Out of Range - Updated 2/14

Feb 09, 2009 13:39

Who: Ritsuka, Alberich, whoever else
When: Mid-afternoon
Where: Somewhere outside the school, on the beach, then at the Cafe
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mild fluff, language
Notes: Open log, possible Shota-fluff
Summary: Ritsuka just landed on the island, and is in search of Soubi, to tell the fighter off when he stumbles upon Alberich at the training grounds

Pain was the first thing he felt when he awoke. Pain was good. It informed him that he was still alive. It’s not like pain was a stranger either, what with his mother the way she was. Strange sounds reached him, the sound of waves rushing in and out was not a sound someone heard in inner Japan. First one, than a second black triangle appeared in his semi-long, very wet hair. Moving slightly, Ritsuka sat up enough to look around.

The first thing he saw was the black fur on the coat Soubi had covered him with. Grainy sand stuck to the palm of his hands as he proceeded to pick himself up from the beach. Thinking back the young boy recalled that they had been in another fight; with a faceless pair, who had information on his ‘until recently’ deceased brother. Looking around, Ritsuka saw that the pair was gone, along with any information they may have had.

Muttering under his breath, Ritsuka pulled off the water-laden coat, a cute little black tail emerging from the tangles of fabric. The two black triangles had dried fast in the afternoon sunlight, revealing a pair of cat ears to match the tail. Determined not to be burdened by Soubi’s too-tall coat, Ritsuka hung it up on a nearby tree to dry a little. Pulling out the cell phone the pervert had given him, the boy checked the signal; no surprise, but it didn’t have service here. Where ever here was.

Pinching himself revealed that this was not a dream, and the time lapsing could mean that this wasn’t an illusion. Even though the 12 year-old still knew nothing about battling, he did trust Soubi in that one field. The looming blond pervert was always rescuing him, even when he didn’t want ‘rescuing’. Besides, trying to recall what had happened during the battle would be useless to him. Ritsuka didn’t have any training about what the spells could possibly do.

Huffing, the thin boy stood, checking the coat; which was now mostly dry. There was no point in wasting anymore time sitting around here. It was time to find out where he was. With the coat draped over his shoulder, a small hand found its way into a sweater pocket, curling around the ever-present silver camera.

Ritsuka looked at the closest building, taking note that it looked like it could be a school. With no other option, the irritated boy headed towards it.

Ritsuka explored after not finding Soubi anywhere nearby. However, his little black ears did pick up a sound that he proceeded to follow. Hiding behind a tree, he peeked around it to find someone doing...well, Ritsuka wasn't sure what the man was doing.

Alberich was in the training area since his class for the day was over, working with some of the weapons that showed up in his room. He recognized them from the locked chest in the Weaponsmaster's quarters as exotics, and was figuring out how they were to be used. His scars furrowed in concentration until he sat down, inspecting the one he had been working with.

The young twelve year-old boy was used to seeing scars, as he fingered the bandage currently over his left eye and the one on his right cheek, but the man was huge. Even bigger than Soubi, he thought. Worse, he thought was the weapons the man was near. Still, not letting the man frighten him, Ritsuka moved from behind the tree, making sure his approach was not sneaky. "Excuse me?"

Alberich looked up from his seat, blinking as he saw the young boy...with cat ears? He knew he hadn't seen anyone like that before. He set down the weapon, studying the boy with the bandages. "Are you new?"

A black tail flicked into sight, but was gone just as fast. "I suppose so. New to what, though?" His eyes were watching the weapon carefully, not knowing if this place was maybe filled with hostile people. He had just come from a fight, so maybe this was a world of fighters.

"I know not, what this place is." Alberich thought he had seen a tail flick, but it was gone as soon as he had seen it. Strange..."What sort of world you from?"

One of the black ears turned, so that it was facing the man. "I'm from Japan. Did you say world? Are you from another planet?" Ritsuka thought perhaps now that they weren't even on the Earth anymore. Was space travel possible in a battle?

Alberich shrugged, since he could not explain how things were here. It went against everything that he had ever known. "I know not, what happened. One moment I in Valdemar was, after a tavern brawl, and the next here I was. This place has things that I not understand."

"Valdemar...I don't think I know of it. I'm pretty good in school too, so. My cell phone doesn't get any reception either." The boy pulled it out, to check it again.

Alberich blinked at the thing the boy pulled out, not having any idea what it was. Then again, his world didn't even have steam technology. "Different world, then. I know not, where anyone else here from is, without them to me explaining."

Ritsuka noticed that the man looked confused by his cell phone. Holding it out, the boy let the man see it. "It helps me talk to other people who are far away, but only if they have one too."

"In Valdemar, those who Gifted with Mindspeech are, without devices can." Alberich explained, taking the cell phone and looking at it. "I one of them am."

Ritsuka nodded, only kind of understanding what the man was saying. He thought it pretty muchly translated to be, they had psychic abilities and could speak that way. "So there are other people here? Have you seen a blond man, who's a lot taller than me, wearing glasses?"

"There many other people are, him I not seen." Alberich shrugged, using just enough energy to raise his shoulders up. "There a list is, of people here. Check that?"

The boy nodded, turning to look back in the direction he came, his tail now completely visible. "Where's the list? All I've seen is what looked kind of like a school."

Alberich blinked, he had been right earlier. This kid had a tail! "It in the village is, near the huts. Want there to go?"

The boy nodded, his black hair swaying with the motion. "Yes, please." The little black tail was moving of its own accord, swaying back and forth slightly.

Alberich shook his head, trying to convince himself that the boy's appearance was some sort of strange dream as he picked up his strange weapons. He was tempted to ask some of the others if they knew what they were used for.

Ritsuka hefted the coat he was lugging around as it was starting to slip from his grasp, watching as the man picked up the weapons. "I'm Ritsuka Aoyagi. You can call me Ritsuka."

"I Alberich am. No family name where I from."

"How long have you been here?" The boy wasn't usually nosy, but it was the first person he'd seen since coming here.

"For a while, I the calendar understand not well. It different is." Alberich shrugged, "What world you from? There no one with ears or tail that I of know."

The little black tail started twitching a little, just enough to show that he was irritated by the question, before remembering that the man knew nothing of what they meant. "I'm from Earth, 2008. Japan's a country on the planet. My tail and ears are mostly common in my world. Once you lose your 'innocence' you lose your tail and ears. Which is why Soubi's such a pervert." The last part was muttered.

Alberich frowned, recognizing the planet and country but nothing else about it. "Maybe you from another version of Earth from? Several here from that country and planet are, but never anyone with ears and tail mentioned."

Shrugging the boy didn't really question it. "Maybe. Everyone is born with ears and a tail, so I suppose it'll be strange for me to see everyone without them." Ritsuka didn't know how far away they were from the village, but the forest around here gave him the chills.

"Stay out of the forest. I go there not." Alberich explained, trying to wrap his head around the idea of people with ears and tails. "Even the stoves unusual to me are."

Taking the information that even a big, scarred man like Alberich didn't go into the forest, Ritsuka was damn sure he wasn't going in there. "Stoves are usual to me, just because I don't cook."

"My world not this advanced is." Alberich commented as they headed into the village proper. "Not even the firearms that others have."

The boy nodded, also slightly curious about the weapons. "So how come no one's built a boat and gotten off the island?"

"It helps not. There two...pilots?...who tried, but they nothing found." Alberich shook his head, hoping he had used the right word. He headed straight for the hut assignment board when they reached the housing area, not far from the first aid station. "Here it is."

Ritsuka stepped up to the board, first looking for his name, and then Soubi's. "Well he's here, somewhere." The boy declared when he found the names. "That's good. Where can we get food?"

"There a cafe is, and a food store. It enough for me that I coffee make, so I at the cafe eat." Alberich shrugged, idly wishing that there was a real tavern instead of just the cafe, but he knew it wouldn't happen. "Food not bad there."

Ritsuka nodded. "I don't cook for myself either, I usually let my mom do it." As he spoke of his mother, he touched the bandage on his cheek again, remembering just how he got it. Saying goodbye to the man, the boy headed towards the cafe, hoping that his money would be accepted there. Stepping into the cafe, he looked around.

alberich, *open log, ritsuka

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