Does the concept of you reap what you so apply to fic?

May 07, 2011 19:08

 I have spent all day today since about 7 am on a Saturday laying either in bed on kneeling on the bathroom floor sick as a dog.  No fever, and nothing else is wrong with me except for an extremely upset stomach.  I ate 1 cracker and puked it up about fifteen or twenty minutes later.

So, my question applies because I purposefully made Connor insanely sick at the hands of Philip Burton.  Was I too mean to him and now I'm paying the price?  LOL!

I am currently trying to hold down the one anti-nausea pill I took a little while ago with a mouthful of water.

alyse, I'm almost done with my Primevalathon fic, but I can't do it right now.  I'll get it up ASAP.  I'm so sorry.  At least we're only talking about a delay of a day or two, three at most.

evenstar_estel, I'm sorry I haven't got your corrections back to you.  I'm really hoping this is just a little 24-hour stomach bug.  :-(

random, real life, fail, personal

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