Duo the Cricket

Oct 03, 2008 06:31

Who: Duo, Taffy and Q
Where: around
When: Today
Warnings: Q
Rating: PG
Summary: Q is bored and decides to play with Duo and Taffy

Duo was out and about with Taffy, enjoying the weather now that the storm was over. It was calm, cleaning was done, things were getting back to as normal as they could be on the island. He stretched his arms over his head as the golden brought back a ball. He took it from her and tossed it for her to chase.

Q did not miss the storm, though it had shaken up his arrival; which was always a good thing in his opinion. Without it though, he decided his new prison wasn't as bad as he'd originally thought. This time he was standing on a cliff, though still looking for more fun. A grin fixed itself to his face when he noticed a dog running around. They could be fun too, so he snapped his fingers to take him over to say hello.

Taffy stopped short when Q appeared, ball in her mouth as she was on her way back to Duo. She stared at him nervously for a moment.

Q blinked at the dog and crouched down to more her level. He held out a hand for the ball, he was happy to throw the measly thing a few times.

She tilted her head at him and then dropped the ball in the sand.

He huffed at her. "You're supposed to drop it in my hand." He pointed at his hand with the other hand. "This is a hand."

Taffy backed up, crouching down.

Q had to snicker at unwittingly telling the dog to lay down. Shaking his head, still snickering, he picked up the dropped ball and tossed it in a random direction.

Taffy ran after it.

Q followed after at a slower pace.

Duo frowned, wondering what was taking Taffy so long to come back. He walked along the beach, looking for her. "Taffy!" he called.

She picked up the ball and ran past Q, along the beach, until she reached Duo.

Q turned around to see where Taffy was going now. He decided to keep following her. He grinned when he saw the braided person.

"Hey, girl... where'dja get off to?" Duo crouched and took the ball from her, rubbing her ears. She wagged her tail at him. He looked up, spotting someone walking towards him. "Hello," he said.

Q snapped his fingers and reappeared much closer, smirk still on his face. "Hello human."

Duo pulled back at seeing the flash of light teleport. He narrowed his eyes. "Not many people I know can do that," he said.

Q grinned cheerfully. "Ah but it is fun. And much easier than walking everywhere."

"I would imagine," Duo said, standing up. "There's only one person I know who can... that's actually nice.

Q huffed. "Nice is relative."

"True, but there's a certain universality to it."

Q shrugged. "Universality really just pertains to specific universes."

Duo rolled his eyes. "Great... you're a world-hopper, too."

Q smirked. "Word, dimension, plain of existence, whatever you wish to call it to keep yourself happy."

"World works better with 'hopper'." Duo smirked.

"At least I'm no grasshopper." Q quipped back.

"For that, you'd hafta be a lot smaller."

"And green."

"True... the brown ones are crickets." Duo shrugged.

"So that makes you a giant cricket?"

"Well... my legs don't make noise when I rub'em together, so I doubt it," Duo said. "Last I checked, I was human."

Q snapped his fingers with a grin, picturing a giant cricket where the human had stood. "I suggest you check again."

Duo flailed... all his legs. Taffy barked, getting nervous.

Q snickered. "All feet and no hands, how sad."

Duo started to complain, but all that came out where a bunch of chirps. Taffy kept barking.

Q continued to snicker at the new cricket. But the barking was irritating, so he snapped his fingers at the cricket, picturing the human almost as he had been before. Main difference-absence of braid. And a great deal of hair. If Duo were to now look in a mirror, he would see his hair very short, cut close to his head.

Duo panted slightly, checking his hands and his body first. But, as soon as the slight breeze him and left him feeling a bit cold around the scalp, he shuddered. Hesitantly, he put his hands up to his head. Then he let out a wail of anger, along with a long string of insults and curses at Q that he needed to give him his hair back. The yelling, naturally, only made Taffy keep barking.

Q grinned, enjoying the display of sheer panic..until the cursing and display of ire. That was so tedious, and the barking just kept going. Eyeing Taffy, he snapped his fingers with the image of a slug.

A pair of tentacles waved at Q menacingly... well, as menacingly as slug tentacles could wave.

The curses stopped, replaced by a death glare. "Turn everything back!" he said. This guy was more annoying that Xellos!!! Though, Duo, as of right now, still hated Xellos more, but that was beside the point.

Q smirked. "No, I don't think I will." At least not yet, as he was pretty sure the Wind person or Pluto would make him return Duo and pup back to the way they were. But he wasn't going to mention they knew him, besides, he wasn't really hurting them.

Duo stalked right up to Q. "You may think you're all that... but I've hurt a Mazoku and I know a few other people around here who could damage you, too... now turn us back to normal before you find out just who they are."

Q rolled his eyes at the threat. "Damage, maybe, but not for long." He smirked before raising a hand and waggling his fingers after stepping out of what he thought was Duo's striking range. "Hope you know how to take care of slugs!"

Duo growled and launched himself at the man... being... whatever he was... taking a swing right at his head.

Q never had learned his lesson about moving out of the path of a fist, regardless of how often he'd been hit. So, his head met with Duo's fist. While it knocked the Q down, it did little damage. He stared up at Duo in utter shock. "You hit me!"

"Yeah! I hit you! And I'll do it again, damn it, if you don't change us back to normal!" Duo shouted.

"You're not supposed to hit me!" Q pouted before grumbling. "Well, you're no fun at all." He stood up, stepping much further away this time, and snapped his fingers, fixing his own clothes and removing any trace of being hit once again. "As I declare you no fun, I am leaving. Feel free to weep at the loss of my company." He smirked, regaining his smugness before snapping his fingers and teleporting to the other side of the island where he'd found some nice caves.

Duo let out another string of nasty curses and insults, then dropped to his knees in the sand, his hands holding his head.

duo, q

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