'but' in the statement, Artemis. More like a 'not sure'." Pluto clarified, "You might have to try a few more."

He sighed out loud this time.  "Okay," he relented, slipping the current one off and then going about putting the next one he had.  At this rate, he'd be a pro at tying ties.

Pluto sighed, preparing herself for a while of looking at ties. She looked at this third one, thinking it was better than the first, but about the same as that last one had been. She also thought that when this was over, she probably would not want to see another tie for at least a month.

Artemis frowned at her reaction, figuring it was her silent way of saying, 'Next!'  He reached up to slip it off, moving on to the next tie.

Pluto liked the next one even less, sighing loudly. This time, she actually did say "Next!"

He almost cringed at her tone, dutifully taking it off because he knew better than to argue with a Guardian that carried a large staff-like weapon, and tied the next one.  Each time, he took fewer and fewer tries to get it right.

And several ties later, Pluto was definitely tired of looking at them. She didn't like the last few as much as either the second or third one, and sighed. "I think it's time to give up."

"Only now?" he asked, slipping off the last tie.  He looked back at the pile.

Pluto nodded, ignoring the irritation in Artemis' voice. She went to the pile, picking out the second and third ties that he had tried on. "I suppose either of these will do..."

"And you couldn't have decided that back when I had them on..."  He quirked an eyebrow at her.  Taking them both, he looked them over.  "And you said Luna's dress was sapphire colored?"  Artemis looked thoughtful for a moment.

"It's hard to tell without trying several of them on, especially with someone as white as you are." Pluto retorted, "Yes, Luna's dress is sapphire."

Artemis resisted the childish urge to stick his tongue out at Pluto as he weighed his options for a moment between the two ties.  He put one down and tied the other on, smoothing it down into his jacket so it laid flat on his chest.  "How about this one?"  After all, he needed some say in what he was going to wear, right?

"That's fine." Pluto was tired of dealing with ties, and she had the same opinion of the two that she had pulled out from the pile. "I'm beginning to not want to look at any ties."

"You and me, both," he said quietly.  He undid it once more and headed into the dressing room to change back into his normal clothing.  "Luna had better appreciate what I'm going through for her!" he said through the door.  Once finished, he hung the suit back on the hangars, draping the chosen tie over the hanger so they'd stay together.  He stepped out.

Pluto chuckled a little as she walked back to the counter, leaving the ties there for now. She was just going to make Tsuzuki put them back. "I'm sure Luna appreciates it. If she doesn't, I will point out to her what it is like trying to find an appropriate tie for you!"

Artemis chuckled a bit.  At least he wasn't the only one suffering because of Luna's wishes.  He carefully placed the suit on the counter.  "Good," he said with a tired smile.

Pluto smiled back at Artemis, looking just as tired as he did and she wasn't the one trying on things! She entered the information in the computer, and put his outfit in a plastic garment bag to protect it. "And that's it, both of you have suitable outfits now."

"Good."  Tiring, but painless.  Not that he had really expected pain unless she had needed to do alterations and stuck him with some pins, but still... at least it was over.  He took the bag.  "Thanks, Pluto," he then said in a sincere tone.  "Even if I'm a pain, I do appreciate it."

"You're welcome, Artemis. I know you appreciate it, even if you do complain a bit about things. And I'm sure I would have heard it from Luna if you hadn't gotten something appropriate."

"Probably.  I know I would have."  He chuckled a bit.  "See ya!"  He headed for the door, giving her a small wave as he left.

Pluto smiled and waved at Artemis as he left. "See you another time!"

sailor pluto, artemis

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