RP log - Guns and Dragons

Mar 12, 2008 02:27

Who: Greg,and Gene
When: Today, afternoon
Where: Training grounds
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Gene and Greg chat, Gene meets one of the new pets on the island.

Carrying a dufflebag slung over his shoulder, Gene made his way from his 'new' hut across the village to the training grounds. He'd recently cleaned his guns and wanted to make sure they were still in working order.

Tiny lizard perched on his shoulder, Greg walked through the village. He still hadn't seen much of the village proper despite his trip to the beach.

"Yo." Gene waved with one hand when he saw someone he didn't recognize, looked like the new guy from Jon's discription of him. "How's it goin'?"

"All right," Greg replied looking the other man over. Guns made him nervous, to much time having them pointed at him.

He nodded in reply. "Always a good thing." Gene looked down at the duffle he was carrying and back at Greg with a shrug. "I'm heading to the training grounds, they have some targets set up."

"Have fun with that. I'm not sure how Gygax would react to the loud noises."

Gene blinked. "Who?"

Carefully, Greg lifted the tiny firelizard from his shoulder. This is Gygax, he said gesturing to want looked like a very tiny bronze coloured dragon. "This is Gygax."

"Oh, hello there." Gene said and looked at the lizard. "He doesn't breath fire does he?"

"Not that I've seen," Greg replied. "He's only a few day old though."

"He looks it. From the stories I remember, they dont get to the size to be able to eat people whole for a few yers at elast."

"I don't think he'll get that big. The ones that were flying around the eggs and dropping down foot were only a couple feet long at most."

"Cool." Gene nodded. "A fun change from all the cats and dogs on the island."

"Especially when said cats and dog make you sneeze."

"True." He nodded again. "Have fun exploring, I'm gona try and get off a few rounds before the sun starts going down."

"All right. Enjoy yourself," Greg replied replacing Gygax on his shoulder.

gene, greg

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