RP Log - Meeting the New Guy

Mar 13, 2008 20:35

Who: Link, Midna, Trowa
When: BACKDATED when Link first arrived
Where: out and about and in the music store
Rating: G
Warnings: Twilight Princess references
Notes: none
Summary: Trowa meets the friend of a friend.

Link moved slowly along the beach, looking out past the surf while he aproached the village. He closed his eyes and stopped, feeling the wind blowing past him, shifting his hair and clothing.

Trowa was also walking along the beach. Quatre was still at work. Omi still had Milo. He had just gotten off work and had decided to take a walk to clear his mind.

Link heard footsteps moving across the sand and opened his eyes, turning and looking at the aproaching figure. He was dressed strangely compaired with what he was used to but he wouldn't be surprised if the other saw him the same way.

Trowa also spotted the other person. He stopped a little distance away. He assumed he was new; he would have remembered him if he had seen him before. The green tunic and sword were not that hard to miss. "Hello," he called.

Link smiled lightly when he recognized what the other was speaking. That was a small relief. "Hello."

"So I'm assuming you just arrived here," Trowa remarked.

"Yes, I am." Link nodded. "I am not sure where here is though."

"Unfortunately, none of us really are. We just randomly end up here and then...there's no way to get back."

"Hmm That does not sound like a good thing."

Trowa shook his head. "Not really. We're not sure what is bringing us here."

"How many have been brought here, if I may ask."

Trowa sighed a moment, thinking. "Over sixty, if I remember correctly."

Links eyes went wide. "The village looks smaller from here." He glanced past Trowa towards it and then back to him. "You do not have the look of someone from Hyrule."

"I'm not from Hyrule," Trowa remarked, thinking he had heard the name of that place before, but not placing it. "I'm from a place called Earth. There are actually several different versions of Earth represented here, all different."

"At one time, I might have found that strange." Link replied with a shake of his head. "Not so much after my time in the Twilight realm."

Trowa nodded, then paused. "Twilight realm?" Then he chuckled at bit. Now he remembered the name Hyrule.

Link tilted his head curiously, almost like a wolf, when Trowa chuckled.

"I think there is someone you should meet," Trowa remarked.

That sounded a little ominious. "There is?"

Trowa nodded. "I'm fairly certain she is a friend of yours. Midna?"

Link paused when Trowa spoke her name. "She is here? i thought she had returned to Twilight."

"She is able to get here from the Twilight realm and she's here now. I saw her only recently."

Link smiled. "At least she is able to return. I have not seen her since she destroyed the mirror."

Trowa nodded. "She told me about that. Would you like me to take you to her?"

"Please, I would be very gratefull."

Trowa nodded. "Okay." He turned and started towards the village.

Link followed, takeing the time to take in the village. He realized that nothing seemed to be like it was in Hyrule, all of it very different. "Was that..?" Looking a second time when he thought he'd seen a giant wolf sitting against a tree reading a book with a blonde haired woman leaning against him.

Trowa looked. "That's Jon. He's a werewolf. He works in the cafe. And other one is Samus, a close friend of his. Don't worry though; both of them are friendly. Most everyone here is."

Link filed away the information, waveing back when the wolf looked up and waved when he noticed them. "That is good to know.." He had faced things Jon's size, and bigger, that had been far from friendly.

Towa nodded. "From what I've heard, you've fought things bigger than Jon before. So I guess it is good that you know. For Jon's safety probably." They arrived at the music store. "Well, here we are."

Link could not help a smile that crossed his face. It seemed Minda had told Trowa about parts of their adventure. "I hope not to have to use my sword." He looked up at the music store when they arrived, finding himself feeling a little nervous.

After gesturing for Link to wait outside for the moment, he peeked his head inside. Midna was sitting in the music store, looking through so kind of catalog as she sat on her invisible chair. "Midna," Trowa called. "There's someone who you should see."

Midna sighed, looking up at him. "Who could possibly be here that I want to see?" she asked.

Trowa moved inside the music store and gestured for Link to follow him in.

Slightly puzzled, Link waited while Trowa went inside and spoke to someone, Minda he presumed. When the man came back out and motioned for him to follow him in he did, takeing a quick look around the store before his eyes settled on the familliar face of his friend.

"Hello, Minda."

Midna saw him as soon as he entered. A smile passed over her face and she stood. "Hello, Link. I see you managed to make it here as well," she remarked as she came around the counter towards them.

"I did not know you were expecting me, I'm sorry if I am late." Link replied and smiled again, watching as she moved around from the back of the counter.

"I wasn't expecting you," she remarked. "So you aren't late. But I'm glad you are here now," she added once she was standing in front of Link.

Trowa moved off to the side to give the two of them some space.

He nodded. "I am glad to see you as well. When you shattered the mirrior I thought it would be impossible to see you again."

"Not impossible. Just extremely difficult." She smiled again.

"True. I would guess that being taken from Hyrule to some island is an acceptable way to get around that."

"Although I don't think that was a plan either of us had."

"No." Link smiled and shook his head. "You remember how I cannot resist walking through a portal to somewhere."

Midna laughed. "Of course not. You had enough practice at it when I was still in your world."

"The difference being I have not yet been attacked, and the one creature I have seen seemed more intrested in reading."

Midna chuckled. "Most of the people here aren't too bad...those you are the opposite are mostly mere annoyances in my opinion."

The fact that Midna was saying this kind of shocked Trowa, since she never really went anywhere.

"I will keep that in mind." Link chuckled as well. "If I may, how long have you been here? It has only been a few weeks since you sealed the way to Twilight."

"Several months," Midna remarked. "Nearly a year. Of course that is going by this planet's time. I don't know if they are the same between the three worlds."

Link took a moment to ponder that before he nodded. "They do not seem to be the same."

Midna nodded. "I do not think they are. The time passage is different here."

"It could make for an intresting time here then." Link said and smiled.

Midna nodded again. "Indeed it could."

"What can you tell me about this island?" He asked, motioning over to a set of chairs near the window. "Besides some of the people here being troublesome."

Midna chuckled, going over and sitting down. "I know most people can't leave. If you try to you are either stopped by something or attacked by some sort of beast. I'm able to leave to the Twilight Realm...And there are wolves here," she added almost as an afterthought, smirking slightly.

"Wolfs like the giant one I saw reading with a woman earlier?"

Midna laughed, realizing who he was talking about. "No, no. Jon is a special case. He is what the people here call a werewolf. That is he behaves more like a human than a wolf. No, there are actual wolves here...like what you were able to turn into," she remarked with a smirk.

"I see." Link laughed lightly. "I should feel quite at home here then."

"You should. In fact..." She gestured to Trowa who had started straightening the store so he didn't look like he was easedropping, "He's trained one of the wolves and it lives in the village with him."

"Really." Link glanced at Trowa and smiled lightly. "I wonder if I still can carry a tune."

Trowa looked over as Midna chuckled. "I could probably still change you into a wolf if I wanted," Midna remarked, once again smirking.

Link chuckled lightly. "I have little doubt of that."
Only a few minutes earlier, Milo had been released from guarding Omi. He arrived at the door to music store and nudged his way inside.

"Speak of the devil," Midna chuckled.

Link looked over. "This would be the trained wolf you talked about?"

"Yeah, it would," Trowa remarked as Milo trotted in and immediately went over to see Midna, looking up at the new person.

Link looked back down at Milo, extending his hand to the young wolf.

Milo sniffed his hand and immediately started wagging his tail, looking a lot more excited than he normally was about meeting new people.

"Hello there." Link said to him and smiled.

Milo barked happily and looked over at Trowa, the happy-dog smile on his face, tail still wagging, then looked back at Link still with the same expression.

"I'd say he can tell something," Midna remarked.

Link smiles and nodded. "It looks like it."

Milo walked over to Link, still wagging his tail.

Reaching down and skritching between Milo's ears.

Milo wagged his tail even faster.

Trowa chuckled. "He seems excited."

Link got out of the chair and crouched next to Milo, petting him and skrithcing along his ears.

Milo smiled his happy-dog smile, wagging his tail as faster than one would think possible for a wolf. Trowa chucked.

He smiled. "I will guess that the other wolf in the village plays with you sometimes does he not?"

"He does," Trowa remarked as Milo barked, acting so much like a puppy again.

Link smiled and looked up at Minda. "There is some resemblance that I can see."

Midna blinked. "Between Milo and the werewolf?"

"Milo and the wolf you used to turn me into."

Midna chuckled. "Of course. Though I don't you were never this hyper," she remarked watching Milo.

"You do not have this one running across the kingdom on a quest."

Midna chuckled. "True. He's still a bit young, though. He's smart; he could probably have figured it out."

"I am sure." Link smiled and stood, it seemed this would be a pleasent place to stay.

Midna nodded. "This is quite an interesting place," she remarked as Milo went over to see Trowa. "Kind of similar to your world," she added looking back at Link.

"I will have to take your word for that. I have yet to be attacked like being back in Hyrule." Link replied with a smile.

Midna waved her hand somewhat dismissively. "Well, aside from the moblins and deku like likes and what ever else showed up in your world."

Link chuckled. "Should I mention the not so friendly creatures we ran into in your world?"

"Yeah...well...that was more Zant's doing," Midna remarked after a moment of pause. She smirked slightly.

"Of course." Link nodded, returning her smirk.

Midna chuckled after a moment.

"I am not expected to camp outside here, am I" Link asked, looking out one of the windows for a moment.

Midna shook her head. "Everyone is assigned a hut to stay in."

"You may even have an assignment already," Trowa piped up from where he knelt petting a very hyper Milo.

"I just arrived, and already this has happened?"

Midna nodded. "Whatever is controlling this world is very efficient sometimes."

Link thought about that and shruged. "Only sometimes?"

Midna nodded. "Only sometimes," she said with a smirk. "Not always."

"I am to be glad I did not arrive durring one of those simetimes then." Link smiled. "Else I might have been camping."

"Camping isn't so bad," Trowa remarked. "I've done it before."

"As have I." Link replied. "Many times."

Trowa nodded. "I'd imagine."

"Well," Midna said. "Shall we go check and see if you have a hut?"

"It sounds like a good idea. I may as well get settled in."

Midna nodded. "You may be here a while."

Link smirked. "Considering my company so far, It doesn't sound bad."

Midna chuckled and started for the door.

trowa, link, midna

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