RP Log - Doctor's Visit

Sep 30, 2007 10:12

Who: Citan, Duo, Marie
When: The day after Midna helps Quatre with his empathy
Where: Hut 9, first aid station
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Notes: None
Summary: Marie finally gets Duo to go see Citan about his sleeping problems and injured ankle.

Marie went and found Duo in their hut, smiling up at him. "You feeling any better?"

Duo shrugged. "Kinda," he said quietly. "Bored as Hell, though."

"Have you gone to see Doctor Uzuki yet?"

He frowned a bit. "No..." he admitted. "But... you said you'd go with me, so I was kinda waiting for you." Yeah, pass it off!

Marie smiled, "Then let's go!"

He sweatdropped. "Uh..." He nodded, getting up carefully.

Marie opened the door and grabbed Duo's hand, pulling him gently until they were out of the hut.

Duo let her lead him out, thankful she wasn't dragging him along. He was still walking with a slight limp, so his balance wasn't exactly the best at the moment. He wondered if she'd forget about bringing up the nightmares and lack of sleep, but he doubted it.

Marie smiled as they reached the first-aid station a few minutes later, letting go of Duo when they entered.

Citan smiled at Marie and Duo when they came in. "Hello there. What brings you here today?"

Duo stopped at the door, giving Citan a somewhat sheepish look. "Eh... yanno..."

"Duo hurt himself again."

Citan gestured for him to sit down.

Duo just did as he was told for the time being.

"Where are you hurt?"

"Just that ankle again," he said quietly.

Citan nodded, knealing down and summoning his Arcane spell. "Sazanami."

"I don't get why it's so easy to hurt it now," he said, watching.

"It needs to grow stronger."

Marie sat down, "He's also having other problems, Doctor."

Citan raised his eyebrows.

Duo cringed slightly. Of course, he wouldn't be surprised if Citan could see the lack of sleep in his face if he looked close enough.

Citan looked at Duo. "Do you want to tell me?"

"Just... haven't been sleeping well..." he admitted.

"Would you like me to help with that?"

Duo nodded.

"Well, there are a few different options... I'm assuming you don't want pills?"

"I don't like how I feel in the morning after takin'em."

Citan nodded.

Duo rubbed his forehead. "It's just... I've been having nightmares again lately..."

Citan nodded. "Do you like teas?"

"Only time I really drink 'em is when I'm hanging out with Quatre," he said. "He drinks that stuff like it's water."

"It does limit our options. I'm thinking that perhaps you should talk to MOMO-chan or one of her friends."

He looked at Citan curiously. "Why?"

"I have been speaking with MOMO about her and the others' Ether abilities. I seem to remember her mentioning an Ether spell for sleep."

Duo frowned a bit. "Yeah, but... that would mean getting one of them doing that every night, wouldn't it?"

"Only if you feel it's needed."

"I usually don't know until I wake up in the middle of the night freaked out," he said. "Then I can't get back to sleep." He bit his lip. "Maybe... I guess I could try the tea thing and see if it makes me feel as groggy in the morning as the medicine."

Citan nodded, walking over to the medicine cabinent where he kept a variety of herbs and teas.

Duo watched him. "So... how am I gonna know if my ankle's stronger?" he asked. "I mean... I don't wanna give up sports."

"Just be more careful."

"I was trying to be careful," he grumbled. "It didn't exactly work."

"If you want, I can pull out the x-ray machine and we can see if there's any hidden damage."

Duo shrugged. At this point, it probably wouldn't hurt to find out. "I guess."

Citan moved from the cabinet and over to where the x-ray machine was stored.

Duo seemed to shrink a bit in his chair.

"It doesn't hurt, you know."

Marie spoke up from where she had been sitting quietly, "Getting X-rays definitely doesn't hurt. I've gotten them before."

"I know..." he said. He'd gotten them before, too. Didn't mean he liked it.

Citan chuckled, and moved the machine into place.

Duo watched him.

"Alright, now hold still."

Duo just nodded.

Citan turned the x-ray on, and looked at the results it was giving him.

Duo did his best not to fidget.

"Looks like it's a sprain that hasn't healed yet. Would you like me to take care of it?"

"It would be nice if I didn't hafta worry about it anymore," Duo said.

Citan nodded, and used his Sazanami again.

Duo didn't notice any immediate change this time, since Citan had already gotten rid of the pain. He glanced at the doctor for a confirmation what he'd done.

Citan waved Marie over to her, figuring that Duo would rather have confirmation from her than him.

Marie nodded and headed over to where Citan was. "You healed his ankle as best you could?"

Citan pointed to the area on the x-ray display.

Duo watched the two of them, still trying not to fidget.

Marie nodded, "Everything looks fine, Duo!"

He looked between the two of them and then nodded, relieved at that one. "Thanks," he said.

Citan smiled, moving the x-ray back, and then going back to his teas, fixing a packet for Duo.

Now Duo fidgeted. He flexed his ankle a bit, trying to see if it felt any different than before. If anything, it didn't feel as loose as it had been feeling...

Citan handed the packet to Duo. "Feel better?"

Duo nodded. "Yeah..." He took the packet. "What's in it?" he asked, holding it up to the light.

"A blend that should help you have dreamless sleep, as well as calm you down."

He sighed. "Okay." He looked a little reluctant, but nodded. "Guess I'll give it shot."

"Do try talking to MOMO-chan, or one of the others."


Citan smiled.

Duo stood up, a lot steadier on his feet than he had been earlier. He pocketed the small packet. "Thanks," he said again.

"You're welcome."

He gave Citan a small smile.

"Was there anything else the two of you needed?"

Marie shook her head, "I don't have anything else."

Duo shook his head. If there had been, Marie wouldn't have let him leave anyway until it was dealt with.

"Alright, then. Do be careful."

"I'm always careful," Duo said. "It just doesn't always work." He headed for the door.

Marie shook her head, "Thank you for everything, Doctor!"

Citan nodded to the two of them.

The pilot stepped outside, bouncing a bit to see how his leg felt while he waited for Marie to catch up.

Marie followed after Duo, smiling over at him. "Are you feeling better?

He looked at her and then smiled. "Yeah," he said. "I just hope this tea helps me get back to something resembling regular sleep..." he said.

"If it doesn't, you need to talk to MOMO or chaos."

Duo sighed. "Yeah... I just hope it doesn't come to that," he said. "I really don't wanna go tapping on their doors at three in the morning when I get woken up by these things."

Marie nodded, "You might not have a choice if you keep waking up."

"I'd just feel bad askin'..."

"I'm sure chaos wouldn't mind since you really need help."

He shrugged as they got back to their hut. "I suppose..."

Marie nodded, opening the hut door for Duo. "MOMO has been saying that one of chaos' roommates has been having problems, so you might find out something else."

"Oh?" He followed her in, closing the door behind them. "Who?" he asked.

"She said that Miss Pluto hasn't been showing up for work for a while, and that she didn't seem like her usual self since the wedding."

"Huh..." Duo thought about that for a moment as he went to put the packet of tea in his room for the time being. "That's strange." He came back out. "I hope she's okay."

Marie nodded, "I hope so too."

Duo stretched, yawning.

"Do you need to go take a nap?"

"You make that sound like I'm a little kid or something," he quipped.

Marie giggled, "You act like a kid sometimes."

"Nuthin' wrong with that."

"I never said there was anything wrong with it!"

He grinned at her, then yawned again. "I guess a nap wouldn't be a bad thing..."

"Then go take one!"

Duo stuck his tongue out at her and then headed for his room again.

Marie giggled, going to her room to finish her homework.

Duo closed his door and flopped onto his bed. He'd see how far he could get instead of getting dependant on the tea. If he needed it later, he'd make it then.

mariemeia, citan, duo

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