RP LOG - Hot Springs Chat

Oct 07, 2008 14:44

Who: Link, Winry
When: A few days after the storm ended
Where: Hot springs
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Notes: None
Summary: Link and Winry meet up at the hot springs.

Winry slipped into the water quietly, sighing in contentment as the soothing warmth surrounded her. With a soft giggle, she swam around a bit in the deeper area before settling down on the side to relax after a long day cleaning up a bit after the storm.

Link had been makeing himself usefull around the village in the aftermath of the storm. Things had come loose, sand had seeped under doors, mostly small cleaning requirements. Tired and plesently sore, he was makeing his way to the hot spring, seeing another blonde already there as he removed his cloths.

Winry blushed slightly at seeing another person enter... and a guy at that. She politely looked away as he stripped down to his shorts.

Folding his cloths and leaving them at the edge of the spring, Link stepped into the warm water, smiling to himself as he settled into it up to his shoulders.

"Hello," Winry said once she heard him settle in.

"Hello." Answering and smiling in her direction. "I hope I am not disturbing you."

"Not at all." Winry smiled at him. "I don't mind company."

"I do not mind either." Link ducked his head under the water, wipeing the water from his eyes and pushing his wet hair back along his head when he came back up.

"I don't think we've run into each other, yet," Winry said. "I'm Winry."

"I am Link, it is a pleasure to meet you." Smiling softly across the water as he took a spot on the ledge near the edge.

"Have you been working on the clean up?" she asked him.

"Yes, I have. It has been a long day." Nodding. "Have you?"

"Yeah... there's been a lot to do."

"Indeed. I am becoming tired of sand."

"Sand... leaves... branches... broken windows..." Winry sighed, sinking into the water until it touched her chin as she leaned back against the side of the pool.

"It could have been worse, according to the others. None of the buildings were dammaged more than a few broken windows and water dammage."

Winry nodded. "Yeah... we didn't lose any buildings."

"Thankfully, yes. No one burned anything down along with the storm."

"That's always a good thing," the mechanic said with a chuckle. "So what do you do here on the island?"

"Small jobs mostly, what ever anyone needs done." Link smiled. "It seems to be what I do other than fighting monsters, and there are few here."

"So you don't actually have an assigned job?" Winry asked.

"No.. the island never got around to that it seems."

"You'd better be careful how many people you tell," Winry said. "That might just change." She giggled.

Link chuckled and smiled. "I do not mind either way. I would prefer to be usefull instead of doing nothing."

"True... though, there are some who would beg to differ with that," Winry said.

"True. What is it you do?"

"I'm a mechanic over at the garage..." Winry said. "Of course, I'm a mechanic back home, too. I'm work on automail."

"So you are doing simmilar work." Link said. He had been by the garage and hanger a number of times. "Samus tried explaining some of the things she does there to me but I could understand none of it."

"I take it you're from a world that doesn't have stuff like that."

"No, we do not have such things. I beleive the books here would say my world is in the.. "Middle Ages"?"

Winry nodded. "I understand that," she said. "Mine's somewhere in the middle. We don't really have things like giant mechs and spaceships, but we have more than what would have been in the Middle Ages."

"Ours are somewhat simmilar then." Link smiled, gratefull for that.

Winry giggled. "If your world's really like the Middle Ages, then I doubt you have things like trains and automail."

"No we do not have those. Just the usual armor and we still get by with horses and carts."

"We still have horses and carts in a lot of rural areas... but there's more modern transportation in the main cities," Winry said. "I saw a refridgerated truck once!" Her eyes turned a bit sparkly in remembrance of the truck, but it was shortlived as she remembered what happened with that truck. "Heh..." She looked down, swirling the water a bit.

Link tilted his head as he listened to her, she had passion for what she did, he could tell that much. The thought of one of Jon's large coolers from the cafe on wheels as a 'truck' was an intresting one. "What happened to it?"

"I don't know," Winry said. "They might have impounded it when they found out the owner was responsible for several murders." She sighed. "The man saw my interest in it... and tricked me into getting inside and kidnapped me. Ed figured it out and came to save me."

Link frowned with the idea of her being taken by someone who was a murderer. "I am glad he was able to find you and stop the man. "

Winry nodded, deciding not to tell Link the way it had hurt Ed to have to save her. The whole situation had hurt him deeply. "What did you do for a living back home? Just hunt monsters?"

"Before I met Midna and got pulled into the war, I was a goat herder in a village not much bigger than this one." Link said softly and smiled.

"That sounds nice and simple," Winry said with a smile. "Better than fighting in a war."

"It was a nice life, yes." He nodded. "I was on my way back there from the castle when I was brought here."

"I was actually on my way to study automail techniques with a master of the craft in a neighboring town," Winry said. "My grandma's the best in Risembool... but there's so much more out there. I saw that when I went to Central with Ed and Al. I wanted to be better."

The names and places were of little help to Link but he was sure it would be the same if he had been tossing around names of villages and the royal city as well. "It is good that you wish to improve and learn more. I studied under a number of masters in sword play before i left the castle."

"There's always room for improvement," the girl said with a small chuckle.

"I have learned that training with others here, Midna seems pleased with what I have learned in any case."

"Is Midna a friend or one of your masters?"

Link chuckled softly as he considered that. "It could be a little of both I suppose."

"I haven't seen her much," she said. "Is she nice?"

"She is. We have saved eachothers lives many times in the time we have known eachother."

Winry smiled. "It's good to have a friend you can count on."

"It is. Though it is rare to know friends that can turn them into a wolf."

She blinked. "A wolf? Why would she do that?"

"It was not either of our choices origionally. I had to excape the castle and it was the only way."

"I see." Winry nodded. "I suppose that makes sense."

"It that strage way.. yes" Link smiled.

She smiled back.

link, winry

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