RP Log - How Exactly DOES One Counsel Someone Older Than Dirt?

Sep 29, 2007 21:54

Who: Pluto & Citan
When: Today
Where: Hut 7
Rating: PG
Warnings: angsty!Guardian, Xenogears spoilers
Notes: none
Summary: Citan comes over to talk to Pluto.

Pluto sighed sadly as she made herself a cup of tea, the talk with Taiki not having done much to help brighten her mood any.

Citan tapped a few times on the door of Pluto's hut, hoping she would answer.

Pluto left the water to boil as she heard a knock on the door, going to answer it. She saw Citan there, nodding her head slightly. "Would you like to come in, Doctor Uzuki?"

"Yes, thank you," Citan replied.

Pluto stepped away so Citan could come in, "I am making some tea right now. Would you like some as well?"

"Tea would be lovely," Citan replied, entering the hut. "Do you need help with anything?"

Pluto shook her head as she walked into the kitchen, coming back out with a small teapot and two teacups.

Citan sat down on the couch, waiting for her to seat herself as well.

Pluto poured tea for herself and Citan before sitting down, the hot teacup warming her hands slightly.

"Thank you," he said softly, as he took the cup from her. "How are you doing?"

"I have been better..." Pluto looked into her teacup, "Did you come to check on me?"

"MOMO-chan asked me to. She's quite worried about you."

Pluto sighed sadly, "I do not think it is wise for me to be in contact with people at this time."


Pluto nodded in response.

"Would you like to talk to me about it?"

"It is...a crisis of spirit, Doctor."


Pluto sighed again, "I...I have been affecting an empath badly...because of it."

"That would happen."

"I know."

Citan sipped his tea. "Have I told you about my wife?"

Pluto shook her head slightly, "Not much about her. What is she like?"

"Yui is a beautiful woman, and so much more than I could ever hope to deserve."

"You are fortunate..."

"Not really. I'm away from her so much. I miss her and Midori-chan greatly."

Pluto shook her head, "You still are fortunate."

"Not as fortunate as you."

"Why do you say that?"

"Though, like I, you are separated from the one you care for a great deal of the time, at least you can see your loved one."

"I can see him, but...that is all." Pluto sighed sadly, "I cannot be there when he needs help...and..."

"And I am required to do jobs for my Emperor that take me far from Yui and Midori. I cannot even know if they are in need of my help."

"I-I want the one thing I cannot have..."

"Have you spoken to him about it?"

Pluto shook her head slowly.

"Perhaps you should think about that."

"I cannot..."

"You cannot... or you are afraid to?"

Pluto sighed, "I cannot...not when doing so would make him feel bad as well..."

“You do not believe he is picking up on your distress, and this is making him feel bad already?"

"My distress is mine to deal with, and he knows this."

"That will not keep him from worrying."

Pluto sighed, "I know...but...there is nothing he can do."

"Are you so sure of that?"


"I have a feeling he would feel otherwise."

Pluto shook her head, "There is nothing he can do..."

"I am sure he would say the same thing in your place. And you would disagree with him."

"He still cannot do anything."

"It is wrong to deny him the chance to try."

Pluto sighed, "It is also wrong to drag him down along with me..."

"It is his decision to make."

“What use is it if he cannot do anything?"

"It is his right to try."

Pluto sighed, finally sipping her tea.

"Yui and I weren't supposed to be together, you know," Citan commented off-handedly.

Pluto looked up at Citan, "You were not?"

Citan shook his head.

"What happened?"

"I am one of Solaris' Guardian Angels. I work directly under Emperor Cain. Yui was the premier warrior of Shevat. Shevat and Solaris... to say they are enemies would be an understatement. During the Third Invasion, of which I led, Yui defeated me. But instead of killing me, she took me prisoner, and tended to my injuries."

Pluto patiently listened to Citan's story, nodding slightly. "Did she learn of who you are while you were a prisoner?"

"She knew. She knew even before we fought. And though I've never directly told her, she knows that I still work for Emperor Cain. She didn't even object when I went to Lahan to watch over Fei. On the contrary, she came with me, her and Midori."

"You really are fortunate..." Pluto added in a much softer-voice, "Hyuga."

"I took my wife's name, to separate myself from who I was in Solaris."

"You are not the only one who takes another name to separate yourself from your past."

"I know."

Pluto nodded, "chaos and myself use other names...but there are others here who use names that they chose."

"There are always those who use different names." Citan was thinking about someone who had been both an ally and a foe to he and Fei along their journey.

"My name would cause problems for some here."

Citan nodded.

Pluto sipped more of her tea again.

"There are many here, I think, whose true identities would cause trouble."

"There are some..."

"And to remain strong, they must rely one each other."

Pluto sighed.

"Please, speak with him. Your powers could prove to be a danger to everyone here if they remain out of check."


"You need to do something."

“I still cannot speak with him..."

"Then nothing will change."

Pluto sighed sadly.

Citan sipped his tea.

"I know what you ask...but..."

"Please, Pluto."

Pluto looked over at Citan.

"As the doctor here, I must insist that for everyone's wellbeing, something be done."

"I...I do not think it would help."

"Something has to."

Pluto sighed sadly.



"Will you at least try?"

Pluto just barely nodded, "If you insist..."

"Thank you."

"Please...I do not think this will work."

"If you know of an alternative..."

Pluto shook her head.

"Then there is no other recourse."

"It seems I have no choice..."

Citan nodded.

Pluto finished her tea.

Citan finished off his tea as well, setting the cup on the table.

"Is there anything else I can get for you?"

Citan shook his head. "I came here to check on you."

Pluto set her cup on the table, "I see."

"Would you like me to tell everyone that you wore yourself out with the wedding, and that I've prescribed rest for you? It should avoid any unwanted attention."

"Only if anyone asks about me, please."

"People are talking, without asking."

Pluto sighed, "Then please do...they will listen to you."

Citan nodded.

"Only Uranus and Taiki should know otherwise at this point."

"I'm sure there are others as well."

Pluto sighed, "I spoke with Taiki..."

Citan nodded, encouraging her to continue.

"And Uranus came to see me a while back."

Citan nodded again.

Pluto looked at Citan, "What are people saying?"

"They are wondering where you have been, why you haven't been seen outside this hut." Citan took a breath. "Anyone with even a small ability to sense power can tell that yours isn't working correctly."

"I see..."

"That is why I had to come."

Pluto nodded.

"With his power, he has to know what's happening. Perhaps not why, but he knows what is happening. It is out of respect for you that he says nothing."

Pluto sighed sadly.

"Will you show him the respect he deserves in return?"

"I still do not feel that it is appropriate to tell him...not when telling him will only make him feel bad."

"Even when he's waiting for you?"

“He has had too much pain in his life...and I do not want to add to it."

"You weren't close enough... you didn't see what I did..."

Pluto looked at Citan, confused.

"I watched him, at the wedding. While he was waiting for you to come out, I saw his eyes. And I saw in them, the same look I see in Yui's eyes, when I come home."

Pluto felt tears starting to come to her eyes, "C-citan..."

"You need to speak with him."

"I...I will..."

Citan smiled softly at her.

Pluto looked back at Citan, "Thank you..."

"You're welcome."

"Is there anything else you wanted to tell me?"

"There is nothing in particular, unless there is something you wanted to ask?"

Pluto shook her head, "Nothing at this time."

Citan nodded. "I am always available, should you need someone to talk to."

"Thank you."

"You are welcome."

Pluto nodded, "If there is anything I can do to help you, please let me know."

"I will."

“I will be all right..."

"You are a strong woman."

"I am a woman who knows that there will never be rest after living...at least, not for myself."

"And yet you still go on."

"I have no other options."

"You do. You could choose to simply give up."

Pluto shook her head, "That is no option for me..."

"It also takes strength."

"I suppose."

"Do not doubt yourself, Pluto. I have seen your strength."

"Have you?"

"I have."

"I do what I must."

"Not everyone could."

"No human could ever be the Guardian of Time."

"Not many non-humans could, either."

"One could say I was born to it."

"Do not belittle your strength by making excuses for it."

Pluto shook her head, "I do what I must and that is all."

Citan stood up. "I should be going. But think about what I said, and don't be afraid to come to me."

Pluto nodded, "I will remember what you said."

Citan smiled at her.

Pluto stood up, "And I will speak with you if I need to."

Citan nodded.

Pluto nodded, "I will see you another time, then?"

Citan nodded. "Another time," he said, opening the door and leaving.

sailor pluto, citan

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