Duo gets his hair and dog back

Oct 07, 2008 19:36

Who: Q, Uranus, Duo and Taffy
Where: Around, then at Duo's hut
When: Just before Q torched the Clothing store
Warnings: Q and big bad stick ;)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Uranus 'convinces' Q to return Duo and Taffy to normal.

How Uranus found Q, or how she had Pluto's big stick... Well... That was a different story. But, how she found the current resident trickster was a mystery.

Q smiled, wincing inwardly when he was found. How was that even possible when he did not want to be found? Oh well. The Q leaned back against the boulder he'd been resting against, and folded his hands behind his head before speaking. "I do not believe that stick belongs to you." He would know, after all.

"I don't think she cares." Uranus replied before smacking the trickster, hard, with said big stick.

Q flailed before snapping his fingers to get a bit more distance. He pouted at the wind guardian. "I did not hurt the human. Besides, he deserved it. I am entirely justified."

"You restore his hair. Right. Now."

"I plan to." Q huffed. He just neglected to say when.

Without a word, she looped the wind around him, tugging him close. "Now, or I send your ass back to wherever you came from."

Q grinned. "You'd send me back before the Continuum bring me back?"

Uranus growled and then punched him.

Q muttered before speaking a bit louder. "You love hitting people for no reason, don't you? Perhaps you should be renamed."

"Duo's my good friend."

Q cooed mockingly. "How cute."

Uranus growled and kicked him.

Q flailed and looked shocked again. "You kicked me!"


Q huffed and crossed his arms. "You are not supposed to kick me."

"I'm not supposed to?"


Uranus snorted.

Q pouted. "Qs are not supposed to be hit, kicked, or otherwise attacked. It is unseemly."

"Do you think I care? You fucked with one of my good friends."

Q looked insulted by that comment. "I beg your pardon! I do not 'fuck', as you so crudely put it."

The blonde kicked him to the ground and then jabbed one end of the big stick into his stomach.

Q barely managed to snap his fingers in time to avoid the second stabbing of Pluto's stick. Not that he went very far, Uranus was far too fun to provoke.

She stopped and then grinned.

He watched her, curious at what she would do next, though he was positive it would not boad well for him. For all of five minutes.

"I'll tell Pluto you stole her Time Staff if you don't give Duo his hair back."

Q snickered. "She'll blame me regardless of what you say."

"Return his hair. Now."

Q rolled his eyes at her and grumbled. "Fine. Spoil sport."

Uranus nodded. "Good, now... We're going to Duo's hut so I can watch as you return him and Taffy to normal."

Q huffed at her, even as he planned just how to get back at the guardian. He snapped his fingers as an afterthought to take him to wherever the formerly braided human lived, deciding to 'behave' for the moment. He had something else planned for someone else as well. That would be fun.

Uranus was still holding onto Q's shirt when that happened. She squawked.

Taffy would have barked at hearing the squawk. As it was, the black cat that was sleeping on the back of the couch fell off in shock and tore off into Duo's room.

"Shin!" Duo yelled when the feline nearly clawed his way up his leg.

"Son of a bitch! Warn me before you do that next time you ass!" Uranus yelled whacking Q with the staff.

Q snickered at Uranus' reaction before she decided to whack him once again. "I have no mother that anyone knows of, so how could I be the son of anything?" He smirked at her.

Duo cringed. He recognized the male voice immediately. Not that he didn't know that was Uranus, but he really didn't want to see Q.

"Maxwell! Get your ass out here." Uranus called, "I know you don't want to see this bastard, but I have a solution for you."

Duo sighed heavily. He came out, wearing his hat. "What?" he grumbled. His expression resembled that of a little kid who'd had his favorite blanket stolen.

"Where's Taffy?"

He pointed to the terrarium on the kitchen table.

Q snickered as he watched the dog turned slug, slowly moving around.

"Take her out." Uranus said as she smacked Q. God she hated him.

Q flailed before pouting at her.

Duo narrowed his eyes at Q, pissed. He walked over, picked up the leaf the slug happened to be on, and looked at Uranus. "What?" he asked.

"Now you idiot. Change them back or I'll send you to hell."

Q snorted in amusement. "I have already been there. Nice and warm, I bet you like the atmosphere." Still snickering, he snapped his fingers, tempted to play some more with the human and canine, but ended up picturing Duo with his braid, and the slug as the golden retriever she had been.

There was a flash, and Duo was suddenly holding an almost full grown golden retriever. He grunted as the dog flailed suddenly, barely managing to put her down.

Q laughed with delight when the human had apparently forgotten just how big his dog was.

"Get the hell out of here before I make you eat your own balls." the blonde growled darkly.

Duo reached up and felt his head and hair to make sure that was right, too, sighing in relief when he found it was. He pulled the braid forward over his shoulder.

Q turned to roll his eyes at her again and huff. "You should probably return that stick of yours before it becomes permanently wedged up a place I dislike thinking about." He grinned as he snapped his fingers and left.

Uranus looked at Duo and smiled. "Sorry it took me so long."

He just nodded. Taffy wagged her tail and nearly tackled the Guardian in excitement.

The blonde cried out as she fell to the ground.

Taffy proceeded to lick her face. Duo chuckled. "I think she's grateful."

"Yes, I think so too... Get your dog offa me!"

"Taffy... c'mere." The golden ran back to him.

Uranus sat up and sighed.

Duo crouched down and rubbed the dog's ears. "Sorry about that..." he said.

"It's okay."

He gave her a small smile, then sighed.

"He won't bother you again."

He nodded. "Thanks..." Duo let himself flop back so he was sitting down, getting Taffy to lay down with him and roll onto her back. He rubbed her belly with one hand, twirling the end of the braid with the fingers of the other.

"I'll get going. I have a staff to return." Uranus said.

He looked up at her and nodded. "Yeah... I don't think Pluto's gonna be all that happy," he said.

"She won't mind too badly. It was used to beat Q."

He chuckled at that, readjusting his hat. He'd never realized before just how much of a difference his hair made in what size his hat needed to be. It was thicker than he thought.

Uranus smiled. "Oh, be sure to stock up on silly string."

Duo nodded. "Sure." He grinned a bit.

She smirked and then headed out of the hut, heading back to return the staff.

Duo sighed, then played with the braid for a moment, as if making sure it was really back.

sailor uranus haruka, duo, q

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