New pets!

Mar 11, 2008 23:21

Who: Omi, Greg, Trowa
Where: Near the library, then along the coast a bit
When: March 6th
Warnings: Greg being paranoid
Rating: PG
Summary: Omi, Greg, and Trowa go exploring, and find something new

Trowa arrived at the library a little early. He had what he thought they would need in case something decided to come after them. He stopped by the library and waited for the others to arrive.

Stocked up on allergy pills and beef jerky, Greg showed up at the library steps smiling. As long as he could keep believing that this wasn't real, it was almost fun.

Trowa looked over at the person showing up. He assumed this was the new person. "Hello," he called.

"Hi," Greg replied waving at him. "I'm Greg. Nice to meet you."

Trowa nodded to him. "I'm Trowa."

Omi came trudging up the path, laden with bags. Slung over his shoulder was a bag of first aid supplies that he'd gotten from Kabuto. On his back was a pack of food and some other basic supplies like ropes. Hanging from the pack was a compact sleeping back, just incase. His jacket had darts in it, as well as his concealed dagger from Alberich. He was carrying two more packs similar to his own, for Greg and Trowa.

Trowa looked over seeing Omi walking up towards them. He moved away from the wall to go help take something.

"Are we going for a short hike or a week long trip?"

"Don't wanna take any chances," Omi replied, handing Trowa's pack to him.

"Better to be over prepared then under," Trowa remarked, taking the pack and putting it on.

"And the chance that we'll be too weighed down to move is ok?"

"They're not that heavy."

Greg just looked at him. "How much do they weigh?"

"No more than 20 pounds each," Omi said. Remembering the conversation from last night. "Not even a check penalty, unless you have a strength score of 5 or lower."

Trowa blinked.

"D&D strength tables are completely impractical," Greg replied shaking his head and taking it. "I'm really not built for carrying things."

"It's not heavy," Omi assured him. "It's food, some ropes and basic supplies, and a sleeping bag, incase we get stuck somewhere."

"If it is too much for you, I'll carry it," Trowa remarked. He really had no problems carrying two if need be.

"I can try," Greg sighed shrugging it on. "Ready to go?"

"Is the flare gun handy, Trowa-kun?"

Trowa nodded. "It is."

"Then let's go."

Omi nodded. "Which direction should we head?"

"The direction doesn't matter to me," Trowa remarked.

"I've never been anywhere here so um..." Greg closed his eyes and spun around. That way.

Omi nodded.

Trowa nodded. "Alright."

Settling his pack on his back Greg gazed out over the sand and started walking.

Trowa followed after him.

Omi followed behind Trowa. "Ne, Trowa-kun, how far do you think we'll be able to get, and still make it back before full dark?"

"A couple of miles at least," Trowa remarked. "We don't want to try and go too far and then push ourselves too much on the way back that something happens."

He'd done worse back in Vegas. 120 degrees in the shade and he was out in the desert heat scouring the sand for bullets and body parts. He missed it.

Once they got down to the beach, Omi trailed a little bit behind the others, covering the back.

"How long have you been here?" Trowa asked Greg. "I don't remember having seen you before."

"About two days give or take I think?" Greg said wrinkling his brow.

Trowa nodded. "Okay."

Omi listened in on the conversation, but didn't say anything himself.

"Why?" Greg asked taking in the scenery as they walked.

"No reason. Just wondering," Trowa remarked.

"I don't think there's anyone left here who's been here longer than me," Omi offered.

Greg just nodded as he walked though the fantasy landscape part of him hoping if he got far enough he'd walk out of the dream and back into his real life.

Trowa nodded, walking along behind Greg.

"How long have you been here?"

"I've been here since June."

"And Omi?"

"Here, since January before last. But I was in the desert before that, since... 2 Falls before that? I've been gone for three birthdays..."

"Wow..." Greg trailed off staring at the sand.

Trowa nodded. "Whatever is controlling this place has been keeping people here for a while now."

Omi nodded. "And sending others home... Like Ken-kun, and Youji-kun..."

Trowa nodded.

So one more point for the reality tv show theory.

Omi sighed.

"Then there are some who leave and come back for one reason or another," Trowa added.

"I wish I could go home..."

"This keeps sounding more and more like a reality tv show," Greg muttered out loud.

Trowa chuckled. "I honestly can't say what this is, but I haven't found any cameras since I've been here."

"What about Khushrenada-san?"

Trowa looked back at Omi. "Hmm?"

"Khushrenada-san. There's no way you can explain him being here."

Trowa nodded. "This is true." He turned back and told Greg. "Treize Khushrenada, who is here currently, died in my world during the war."

"So there are dead people here? Are we dead?"

"I'm still alive as far as I know. Treize knows that he has died in our world."

"There was Hokuto-chan and Subaru-kun, and Luc-san and Sasarai-san, too..." Omi commented, forgetting that even Trowa didn't know who they were.

"That doesn't mean he's not dead, and that this isn't some bizarre purgatory."

Trowa chuckled. "Anything is possible."

Omi rolled his eyes. "This isn't LOST, you know."

"Says who? This could all be some weird collective unconscious episode."

"Trust me, it's not. Polar bears notwithstanding." Omi paused a moment, trying to think of where he'd heard that there were polar bears here...

"See, and there's another point to reality television," Greg replied walking though the sand.

Omi shook his head.

Trowa sighed, merely listening to this exchange.

"In any case, it's all in my head."

"Oh?" Trowa was intrigued by this comment.

"Head wound. Don't ask."

"Alright," Trowa nodded.

Omi sighed.

Greg just marched resolutely onward, rusty stain dark in a bleached section of his hair.

Trowa followed after him, wondering if it was okay for him to be doing this so soon after having a head injury.

Omi followed behind them, keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.

After some time had passed, Trowa checked his watch and saw that it was about lunch. They were still on the beach and near the forest. "Should we stop here to rest?"

Omi came up behind them. "It doesn't matter to me."

"I guess," Greg said glancing around. "It's pretty at the very least."

Trowa nodded.

Omi glanced about near the edge of the jungle. "It looks like it should be fairly safe, if we wanna move near the jungle to get some shade."

Trowa nodded. "I haven't heard anything."

"Nothing but trees and birds and sand."

Omi nodded. "Should we sit and eat, then?"


"Sound good," Greg said shrugging off his back pack and pulling out some food.

Omi moved as near to the jungle as he dared, to get a bit of shade, and took a sandwich out of his bag.

Biting down on a piece of jerky, Greg shivered in the early spring weather. At least in Vegas it only got this cold at night.

Trowa walks over and sits down as well, taking some of the food out of his bag.

Omi munched on his sandwich. There was enough food in each of their packs to keep them comfortably fed, even if they got caught out, until at least lunch tomorrow, providing Greg didn't have a hollow leg or anything.

Scanning the horizon, Greg saw multicoloured shapes circling a rocky bit of shore. "What are those?"

Omi looked out, squinting as sunlight kept flashing off of the shapes. "Dunno..."

Trowa shrugged.

"Want to go look?" Greg asked standing.

Omi was torn between being cautious, knowing what was out there, and being curiosity. True to his feline codename, curiosity won out. "I'm game."

Trowa nodded and rose to his feet.

Omi debated leaving his pack where it was, incase they needed to run quickly. Then he changed his mind. They could always throw the food to distract an animal.

Leading the way Greg crossed the beach to where the circling animals were swarming around a nest of eggs. "They look like dragons."

"No way..." Omi muttered. I mean, granted, there had been Keenath back in the desert... but dragons? "They're too small to be dragons," he said finally.

Trowa nodded. "Definitely."

"They're pretty though. And they sing," Greg said creeping closer.

"Sorta... it's not quite singing... More humming," Omi said.

Trowa was looking at these creatures, rather quite intrigued by them. Of course of the Gundam pilots he was probably the most interested in animals. He stood watching the lizards move about.

"I think the eggs are hatching," Greg replied pointing to the shaking objects.

Omi's eyes widened, and he glanced around for any predators, like wolves... or polar bears.

Trowa watched curiously.

Greg watched as one of the eggs split open revealing a tiny bronze coloured version of the lizards. Sticking out his piece of jerky, Greg tried to lure the tiny creature towards him.

Trowa knelt down watching the lizards. They were really quite interesting.

Omi was fascinated by the little bronze lizard coming towards Greg, and he started to carefully move around to watch it, without disturbing the other, multi-colored lizards. He sat his backpack down, between himself and the other eggs.

Slowly the tiny lizard reached out his head and tiny teeth tore into the meat. Grinning, Greg fed the creature, scooping it up into his hand. "They're soft."

"Wow..." Omi whispered, then suddenly hearing a sound behind him. "Hey!" he called, scooping out another of the creatures that had gotten into his open backpack, searching for food. "I'll share, just don't be greedy!" He looked for some of his own jerky, finally settling on a ham sandwich.

Pulling another piece of jerk from his bag, Greg smiled at the tiny creature. "They're kind of cute you know."

Omi nodded, in love with the little gold thing that was currently picking apart his sandwich and creeling for more.

Trowa chuckled, taking out some of his food and offering it to one of the lizards that had come up to him.

"Think we can take them back?" Greg asked one finger idly stroking the tiny reptile currently gorging himself on his jerky.

Trowa shrugged. "I don't see why not...except for the fact that Quatre would kill me if I did."

"I'm not leaving her... If the wolves got to her..." How he knew she was female, he hadn't figured out, but she had devoured his sandwiches, and was shredding some jerky into smaller pieces. Omi skritched her head, just like he did with Milo and his kittens.

"They are cute though. And I'm not allergic to scales," Greg stroked the tiny thing. "I like him."

Trowa nodded. "They are that...and not being allergic is good."

Omi was cuddling his little gold, who had fallen asleep in the crook of his arm.

Smiling, Greg stood up. "Want to head back then? It'll be harder to hike carrying these things."

Omi nodded.

Trowa nodded. He hadn't been interacting with the lizards quite as much and he stood, going over to grab his back. "We probably should."

Shifting the tiny creature in his hand to a more comfortable spot he looked over at Omi. "What are you going to call it?"

"I... I dunno... What about you?"

"I think Gygax. Seems fitting since D&D inspired this trip."

Trowa chuckled.

Omi thought for a moment. "Mialee! It's the name of the Elf sorceress in the 3rd Edition books."

"Past and present. Seems fitting."

Omi nodded.

Trowa only nodded. He had no idea what they were talking about.

Greg smiled glancing back at the lizards. "We're being followed."

Omi glanced behind them.

Trowa looked back as well.

Half flying, half falling a tiny form fluttered behind them. Greg frowned hoping it wouldn't hurt itself.

"One's following us..."

Trowa nodded. "It is."

"It's probably just looking for more food."

Omi rummaged around in his bag, careful not to jar Mialee, and pulled out some more jerky, offering it to the other lizard.

Trowa watched curiously.

Greg watched as Omi fed the tiny thing. They were far out of his experience, like some real bit of fantasy in this dream.

Omi was having trouble balancing Mialee in one arm, and feeding this new one. Finally, he had to sit down, so that he could transfer the sleeping Mialee to his lap and feed the other one.

"Need any help?" Greg asked looking at the creatures.

"Hand me some more jerky."

Greg nodded and handed him the rest of his pack of jerky.

Trowa stood watching Omi feed the other lizard. "They are quite interesting creatures."

"I wonder what they are," Greg said stroking Gygax.

Omi shook his head. "Dunno..."

Trowa nodded. "I'm wondering that myself. I didn't see them when we were out exploring before."

"Wrong time of year?"

"Maybe they're move people who were abducted and brought here."

Trowa shrugged. "Both could work."

Omi nodded, loving this new one just as much as Mialee.

"Come on. You're the one who wants to get back there before night."

Trowa nodded. "We should probably continue back."

Omi nodded. "Can someone close up my pack for me?"

Trowa nodded and closed Omi's pack for him.

"Thanks for taking us out here."

"You're the one who wanted to come," Omi said, carefully moving Mialee back to the crook of his arm, and then carefully climbing to his feet.

Trowa nodded.

"Yeah, but you didn't have to come with."

Omi shrugged, as best he could. "I need a name for him now, too..."

"Tim?" Greg suggested brain running to Monty Python.

Omi thought. "Hmm... What about Adad?"

"That works," Trowa said with a nod.

"Brain stuck on third ed, huh?" Greg asked grinning.

Omi shook his head. "Adad. A-D-A-D. As in A-D-and-D."

Greg just laughed. "Nice."

Omi smiled.

"And I think we just confused the hell out of you friend so it's all good."

Trowa nodded. "I'm clueless, but that's okay. It's not the first time."

"Gomen, Trowa-kun."

"See, and that just confuses me," Greg replied as he walked back towards the village.

Trowa chuckled. "It was Japanese for 'I'm sorry'."

Omi blushed. It was too easy for him to fall into his native language.

"Ok, that makes sense then. I know a little Spanish and a bit of Norwegian but no Japanese."

"Norwegian?" Omi asked.

"My grandparents are from Norway."


"That is cool."


Omi smiled, trying not to jostle his two new pets.

trowa, greg, omi

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