RP Log - Unexpected Turn of Events

Oct 01, 2007 18:05

Who: Duo, Jr, Quatre, Trowa, Xellos with Alby and Milo
When: The day after Marie takes Duo to see Citan
Where: Hangar, gym
Rating: PG
Warnings: language, mild shounen-ai, fluff to angst!
Notes: None
Summary: What starts out as some fun between friends and their pets turns into a problem when Xellos shows up.

Quatre laughed and ran out the front door, Milo following him. He grinned, and ran towards the beach, a ball in hand.

Trowa followed, smiling, happy that Quatre was finally himself again. He watched Milo bouncing happily trying to play even as they were still heading towards the beach.

He stopped and threw the ball, smiling happily. "Go get it Milo!"

Milo chased after it quickly.

Trowa chuckled and walked over to Quatre and put his arm around Quatre's shoulders.

Quatre turns and smiled at Trowa. He leaned into his fiance.

A tiny white dog had seen the ball being thrown, and ran as fast as he could on his little legs while Jr laughed at him. "Alby!"

Duo watched as the dog ran past towards where Milo was playing fetch. He frowned a bit. This was going to be interesting. Stepping down from the front step, he headed for the beach.

Milo stopped, staring at the little white dog trying to take his ball.

Alby looked up at the much-larger wolf and started growling at him.

Quatre frowned at the small, white dog growling at Milo.

True to Trowa's training, Milo didn't growl back. He stared at the dog for a moment, then started walking closer to it.

Duo wandered over, watching.

Jr walked down to the beach, waiting to see how Alby was going to react to the wolf.

Alby growled again, trying to make himself look bigger and tougher than he actually was.

Quatre laughed. "Hello Duo, Jr!" He called from nestled in Trowa's arms.

Trowa only rolled his eyes at the little dog, then nodded toward the two who had just joined them.

Duo laughed, giving Quatre and Trowa a wave. "Hey, Jr... I think your dog's got a Napoleon complex," he said.

Jr waved to Duo, "I know he does! Ain't really a surprise given who he's named after."

Milo studied Alby for a moment again, possibly confused why it was still growling. A little curiously, he moved a paw closer to the little white dog.

Alby stared at Milo, barking to try to get the wolf to back off.

Duo grinned.

Milo glanced back towards Trowa as though asking permission, then turned back and barked at Alby once.

Alby barked again.

Jr sighed and shook his head, "Alby!"

"He's lucky that wolf has been trained to be as non-violent as possible," Trowa remarked.

Milo barked again, moving forward slightly as he did.

Alby took a step back, barking louder now.

Quatre frowned a bit. "Someone should break them up."

"Yeah... I don't think an Alby snack would be good for Milo's stomach," Duo said teasingly.

Milo barked again, once again doing a short dash and stopping quickly.

Jr glared at Duo, "I don't think Alby's dumb enough to become a snack."

Duo just grinned at Jr.

"He won't eat him," Trowa remarked.

Alby barked once more, then ran behind Jr.

Quatre laughed and leaned more into Trowa. "How are you doing Jr?" he asked.

Milo held his head proudly, having proved he was more intimidating.

Jr chuckled, "I'm doin' fine but it looks like Alby jus' got told that he ain't the top dog around here."

Trowa chuckled. "Considering Milo could run over him...I mean literally run over top of him."

"What a sickingly happy scene." Xellos sneered.

Duo started to laugh at Trowa's comment, but froze, spinning around to the voice.

Jr took out his guns, pointing them straight at the mazoku. "Go. Away."

Milo turned in a snap and immediately crouched, baring his teeth and growling.

Alby started growling, running in front of Jr to try to protect him.

Quatre froze and leaned further into Trowa, shaking.

"I only want one thing." He sneered appearing near Duo.

Duo didn't even bother with his gun at this point. Instead, the gleam of a knife could be seen as it seemingly appeared in his hand. He went for Xellos. "Screw you!" he snapped angrily.

Milo immediately dashed at Xellos, ready to fight him.

Xellos grabbed Duo and vanished.

Quatre's eyes widened and he slumped in Trowa's arms. "DUO!" he cried.

Milo skidded to a stop, looking around confused.

Jr angrily stamped his foot on the beach, putting his guns away. "Fucking bastard..."

Trowa held onto Quatre, thinking all manner of curse words in his head.

Alby growled for a moment, then got confused and yipped at Jr to get his attention.

"Oh god... Oh god..." Quatre trembled, his eyes wide.

Trowa wrapped his arms around Quatre, holding onto him, not knowing what to say.

"I can't feel him Trowa... I can't feel him anymore." Quatre sobbed.

"Oh, god," Trowa moaned, knowing what that meant.

Jr became just as confused as his poor chihuahua, looking over at the two pilots. "What the hell are ya talkin' about?"

"He's not here anymore," Trowa said as Milo came over to him. "He's not on the island."

Quatre went limp in Trowa's arms, sobbing.

"Damnit...fuckin' bastard..." Jr clenched his fist, "An' there's nothin' we can do about it..."

Trowa shook his head. "No there isn't...Good boy, Milo," Trowa said, praising the wolf for at least attempting to fight against Xellos.

xellos, trowa, duo, quatre, jr

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