
Sep 29, 2007 22:26

Who: chaos, Pluto, Roy, Riza, Winry, Ed, Jr, Negi, Marie, Citan, Treize, Duo, Hilde, Minako, Omi, Uranus, Onpu, Taiki, Nagi, MOMO, Aya
When: September 5th
Where: The Lagoon, and a bit in one of the huts
Rating: G
Warnings: I can't think of any
Summary: The wedding
Notes: I have to acknowledge Barney Wimer, who gave me the ceremony he used for a wedding to base chaos' words off of... although I did edit it heavily.

Roy paced about. He was in his dress uniform, his hands behind his back. He looked like a nervous wreck. He took a deep breath.

"Calm down, Roy-san," chaos told him. "We're almost ready to start."

Ed was fussing with his tux. "This thing itches."

Roy glanced at chaos. "I'm nervous chaos. And join the club Fullmetal."

chaos sighed.

Citan walked up. "I spoke with Pluto... I believe they are just about ready to begin."

Negi, who on the other hand, was used to wearing suits, had no problem with the tux.

Jr grinned, "Good. 'Cuz I don't wanna hear complainin' from these guys much longer, suits ain't that bad."

Winry pulled out the large blanket they were going to hold over Riza to keep her unseen to the last minute. It was bad luck to see the bride too soon. "Ready?" she asked the others.

Roy took a deep breath. "Alright. I'm okay." He nodded a bit. "When they're ready..."

Pluto smiled, "It is nearly time for the ceremony..."

"I'm ready," Riza said.

Treize was waiting outside Riza's hut, where the girls had been getting ready.

Winry held out the blanket for Pluto to take an end. Marie was a bit short for that job, but she could keep the bottom of Riza's skirt out of the sand until they got there. Treize would be tall enough to help more with the blanket.

Pluto took the other end of the blanket, easily holding it up.

Marie smiled, "Should I help with Miss Hawkeye's skirt?"

Winry nodded. "If you can hold the train..." she said.

"All right!" Marie walked behind Riza to hold up the train to keep it from dragging in the sand.

Treize knocked on the door, wondering if they were ready to go.

"We're ready," Riza called out.

He stepped inside, chuckling slightly at the blanket. "Alright..." he said. He took a portion of the blanket so Riza would not trip on it. "Let's go then. I'm sure Mr Mustang is nervous enough without any extra delays."

Winry giggled as they started for the door.

chaos waited patiently for the girls to be ready. He was just happy that his robes were comfortable enough.

Roy fidgeted a bit. He glanced at all the people and then swallowed the nervous lump in his throat.

Pluto started heading to the lagoon, the other girls behind her. "Are you nervous, Riza?"

"A bit."

"Everything will go as it should. I am certain your soon-to-be husband is at least as nervous as you are."

Treize chuckled as they made their way up the path. "He was fidgeting quite a lot when he arrived."

Riza blushed.

"They're coming!" MOMO said from her spot in the audience. A slight murmur buzzed through the crowd.

Roy fought the urge to pace again. He froze, looking like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Calm down, Roy-san."

Jr chuckled at Roy, "Ease up a little. She's gotta be nervous too."

Ed sighed. "You're making us nervous."

Maneuvering behind the curtain, Winry let go of the blanket. She then peeked out. "Wow..."

"Never thought this day would come." Roy said relaxing a bit.

Citan stood up, bowing to Roy and to chaos. "I'm going to go find out if they're ready." He walked back to the curtain.

Minako stood like a guard in front of the curtain. She had added it to the decorations, draping it nicely, when Pluto had requested a place to keep Riza hidden. She smiled at Citan.

"Are they ready?" Citan asked.

"We're here..." Winry said. Minako glanced back at her and then nodded.

Pluto nodded, "We are ready."

"I shall let chaos know that he can begin, then." Citan walked back to his seat, nodding to Omi along the way, and nodded once to chaos.

"Looks like we're ready," chaos said to Roy.

"We should probably let the musicians know so they can change the music," Minako said, giving Taiki a little wave.

Taiki smiled and nodded to Uranus. The blonde made the motion for everyone to switch to the music written for the ceremony. After a quick retune, everyone began to play the selected music.

chaos nodded to Minako, indicating that it was time for Marie and Negi to come out.

Minako opened the curtain a bit, indicating for the bridesmaids to come out. "Go ahead," she told Marie and Negi.

Negi nodded

Marie nodded, taking her place next to Negi before walking down the aisle.

Winry gave Riza a warm, encouraging smile before stepping out to find Jr.

Treize offered Riza his arm. It wasn't time, yet, but he knew she was nervous.

"Thank you," she whispered.

Jr stepped out and offered Winry his arm so they could walk down and take their places.

Winry smiled at Jr, taking his arm and starting off down the short aisle once Marie and Negi had reached halfway.

Treize patted Riza's hand gently. "You look beautiful," he told her softly.

"Thank you."

chaos waited patiently, knowing that Pluto would be the next one to come out.

Pluto went out when it was almost hers and Ed's turn to start walking.

Ed stepped softly, as he looked up at Pluto. "It's time I guess." He said.

Roy watched the proceedings. He was nervous. He glanced at chaos and then back towards the curtain.

"It is," Pluto said softly as she took Ed's arm.

chaos smiled at them, closing his eyes so that he could prepare his prayer before the bride came out.

Minako watched. This time, they would wait until Pluto and Ed had gone all the way down, and then the music would change once more. That would be her cue to open the curtain completely.

Uranus watched the aisle as she played... She'd have to stop the music so chaos could say his prayer, and the restart it once Riza was ready to go down the aisle.

When Pluto and Ed had reached their places, chaos spoke. "Our Father, whom art in Heaven, and the other Lords and Ladies residing in the Heavens of the Multiverse, we ask that you watch over these two who have come today to be joined together in matrimony, and that you bless this marriage. Amen."

Uranus nodded to the others and they began playing the music that was selected for the bride's walk down the aisle.

With the music being her cue, Minako pulled the curtain aside.

Riza looked down, blushing as everyone could now see her.

Roy felt his breath hitch in his throat when he saw Riza for the first time in her dress. His face broke out into a large smile.

Riza clung to Treize's arm a bit tighter than she meant to.

Treize squeezed her hand lightly. "It's okay," he whispered. He gently stepped forward, beginning to lead her.

Riza walked down the aisle with Treize.

Roy watched Riza and Treize walk down the aisle, a smile on his face.

Riza reached the altar, and placed her hand in chaos' outstretched hand, as he guided her to her place.

Treize released Riza once chaos took her, stepping to the side.

"Who brings this woman to be wed?" chaos asked.

Roy turned his attention to chaos and Riza.

"I do," Treize responded.

"Please light the unity candle, the representation of Riza-san's life as an individual."

Treize stepped forward and lit the candle carefully.

"Thank you." chaos turned to look toward Citan. "And who steps forward to light the groom's candle?"

Citan stepped forward. "Though he has no family here, I will light the candle on the behalf of Roy." Citan lit the candle, and then stepped back as well.

chaos smiled at both of them, and then to Roy and Riza. "We are gathered here today, under the watchful eyes of the Lords and Ladies of the Heavens, to witness the union of these two souls. It is written that man should leave his father and mother, and hold onto his wife. Those who enter this relationship are to cherish a mutual love; bear each other's weaknesses; comfort each other in sickness, trouble, and sorrow; provide for each other, to pray for and encourage each other; and to live together throughout their days on this earth. If you have it in your heart to beautify and enrich your marriage by your devotion to one another, your thoughtfulness in little things, and your patience and sacrifice of self for each other, your marriage will last and last."

chaos looked to Riza, and then to Roy. "The couple has written their own vows. Roy-san, if you would read yours?"

Roy nodded and looked at Riza, smiling gently. "When I lost faith, you believed in me. When I stumbled, you were right there. For every act of love you've done, I owe you one. There were hard times I know I survived just because you stayed by my side. With all I have, with all I am, I promise you all my life. Whenever the road is too long, whenever the wing is too strong, wherever the journey may lead to... I will be there for you." He promised.

chaos nodded, then turned to Riza. "And your vows, Riza-san?"

"Through sorrow, or the darkest night; when there's heartache deep down inside; just like a prayer, you will be there, and I promise you all my life. Whenever the road is too long, wherever the wind is too strong, wherever this journey may lead to, I will be there for you."

chaos nodded. "Marie-chan, Negi-kun, if you will please step forward."

Negi nodded and started to step forward

Marie stepped forward.

"Negi-kun, please present Marie-chan with the ring that Riza-san will give to Roy-san."

Negi nodded, turned to Marie, and presented her with the ring.

Marie carefully took the ring for Riza.

"Roy-san, please repeat after me: With this ring, I thee wed, and with it, I bestow upon thee all the treasures of my mind, heart, and hands."

"With this ring, I thee wed, and with it, I bestow upon thee all the treasures of my mind, heard and hands." Roy repeated.

"Negi-kun, please give Roy-san the ring, so that he can place it on Riza-san's finger."

Negi carefully gave the ring to Roy.

Riza held out her hand, trying to keep it from shaking.

Roy took the ring from Negi and then took Riza's hand. He squeezed it lightly and then slid the ring onto the fourth finger of her left hand.

chaos smiled. "Riza-san, please repeat after me: As a ring has no end, neither shall my love for you. I choose you to be my husband this day and forevermore."

"As a ring has no end, neither shall my love for you. I choose you to be my husband this day and forevermore," Riza repeated.

"Marie-chan, please give Riza-san the ring, so that she may place it on Roy-san's finger."

Marie nodded and gave the ring to Riza.

Roy held out his hand to Riza, unable to keep a small shake from him.

Riza took the ring from Marie, and unsteadily placed it on Roy's left ring finger.

chaos smiled at them both. "Rings are a beautiful symbol of your relationship. They are made of gold, a very valuable mineral, symbolizing the value of this marriage relationship. They form a perfect circle, symbolizing the never ending love and respect that marriage requires. Roy-san, Riza-san, please take the two candles representing your individual lives, and light the unity candle with them."

Roy stepped over to where the candles where and picked up his.

Riza stepped to the candles as well, picking hers up as well. She looked at Roy, then held her candle to the wick of the unlit unity candle.

Roy held his candle to the wick, his dark eyes never leaving Riza's face.

chaos smiled. "Lords and Ladies of the Heavens, you have heard Roy-san and Riza-san pledge their love for each other in their marriage vows. We pray that You will grant to them the grace, courage, love, loyalty, and constancy to maintain these vows throughout their lives. And may this new home radiate love, and all who come in contact with this home be enriched and ennobled. Amen."

chaos closed his eyes, then looked at Roy and Riza. "By the authority given to me by our Father in Heaven, and acknowledged by those residing on this island, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."

Roy smiled at Riza and then wrapped an arm around her waist. He dipped her, kissing her gently.

Riza let Roy duck her down, returning the kiss.

"Woohoo!" Duo yelled out when he dipped her.

chaos cleared his throat. "May I now present Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mustang. Whom have been joined together this day, let no one tear asunder."

Roy pulled back, helping Riza back up. He smiled at everyone.

Riza beamed to everyone, a deep blush on her face.

Minako started clapping loudly, wiping at tears on her face.

MOMO bounced to her feet, also clapping happily.

Citan smiled, memories of his own wedding coming to his mind.

Taiki wiped the tears from her eyes, clapping. She looked back at the piano and began to play as Uranus gave them the cue.

Roy offered Riza his arm, smiling at her.

Onpu grinned, wiping away her tears before she began to play again, as Omi turned and grinned at Nagi.

Pluto smiled at Riza, pleased that someone would be able to find happiness with the person that they loved.

Riza took Roy's arm, letting him lead her down the aisle and toward the gym, where the reception would be held.

Aya smiled a bit, clapping. It was beautiful.

Nagi rolled his eyes at Omi, not caring too much about the ceremony. He was only there since Omi would have dragged him anyways.

Duo rubbed his side, having gotten elbowed by Hilde for his little 'outburst'.

sailor pluto, nagi, mariemeia, omi, riza, ran aya, edward, sailor venus minako, winry, jr, duo, treize, sailor uranus haruka, roy, hilde, sailor star maker taiki, onpu, negi, chaos, citan, momo

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