RP Log - Surprise!

Oct 01, 2007 18:09

Who: Duo, Xellos, guest appearances by Une, Wufei, Zechs
When: Right after Xellos disappears with Duo
Where: Gundam Wing universe, Lady Une's office in Preventer HQ, Brussels, Belgium
Rating: PG
Warnings: mild language
Notes: Zechs played by Michi, Une played by Angie, Wufei played by Hime (who's not a member, but a good friend, and possibly may join if we finish twisting her arm enough... *grin*)
Summary: Having taken Duo from the island, Xellos dumps in a rather unexpected place.

Xellos dropped Duo in the middle of a rather important office. He smirked. "You're off that island." He sneered.

Lady Une angrily stood up as someone she didn't recognize just appeared out of nowhere with one of her missing Preventers, wasting no time in firing off a couple shots with her gun.

Duo hit the floor hard. "Ow..." Off... off the island...? He opened his eyes, feeling extremely dizzy and nauseous after whatever it was Xellos had just done to him.

Xellos turned as the bullets hit him. They didn't even phase him, there was no blood at all. He arched an eyebrow. "So, you're Lady Une?"

"I don't know who you are, but get OUT of my office now!" Lady Une glared, hiding her confusion behind the angry expression most people recognized as being hers.

"I'm just returning your Preventer to you. Just hope the next one isn't in pieces." Xellos sneered as he vanished.

Duo recognized that voice. Was he really home?

Zechs' head shot up. He was down the hall in his own office when he heard gun shots from Lady Une's office. Jumping to his feet, the former Oz soldier sprinted towards it, not noticing he almost ran over poor Wufei.

Wufei's eyes narrowed and he barely had time to avoid Zechs as the taller man was obviously making much quicker headway towards Une's office.

Wincing, Duo pushed himself up to his hands and knees, trying really hard to get the room to stop spinning.

"Lady Une! Are you alright?" Zechs asked flinging open the door to his superior's office.

Lady Une put her gun away, "I am fine, Wind."

"What was the commotio..." He started but the noticed Duo. "Maxwell!"

Duo winced. "Quit the yellin', huh?" he snapped, holding his head.

Seeing the look on the taller man's face proved that he'd not heard things though and Wufei hurried after him, pulling up short at the familiar face that was inside. "Maxwell?"

"Yeah... howdy do to you, too." Still sitting on the floor where he'd been rather unceremoniously dropped, he went to get up, grabbing Une's desk as the floor seemingly tilted under him.

"Where are the others?" Zechs asked striding over to the fallen Preventer. He glanced at Lady Une and nodded a bit.

"Still on that island, I guess..." he said. Duo stared intently at some random object on Une's desk, since closing his eyes only made it feel like he was on one of Howard's ships in a typhoon.

"Lady Une, Maxwell came from the same place I did. I don't think there is any need for him to be quarantined." Zechs said.

Wufei, finally over the initial shock of seeing one of the others, frowned as he looked Duo over briefly. He looked rather on the sick side at the moment but that was probably nothing serious.

Une nodded, sitting down in the chair behind her old-fashioned desk. "I will trust your judgment on that, Wind. Are all our missing people still there?"

Catching his breath, Duo slowly nodded. "Yeah... Unless there's people missing I don't know about."

"Only Winner, Barton, Mariemeia, Relena, Hilde and Rashid." Zechs said.

"Yup... an' Heero... that's it. Unless Xellos can do that trick with all of us at once in different places, they're probably still there..." Duo frowned at that revelation.

Zechs glanced at Wufei and then back at Duo. "Who did you piss off this time?"

Duo glared at Zechs. "I didn't piss anyone off!" he snapped.

"Is Mariemeia all right?"

"Yeah, she..." He trailed off. "Did you tell her about... you know who?" he asked Zechs.

Zechs shook his head. "Is...?"

"Well, no one had said he'd gone missing."

"I was asking if he was still on the island." Zechs crossed his arms over his chest.

"That's what I meant," Duo quipped. "No one there said he'd gone missing."

Zechs nodded. "Alright." A faint smile passed over his face at the mention of his friend, but then it was gone.

Duo rolled his eyes. The dizzyness and nausea was starting to pass. He flopped into one of the other chairs.

Lady Une leaned back in her chair, "Will one of you gentlemen stop speaking in riddles for once and just answer my question?"

Duo sweatdropped. "Eh... she's fine," he said quickly.

"How is my sister?" Zechs asked.

Duo smirked a bit. "Very infatuated with Heero, still," he said teasingly.

Zechs' eyes narrowed a bit. "I swear, he hurts her, I will kill him."

"Now you sound like Rashid talking about Trowa..."

"Enough." Lady Une's voice boomed through her office, "Now who were you talking about before?"

Zechs winced, a rare instance. Oh he hadn't wanted to tell her about Treize, he really didn't want to.

Duo cringed as well, his head still sore from his little 'trip'.

"I'm waiting."

"Lady Une, I think you should sit down."

Wufei watched in silence, wanting to know what was going on as well.

Lady Une sat down again, "Explain."

"Wufei might wanna sit, too," Duo said quickly.

Wufei shook his head. "I'm fine."

"No... really... you'll wanna sit."

"As I explained to you Lady Une, there where things on that island that couldn't be explained. When I arrived, I learned through Yuy of someone that was there. I was very surprised when I learned of him."

Lady Une nodded, indicating that she followed what Zechs was saying so far.

"I'm fine." Wufei repeated stubbornly. He wasn't some weakling who needed to sit down just for some news.

"Treize was alive on the island. It seemed the beings that controled us, found it fit to spare him right away." Zechs said hoping she didn't faint.

Lady Une, to her credit, did not faint. Her eyes just got huge as she gripped the arms of her chair, obviously rattled by the news. "He's...alive...somewhere?"

Wufei's legs promptly turned to jelly and he ended up sitting on the floor, eyes wide. Treize... alive? How was that possible?

"He's alive with Marie," Duo said, not realizing he'd used the nickname automatically. "They've gotten pretty close." He looked back at Wufei. "I told you so," he said. He got up and offered the Chinese Preventer a hand up.

Zechs nodded. He walked over to Lady Une and placed a hand on her shoulder. "He misses you." the tall man whispered for her only.

Lady Une bowed her head at Zechs' words in an attempt to keep anyone from seeing that her brave exterior was starting to crack. "This is...good for Mariemeia."

Wufei glared at Duo and stood up on his own power, "I'm fine." He muttered, sore that his body had betrayed him like that. So he'd not killed Trieze after all it seemed. Should he worry that he felt relieved?

Duo smirked at Wufei. "Yeah... right." He chuckled.

Zechs watched Lady Une, his hand still resting on her shoulder. "She was very happy when she spoke of him."

Lady Une nodded slightly, grateful for Zechs' support right now. "That is a great relief."

Wufei scowled at Duo, unwilling to dignify that with a response.

Duo's smirk remained firmly in place as he noted he was actually a bit taller than Wufei now. He clapped the other teen on the shoulder. "Yeah... I guess in a way I actually missed you, too."

Wufei's eyes narrowed and he much disliked the fact that he had to scowl UP at Duo now. It had been more satisfying when they'd been on the same level. Something told him that it no longer held the same weight. "You were gone Maxwell? I should have known. Things have been quiet and peaceful lately."

Zechs snorted and remained next to Lady Une, having recognized the shock symptoms in her. He leaned in towards her. "I promised him I'd try to find a way to bring him home."

"Meh... I always knew you were an old fogey before your time," Duo quipped back. "Just dunno how to have a real good time."

"Your definition of good time and mine differ greatly Maxwell." Wufei said quietly, wondering how they'd ended up on this arguement again.

"I do not know how people would receive him." Lady Une looked up at Zechs, grateful that she did not have to hide anything from him after working together for several years. "But Mariemeia...she needs to come home sometime."

Duo just smirked at him, his attention pulled back to Une when she mentioned Marie. "But... she's happy there," he said before he could really stop himself.

Zechs settled for glaring at Duo.

Duo pulled back from the glare. "What?"

"You know Mariemeia misses Lady Une and Dorothy." He replied.

"Well, yeah... but..." he started, almost laughing a bit, but he stopped himself this time, remembering who was in the room with them. "Right. She does." He rubbed the back of his head.

"You've gotten protective." Zechs leaned against the desk.

Duo sighed. He'd always been protective... though... speaking of that... "I need to get back..." he said suddenly.

"But you're home, why go back?" Zechs asked, voicing the question they all thought.

"'Cuz everyone's still there," Duo said. "I can't just leave them behind."

"You came back. There should be a way to bring them back too." Wufei reasoned logically, loath to admit the thought of Duo leaving wasn't exactly a pleasent one.

"I came back because that asshole Xellos dumped me here," he growled. "Now he can get to them without me being there to try and stop him." The thought of Xellos going after Hilde, Marie, or Quatre behind his back like that made Duo cringe.

"The warehouse has been sealed off, no one, not even the Preventers can go near it." Zechs said. He then glanced at Lady Une for back up.

Lady Une nodded, "We have no idea how all of you left. Until we know more details, everyone is being kept away from the warehouse."

Duo visibly tensed. "I'm not gonna just leave them there!" he said, getting angry. No... this was definitely not good. He finally had everyone around him that he'd been wanting to go back home to see and ended up separated again?!

"Do you think I like leaving my sister or Mariemeia there?" Zechs snarled.

"Then do something about it! I'm going back!" Duo said, determined.

Wufei watched them in silence, mentally deciding to keep a close eye on Duo for the next few days.

Zechs was about to move around the desk, but Lady Une stopped him.

"Maxwell. You are not going back until you give us information about what happened since you disappeared." Lady Une gave Duo one of her infamous 'Colonel' glares. "We desperately need that information in case anyone else goes missing."

Duo closed his eyes, almost shaking from how tense he was. "Fine," he snapped off. "But I need to go back up to my colony at least and check on some things for Hilde."

"I'm sure that can be arranged." Zechs said looking at Lady Une.

Lady Une nodded, "It will be. Go back to the colony, I will make sure you get reimbursed for the travel."

Duo looked sightly relieved at that and nodded. "Thanks..." he said quietly.

Wufei stood in silence, not sure what to make of these latest turn of events. It was quite a bit to swallow after all.

Zechs glanced at Wufei and nodded. He hopped that the former pilot understood his silent message. He was worried that Duo would try to get back to the warehouse.

In a rare show of uncertainty, Duo rubbed his arms a bit. "So... I can go now?" he asked, wondering if they wanted him to talk now or if he had to come back later.

Lady Une nodded, "Go take care of what you need to."

Wufei met Zech's gaze and nodded slightly. He had no intentions of letting Duo out of his sight.

Zechs leaned in to Lady Une. "I'm afraid he'll try to get back into the warehouse." He whispered to her.

Duo narrowed his eyes a bit at Zechs whispering like that.

"Preventer Chang will not let Maxwell go off alone." Une whispered back to Zechs, "I want to speak with you after they leave."

Zechs nodded. "Alright."

Duo was staring right at the two of them. He knew they were talking about him, he just didn't know exactly what. He frowned a bit. "So... I'm guessing you want me back on a particular date?" he asked, his tone somewhat off.

"Report back to me no later than three days from now."

Duo nodded at Une. "Alright. Three days." With that, he turned and headed off. First... he needed to get to a spaceport.

Wufei turned to Une and nodded slightly before he truned and headed for the door, intent on keeping Duo in his sight at all times. Before he left he paused, not turning back. "Is there anything I need to know or be told?"

Lady Une shook her head, "Just keep an eye on him. I know you will even if I did not tell you to."

Wufei nodded slightly, "You're right." He smiled slightly and left the office, following Duo openly.

Zechs looked at Lady Une. "What is it?"

Lady Une waited for Wufei to leave her office before turning to the last Preventer in the room. "Zechs...tell me more about what happened on that island you went to when you disappeared."

"What would you like to know Lady Une?" he asked.

"About Treize and how he is still alive."

Zechs sat down in the other chair and smiled warmly at Lady Une. "No one is really sure how he's still alive. He was transported to the first island the others where on, a few months after he died. He is doing really good. He's teaching literature and language at the school there."

Duo waited. Wufei hadn't made it like he was trying to sneak around after him, so Duo decided to be a good boy and not lose him on purpose. As the other former pilot came around the corner, he looked at him.

Wufei stopped, having hoped that this was the way Duo would respond. "You knew I would follow you."He said simply, if the situation were reversed Duo would probably be doing something similar.

"Standard protocol an' all that, right?" Duo said. "You guys don't want me jumping ship." He straightened from where he'd been leaning against the wall. "If you're gonna be my babysitter, we might as well travel together."

Wufei nodded, "It would make things much less troublesome." He agreed. The thought of following Duo if he didn't want to be followed wasn't pleasent and was night upon impossible.

Duo smirked. "You know you couldn't track me if I didn't want you to," he said, turning and starting down the hall. "You got a car?"

Wufei nodded slightly. "Yes. No, you're not driving." He walked next to Duo, a small smile on his face. "And yes. I do know."

xellos, npc: wufei, zechs, duo, npc: une

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