Title: We Really Shouldn't Be Doing This (3/?)
Author: tazanya
Genre: Comedy-Romance with a bit of crack
Rating: R mostly for language and violence
Pairing: GD-Minzy-TOP, GD/CL, other YG family pairings
Author's Note: Minzy will NOT be involved in any sexytimes above PG-13.
DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual events or people is for entertainment and parody purposes only.
credit: soh0712@ygladies.com
badgoodhoodgirl D lettinghoesknowin2010: but it's a kids toy, clearly I am still 11, maybe even younger to him
lettinghoesknowin2010 D TTsmama*** Will you please try and convince her not to throw the stuff away, you're better at this than me, actually Bom unnie's probably better.
lettinghoesknowin2010 D trulysickofcorn: If you read this before the next millennium, can you please talk to maknae?
TTsmama D lettinghoesknowin2010: wait, I can console, I am a good consoler.
lettinghoesknowin2010 D TTsmama: "consoler" is not a word
TTsmama D lettinghoesknowin2010: wrong smartypants, it's a noun meaning "To allay the sorrow or grief of." HA! name change to “doubleTsmom”****
lettinghoesknowin2010 D doubleTsmom: Doesn't matter, unnie is never on twitter, so we will just tell her when we she gets out of the recording booth.
doubleTsmom D lettinghoesknowin2010: recording is more fun for you 'cuz GD is always gushing and doesn't make you repeat things 50 million times.
lettinghoesknowin2010 D trulysickofcorn: Do you think oppa gives me special treatment?
lettinghoesknowin2010 D badgoodhoodgirl: Do you think oppa gives me special treatment?
badgoodhoodgirl D lettinghoesknowin2010: of course,
trulysickofcorn D lettinghoesknowin2010: YES!
lettinghoesknowin2010 D trulysickofcorn: oooooh, so that is the direct message you decide to respond to?
lettinghoesknowin2010 D trulysickofcorn: It would be nice if you did a bit more fanservice on your REAL twitter account.
trulysickofcorn D lettinghoesknowin2010: I have been busy, REPEATING THE SAME LINE over and over and over and over and over.
lettinghoesknowin2010 D trulysickofcorn: You have been a bit pitchy lately...
trulysickofcorn D lettinghoesknowin2010: YAAAAAAH!
trulysickofcorn D TTsmama: someone is getting a bit cocky lately?
trulysickofcorn D doubleTsmom: can you stop changing your twitter name, it's getting annoying.
DoubleTsmom D trulysickofcorn:, sorry about that.
trulysickofcorn D doubleTsmom: As I was saying, someone is getting a bit cocky lately?
DoubleTsmom D trulysickofcorn: are you talking about me? I am not cocky. Really, I had no idea the Miss Tangerine thing would become so big. Who knew it would lead to more CFs and even a movie deal. You really think I am getting cocky? I am so sorry?
trulysickofcornD doubleTsmom: uhm I wasn't talking about you silly, I was referring to miss sleeping with the enemy.
DoubleTsmom D trulysickofcorn: kekeke its funny that they think we don't know, we aren't retarded. well I am not anyway. ^^
trulysickofcorn D doubleTsmom: hey, I am not retarded just a bit spacy
but yeah one day I am just gonna burst their little bubble, but CL-roo's been so happy lately, after all the stress of preparing for Japanese promotions, its good to see her happier
DoubleTsmom D trulysickofcorn: true treu, but back to the subject at hand, welcome to our little private world. hope you plan on sticking around more!!!!!!
trulysickofcorn D doubleTsmom: I have to keep an eye on baby
trulysickofcorn D badgoodhoodgirl: Mingkki, I agree you can't throw it away.
badgoodhoodgirl D trulysickofcorn: but unnie.
trulysickofcorn D badgoodhoodgirl: it's rude.
badgoodhoodgirl D trulysickofcorn: but unnie.
badgoodhoodgirl D trulysickofcorn: if he won't bother to see me as more than just some kid, why should I bother to protect his feelings. I did tell you he totally ran away from me.
trulysickofcorn D badgoodhoodgirl: everyone is having a hard time with you growing up right before our eyes, even me.
badgoodhoodgirl D trulysickofcorn: but for a while there didn't it seem like he was kinda idk flirting with me, or am i crazy?
DoubleTsmom D badgoodhoodgirl: were you flriting back?
badgoodhoodgirl D doubleTsmom: hey, where did you come from
DoubleTsmom D badgoodhoodgirl: I am reading over Bom's shoulder I can't bear to watch CL in the booth making googly eyes at GD
badgoodhoodgirl D doubleTsmom: ewwwwww
trulysickofcorn D doubleTsmom: ewwwww
badgoodhoodgirl D doubleTsmom: unnie, I don't even know HOW to flirt
trulysickofcorn D badgoodhoodgirl: I beg to differ
trulysickofcorn D badgoodhoodgirl: exhibit A: RT @mingkki21: @HitechMain Oh my god.. acknowledging acknowledging... Got a feeling that this hard working dancer is going to get an award~!!
trulysickofcorn D badgoodhoodgirl: exhibit B: RT @mingkki21: @bounce2004 Acknowledgment acknowledgment~!! You look even more beautiful when you're working~!!
trulysickofcorn D badgoodhoodgirl: exhibit C, the pièce de résistance**** RT @mingkki21: @HitechMain @wowokhy I'll be the one to give it to you~ Ke ke Please brag about it~ ke ke "I got an award for effort ~!!" You did really well, stamp of approval!!
trulysickofcorn D badgoodhoodgirl: what's up with you and all these boys?
badgoodhoodgirl D trulysickofcorn: oops looks like its my turn to get in the recording booth, tootles
18onthe18th: wtf is this? "RT @mingkki21: @HitechMain Oh my god.. acknowledging acknowledging... Got a feeling that this hardworking dancer is going to get an award~!!"
18onthe18th: and this? "RT @mingkki21: @bounce2004 Acknowledgment acknowledgment~!! You look even more beautiful when you're working~!!"
18onthe18th: wtf man wtf wtf wtf wtf "RT @mingkki21: @HitechMain @wowokhy I'll be the one to give it to you~ Ke ke Please brag about it~ ke ke "I got an award for effort ~!!" You did really well, stamp of approval!!"
1arrogantcityboy: you realize that I am perfectly capable of reading her tweets on my own.
18onthe18th: good so now that you have read them, go ban her from twitter
1arrogantcityboy: for what?
18onthe18th: for talking too much, for flirting with men, idk for SOMETHING
1arrogantcityboy: why?
18onthe18th: it will ruin her image
1arrogantcityboy: you are soooo right, the next headlines on Nate could be "MINZY TALKS WITH HER COWORKERS, NETIZENS DEMAND SHE BE KICKED OUT OF THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY."
18onthe18th: she is not just talking, aren't you worried?
1arrogantcityboy: why should i be, she is a sweet girl who is loved by everyone she isn't doing anything wrong.
1arrogantcityboy: Stop reading her tweets if its just gonna make you mad.
"Top, why are you and GD texting when your sitting right across from each other?" leave it to maknae to get all nosy.
Wait, is he using informal language again? "Top?"
"I mean hyung, I mean uh, nevermind." this kid needs to learn some respect.
"For your information, not that it's any of your business, but we are working on lyrics," hopefully Jiyong won't ruin the lie with a snort.
"Oh I see, well VVIP is doing well, even better than High High, maybe I can help." chimes Seungri.
Jiyong must have sensed my patience slipping away, "I guess Uee didn't know that when she rejected you on King of Idols?" ah the upperhand returns to the hyungs.
18onthe18th: That kid is getting out of hand, I thought you said you had him under control.
1arrogantcityboy: Nah, he is cool, just getting cocky.
"I need to go find someone, talk to you guy later." until I sorted things out with Minzy I can't focus on anything, even Seungri's less than subtle goading.
On my way to find Minzy, and distancing myself from Sengri to keep from strangling him, I wonder how EXACTLY, I should tell her/explain to her she should never ever ever ever talk to anyone who isn't me. Ok, she will probably have to talk with them, but certainly no tweeting. Except, I don't want her to know I even KNOW about twitter let alone read her tweets. This is getting complicated.
Luckily, she was exactly where I expected her to be, practicing in the dance studio.
“Minzy-ah can I talk to you for a second?” let's hope this conversation goes better than our last one.
I think I may have startled her, but she seemed pleasant enough. “Sure oppa”
“I am a bit worried about you?” too blunt, I needed some small talk.
Too late, “Really, why?” can I go back and start with the small talk first?
I should just dive right in. “People have been saying you are talking alot with the dancers. Well, they talk alot about you and your conversations.” so far so good.
“We got close during Go Away promotions, they are really nice oppas.”
“Yes well, they are much older.” and also MEN.
“No way, your waaaaaaayyyyyy older then them” I am not 50, does she think I am that old?
“I wouldn't say waaaaaaayyyyy older.”
“Maybe it's because you seem so old.” Ouch.
“OLD, it's probably back when I had the white hair.” why are we focusing on my age?
“No, it's now too.” Double ouch.
“I see...” Minzy has sweetly and innocently left me speechless yet again.
“You were saying,” she asks, she sounds annoyed.
“Right right, I just don't want you to get caught up in any gossip being so friendly with a bunch of MEN.” at least I told my honest opinoin.
“That won't happen, we are all just friends we hang out as group and go get coffee we aren't partying or drinking.” she seems quite sure of herself. “Well sometimes they drink, but I don't.”
“THEY DRINK AROUND YOU?” I can't help but yell, there is drinking involved: hot girl, horny 20 year old men and drinking; bad combo, bad combo. "This has got to stop, stop right now."
“So have you and the other Big Bang oppas” that's different.
“You're older?” again with the old thing Minzy?
“Huh?” I am so lost right now.
“You were going to say you're older?” NOOO I was not going to say that.
“No, I was going to say we don't go out in public and drink around you.” a very important distinction.
“Isn't 2NE1 tv public, you were drinking at GD's party in season one?” Why is she so smart? Why does she remember EVERYTHING so quickly?
“I am just trying to show some concern for you Minzy, I don't want... This is a serious matter.” Why do I always end up
seeming like a simpleton around her?
“You are right, I should probably bake tiny pink pastries in my new oven instead of hanging out with my friends.” no longer annoyed, Minzy seems mad.
This conversation is going much worse than our last, “That's not what I mean.”
“It's not really any of your business, ahjussi. To you I am always going to be 10 no, I think the minimum age is 6, so yeah
6. and to me you are always going to be...” scratch that, she is livid.
“What, what am I always going to be?” I am actually quite eager to know
After a long pause, Minzy quietly responds, "you are always going to be... You'll be an ahjussi that works in the same company as me." triple ouch. I watch dumbfounded as she picks up her things and walks and leaves the studio.
Why is heartbreaker playing in my head all of a sudden?
*CL twitter name, see Can't Nobody English lol
**TTsmama = Tamtam's mother, ie one of many Dara twitter usernames
***badhoodgoodgirl Minzy's 2nd twitter account
****DoubleTsmom = Tamtam's mother, ie one of many Dara twitter usernames
*****pièce de résistance is a French term (circa 1839), translated into English literally as "piece of resistance", referring to the best part or feature of something (as in a meal), a showpiece, or highlight. (wikipedia)
Ahjussi is a Korean term a girl would use to describe an older man. No man under like 40 wants to be called ahjussi and certainly no man in their older 20's. Minzy is well aware of this fact and uses it purposefully.
Was this Chapter too long?
I thought about splitting into two but, then they would have been really short? IDK Feels like a long chapter.
Was the 2NE1 conversation confusing, i used colors and tried to keep it clear, but don't know how effective it was in keeping things clear.
Do I explain too much in the chapter notes? should I just leave some information as is?
Need some Dae and Tae to complete the appearances, hmm wonder who else should make an appearance?
I don't think it was as funny as the last two chapters but hope you still liked it. I probably won't have time to update again till sometime next week, sorry.