RP Log: Drugs and Alcohol

Feb 06, 2009 16:29

Who: Aya and Omi
When: Early morning, just after Omi's third arrival
Where: Flower Shop
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Alcohol, drugs (not the bad kind)
Notes: None
Summary: Omi has just arrived on the island for a third time, and finds his way to the Flower Shop to find Aya hung-over on a cot.
Omi picked himself up from the sand where he had been deposited by...someone, or something. It was still slightly dark on the island, but Omi's body instinctively found its way through the empty streets. As he what could only be described as a residual memory Omi happened upon a flower shop. One that reminded him of home, and of Weiss. Trying the door, he wasn't surprised that it was locked. Reaching into his pocket, his slightly chilled hands found a paperclip, which he brought out into the light. Unbending it, Omi used it to pick the lock, unsure of who was inside, but still intent on entering it anyway. Once the click sounded through the silent streets, the youngest member of Weiss slipped inside the small building. Letting his eyes adjust to the blackness of the shop, Omi trained his ears to hear any sounds coming from the building.

There was a soft groan from the back office of the flower shop. It in fact was Aya, sleeping off his drinking from last night. He didn't normally drink, but he had started thinking about Omi and it just caused him to become depressed... There where two empty bottles of sake sitting on the desk and he was currently asleep on the cot in front of the desk, a blanket drawn over him.

The groan was familiar to Omi, one that he had heard several times back in Japan. Knowing that it was one of the Weiss members, he carefully made his way through the room. Once he was beside the cot, blue eyes squinted, making out Aya's features they then flicked up to the empty bottles. "Geez, Aya. Just get drunk and let all of you defenses down, why don't you? I could have come in here and killed you while you slept."

Aya looked different... His hair was darker in color and longer. It was in a messy braid at the moment. He turned over in the cot, tugging the blanket further up himself. His katana... Was no where to be seen...

Omi shook his head, slightly disappointed in the lack of defense his team member displayed. Deciding to take advantage of the unsuspecting red-head, Omi gripped the frame of the cot, overturning both it and it's sleeping inhabitant.

"Son of a!" Came Aya's voice at the rather rude awakening. After a moment of flailing, he detangled himself from the blankets and the cot. Aya tossed his hair out of his eyes and then looked around for the offender. His violet eyes widened. "Omi..."

A giant smile was plastered on his face, blue eyes watering in an attempt to keep in his laughter. When that was no longer possible, he fell back, clutching his stomach. "You should have seen your expression, Aya! I wish I had a camera!"

He stood up, tossing his braid over his shoulder. The older assassin grabbed the blonde and drug him upwards. "You're here? You're not some hallucination that comes from drinking too much?"

Omi stopped his laughing the moment Aya grabbed him. Noticing the serious expression on the older man's face, he wiped the smile from his own. "Yes, I'm really here. Stupid me got kidnapped, drugged and then dropped off here, again, I think. Besides, I don't think that two bottles of sake really causes hallucinations..."

"Omi, I normally don't drink." Aya said before releasing the blonde. He ran a hand through his hair.

I know, so what made you think that two bottles of sake would be a good idea?" Omi leaned down to set the cot back on its feet, dropping down to sit in it.

"I was depressed." was the honest reply as he sat down next to Omi. He reached back and tugged the hair tie free before working his hair out of the braid.

"Depressed? You got depressed enough to actually drink? That's strange, even for you, Aya." Omi's blue eyes couldn't help watching the fingers that ran through the long braid. That braid hadn't been there before when they were all back in Japan, but it seemed like Omi had seen it before.

"I was thinking about you... Home..."

"So I was right." Omi paused, leaning his head back on the counter wall. "I have been here before. It all seems familiar, but conversations, and people are escaping me."

He paused once his hair was free from the braid and looked at Omi. In the slowly growing light, it was revealed that his hair was a burgundy color now. "You have... Twice. The first time you weren't really yourself... The second time, you didn't remember a thing."

Omi laughed bitterly. "Obviously someone out there doesn't like me escaping from this place. I think someone's out there, watching all of us, getting a thrill out of the action down here." Omi ran his hands through his short hair, only stopping when he found a knot.

"I've had the same thought." Aya replied as he began to re-braid his hair.

"I think it's time to do something about it. Somewhere in this noggin of mine is the secret to getting off this rock. Otherwise they wouldn't have forced me back." Omi paused in his musing. "If I hadn't found some secret, they probably would have let me go back to Japan, not kidnap me once I was off the island."

He paused and looked at Omi again. "There you go again, off on another mission."

Turning to look at his older companion, Omi was shocked. "This isn't a mission, Aya. This is our lives. Someone has uprooted us from our lives, dropped us here, while who-knows-what is going on back home and they expect us to take it quietly?"

"Omi. I've been here almost three years. I... I've given up." He said with a soft sigh.

"You've tried? By yourself? Surely there are others here. Others that want to leave. Can they really stop us all? Are they that powerful? Or have you just grown content here?" Omi's blue eyes first hardened at the thought of Aya being here that long, and then softened at the dejected tone of his sigh.

"We've tried... Everyone here. But..." He shook his head, "I gave up a long time ago."

It was then that Omi sighed, sinking further into the cot. "I suppose I could try to leave this alone, for your sake. I don't want to leave you here by yourself again." Pausing, something in his words triggered a thought. "It is just the two of us here, right?"

"Not really... Schwarz is here." he said, eyes darkening.

The teen laughed then. "Seriously? Then I really can't leave you alone here, can I? Who knows what they'd do to you if you were alone for a long time. Especially when you're so drunk you don't even notice me breaking into the shop."

"They won't do anything. Oracle and I spoke. On this island, there's a truce."

Placing his hands behind his head, blue eyes examined the ceiling, or what would've been the ceiling if it weren't still a little dark. "But there was that one member, Berserker that I wouldn't trust, no matter what the circumstances."

"I don't either... But, to him. Oracle's word is law." Aya replied.

"Hmm...but we are on an island, out in the middle of god-knows-where, I find it hard that he'll behave himself all the time." Omi pointed out. "People can go a little stir-crazy in a place like this. My bet would be that he goes crazy first."

The older man looked at the blonde. "Omi, he's already insane."

Omi laughed. "I meant, psychopathic killing spree crazy." Standing, the teen stretched, feeling sore from the earlier abduction.

"I know." He laughed a bit.

As dawn approached, the youngest member of the team wandered around the shop, his hands running over the surfaces, names of flowers whispering across his mind as he saw them. Moving to stand behind the counter, blue eyes took in the front of the shop. "Flowers, huh? I thought you would've gotten bored with a job so similar to the one back home."

Aya was standing in the doorway, watching Omi. "It's nice and relaxing... Reminds me of home."

Nodding, Omi also thought that it reminded him of home. "Although without all the fangirls waiting outside for the shop to open. Ken's not here to move any of the plants back and forth. I think he did that so that the girls couldn't maul him." Omi laughed at the memory. "You guys made me deal with most of the customers."

"Of course." He said with a grin as he moved to tend to some of the flowers, "You where the one that where closest to their age."

Omi groaned, letting his head thunk onto the counter. "But there were so many of them...and half of them didn't even want flowers. Plus they didn't listen to me. You should have just turned the hose on them." His voice was muffled by his arms, but it was still clear enough to hear.

Aya laughed at that.

Lifting his head to set his chin in his palm, Omi thought back to their life in Japan. "So what about, Ay-um...your sister?" The teen wasn't sure what to call her, after all, the man was still going by his sister's name and it would sound weird asking about Aya, to Aya.

"What about her?"

"Aren't you worried about her? Or do you seriously trust Youji anywhere near her?" Omi questioned.

"I am worried, but Kritiker is taking care of her."

The blond nodded. "I'm glad for that." Almost instinctively Omi moved to help tend to the flowers, subconsciously looking towards the entrance for the hoard of fangirls he half-expected to be there. When he realized that they weren't there, and probably wouldn't be, he started to laugh.

Aya looked at him.

"I'm not sure what to expect, but my body and mind are remembering different things at the same time. I almost expected there to be a group of girls just waiting outside the door for a chance to catch a glimpse, yet something else tells me it's not quite that bad here." Omi explained when his laughter died off.

"It's not bad here. It's peaceful." Aya replied.

"So do you always go to work without breakfast, or is this a special occasion because you got drunk last night?" Omi questioned, just as his stomach voiced its own concern.

"Why don't we go back to my hut, and I'll cook breakfast for us."

"You cook?" A pause as something in his memory clicked. "We've had a conversation like this before."

He nodded. "We have and I do."

"It's kinda strange that you'd learn how to cook. Although I guess without me here you'd have to learn to do it on your own. I doubt you could get someone else to cook for you." Omi laughed. "Maybe if you begged enough, which you'd never do."

"It was easy enough to learn. I just do simple dishes."

Omi sighed. "You guys liked to push all the chores off on me. Thought it was so easy, picking on the kid."

"It wasn't because you where the kid..." Aya opened the door, "Come on."

Omi followed him, making sure to lock the door behind him, since it was locked while the older man was in it, it should probably be locked when he wasn't. "Then what was it? I was so fun to tease? Because that reasoning sucks for your information."

ran aya, *open log, omi

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